Hi everybody,
since I want to be able to manage my collection by using some kind of software support and unfortunately I couldn't get it working using a cardpool in LackeyCCG (there seems to be some strange limit which doesn't allow for adding additional cards - only duplicates to existing ones) and using a Lackey deck is far to slow I decided to tinker a small tool for myself. (I already posted that strange behaviour in Lackey forum and wrote Trevor personally last year but it couldn't get resolved yet.)
To make things easy I just used a spreadsheet application (in this case LibreOffice but maybe OpenOffice should work too - if time and motivation allows maybe I will try to create an Excel version in addition). Thanks to EmJayBee I was allowed for using his Redemption LackeyCCG plugin carddata file as well as his picture server. Thank you a lot EmJay!

This also means it has the same "quality" as the current LackeyCCG plugin has (for more details see
here for example.
The spreadsheet provides all possibilities for filtering/selecting so that you can easily get to relevant cards or kind of cards (e.g. of one set or of one kind of special ability or of one kind of class [like territory]). Also sorting would be possible but here you need to be careful since if you sort for one column using the dropdown in the headlines all other related columns won't get sorted meaning you'll end up with a messed sheet!
Since it is just a small tool it is far from being perfect - and also never will be.
The current version can be downloaded from
here (I had some occasional errors which I couldn't reproduce and hence not really fix yet), for previous versions please see end of this post.
Screenshot can be seen
What are you able to do with it (features):
- Uses LackeyCCG Redemption plugin carddata.txt file as data source in first tab (i.e. first sheet)
- Clicking on line will show card image
- Display of card image can be (de-)activated
- Path to LackeyCCG installation can be chosen, and is also stored now within own sheet - Images will be loaded from there (in case of not yet downloaded by LackeyCCG image will be shown from web source)
- Pressing Add to Cardpool button copys currently selected cards to your Cardpool (second tab resp. sheet)
- Copy to Cardpool supports single cell selection, selection of connected cell range and selection of multiple non-connected cell ranges - just select cells in column "Name"
- Always the entire line will get copied to Cardpool tab/sheet
- Within your Cardpool tab/sheet you are free to edit/delete/move everything to your needs
- carddata.txt and Cardpool tab/sheet are protected but no password is set (if you remove protection from carddata.txt and maybe mess up that sheet macros might not be working anymore)
- Needs LibreOffice (maybe OpenOffice might be working too)
- Macro activation need to be allowed while loading/starting this spreadsheet
- Sorting for one column (e.g. in Cardpool tab/sheet) using dropdowns in headers will not necessarily sort related columns automatically
- Downloading and displaying of pictures might take a while from time to time
- Maybe still a lot of bugs, side-effects, "unwanted features", etc.
- Certainly lots more ...
Note:I also added the current All_Sets_Full_List spreadsheet within the carddata.txt tab/sheet just to provide this in addition if someone want to use it too. If I am not allowed to please let me know and I'll remove it.All additional list sheets have been removed.
If you have any questions, comments, ideas, proposals, etc. feel free to post it here or just drop me a PM.
Previous versions: