New Redemption Grab Bag now includes an assortment of 500 cards from five (5) different expansion sets. Available at Cactus website.
Wow! This is incredible! Awesome! Thanks a lot! Seems that now I can retire my RCM tool since this is so much better!Short question: How can collections be managed (even after creating an account this option is deactivated in the menu)?Also settings is deactivated yet and in FireFox I could not find the download possibilty - is it hidden somewhere?
* Being able to link to a search as a way of easily sharing multiple cards at once* General ease and quickness of how I designed it to work
You probably have a plan, but you could see how I made the Testament Filter in the viewer in my code -
What's the plan like for adding new cards to this? I can share the process I used for the LoC cards into the viewer and ready for Lackey.. But if you add new cards, will it help get them into Lackey?
Oh yeah - doing multiple searches at once is something I'd go back to the viewer for.
Along those lines, also sorting by card number when looking through a set.
Will the universal deck import also contain importing from Lackey exports?
Are you planning on developing a way for a player to upload all their cards to the "Collections" section? I currently keep track of all my cards (couple thousand) by logging them on the card list spreadsheet. It would be fantastic to be able to load all of these at once.
For collection management, the ability to “move” cards. The way I see this working is by having a master collection where you can manually add cards to inventory levels. However, when you are building decks with the cards in your inventory, it automatically reduces your inventory level and increases that card count in your deck level. There should also be an easy function to wipe out all of the cards in a deck and return them to inventory.Furthermore, it would be awesome to be able to layer your inventory with sub-levels so that you can separate your collection from cards you are willing to trade or sell. Perhaps the option for others to only be able to see decks and inventories that you choose to make public.Include a feature where your inventories will automatically update when you trade someone. When they are originally marked for trade, it could be updated to “pending” and then after confirmation on each individual end of the trade, that player’s inventories will be updated to reduce the quantity of cards traded and increase the quad received at the click of a button since the program would be able to link the trade between the players.For updating inventories, having an auto-save feature where it keeps the data as you are inputting would be valuable too.Thanks for working on this!
I just want to say that this is an incredible resource, and I'm definitely going to be using it in the future. Well done on everything so far - it looks very sleek and I look forward to seeing how it develops.With that out of the way (and the reassurance that ambitious ideas are welcome), here's what would make this my first and last stop for card info:On the card search page, as it stands hovering a card shows the name, set, and a copy image link. My idea is for a detail view - my first thought is opening a box on double click, but it could be its own page as well, or whatever works. This view would have important info about the card, akin to what was on the old wiki. It would help particularly with old cards that have difficult-to-read abilities over the text, and possibly even be a resource to help with accessibility to the game for colorblind folks. Much of the basic stuff would be relatively simple, I imagine, as most of it would be simply filled by text that exists anyway for the db search. The tricky part would be Play-As and erratas. Really going the extra mile it could even include a rulings sections, where frequently asked questions can have a definitive place attached to the card so that people don't have to go diving on the boards/discord.Obviously this is a bit of a big ask (basically integrating the ORCID, and a ton of work manually entering stuff with the last suggestion) but having everything in one place would be sweet. Also, you have an extra S in "Revelation of John"
Another thought. When looking through the cards, I see there is an "add to deck" option. I tested this option out by making 3 "decks", and when I went to add a card, I wasn't given the option of telling it in which deck to put the card. I'm assuming this is a work in progress?