Author Topic: Redemption Lexicon  (Read 11553 times)

Offline SEB

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Redemption Lexicon
« on: May 20, 2021, 10:21:30 AM »
Hello all!

I have been quite busy in the last year, and have not had the time to devote to Redemption like I would want. My cousin is in the same boat, and we were talking about the Redemption Lexicon (link here: that we made awhile back. We are having a hard time keeping that up-to-date with set creation. As much as we would love to be an aid to the community with this tool, we are wondering if it would be better piloted in the hands of a more active community member.

If you have a website for redemption and would want to pick up this torch, feel free to message me on the forums or on discord (Keith Bartram).

Have a wonderful day!
God bless
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Offline awillia6

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Re: Redemption Lexicon
« Reply #1 on: February 01, 2022, 09:35:08 PM »
I wanted to update this topic to let you guys know that my plan to shutdown the website with the Lexicon at the end of the month (2/28/2022). I'm going to work on getting the source code moved to my GitHub this month and post a link to this thread for anyone who might be interested in reproducing a similar tool for the community in the future.


Offline Gabe

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Re: Redemption Lexicon
« Reply #2 on: February 01, 2022, 10:35:55 PM »
I wanted to update this topic to let you guys know that my plan to shutdown the website with the Lexicon at the end of the month (2/28/2022). I'm going to work on getting the source code moved to my GitHub this month and post a link to this thread for anyone who might be interested in reproducing a similar tool for the community in the future.


Thank you, Aaron!
Have you visited the Land of Redemption today?

Offline awillia6

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Re: Redemption Lexicon
« Reply #3 on: February 28, 2022, 10:32:48 PM »
I have finished uploading the source code for the site to GitHub tonight:

The contains links to the PHP framework (Laravel) I used to create the website and Lexicon. It will probably take some technical knowledge with web technology (specifically PHP, JS, HTML, CSS) and databases (I used MySQL) to customize and expand the site. I probably won't be checking the forums pretty regularly for a while since I'm busy with work and other projects, but feel free to send me an email ( if you have questions. I will try to answer them as best I can with my limited time.

Since this is the last day of February, I'm planning on shutting the site down tomorrow morning (3/1/2022). I hope the site was useful for some of you when I first created it and the data of cards was more complete.



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