
Should Redemption Elders be allowed to play in Cactus Games tournaments?

No, they should not be allowed to play in tournaments
Yes, but only Local and District tournaments
Yes, but not in the National tournament
Yes, they should be allowed to play in all levels of tournaments
I don't care, this is a silly debate
Yes, but Elders should not be allowed to play in an event at Nationals if it uses newly released cards.

Author Topic: Redemption Elders and Sanctioned Play  (Read 6424 times)

Offline jbeers285

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Re: Redemption Elders and Sanctioned Play
« Reply #25 on: September 10, 2015, 04:41:01 PM »
I agree with Brian here.  I think the card knowledge doesn't make a difference but the ruling knowledge is another story.  For instance if I come up with some ridiculous combo based off of an old cards wording I have the chance to discuss is with people like Justin, John, Jordan, Gabe ect and I never have to make it public knowledge.  Someone without the same kind of inside connection or track has to put the combo in the public forum get the answer.

Being able to more easily get a ruling for a combo and being able to keep it hidden is definitely an advantage.

Instead of posting it on the public forum, could not one simply PM an elder?
In short yes
2 things
1. This releases information which you may not want to have to give away to all the elders.  If it is debatable other elders will be informed to discuss the ruling. (Could this happen to a elder, sure it could but is less likely being that they can share it with one other elder and keep it secret from there. Leaving only 2 people who know the scenario.
2. This is not as easy of a journey for someone who 1 needs to track down elders, 2 doesn't know if they trust them to keep it secret (because they don't know them.) 3 it requires them to trust one elders opinion to make the final call to keep this from becoming more than 2 people involved.

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Re: Redemption Elders and Sanctioned Play
« Reply #26 on: September 10, 2015, 04:52:57 PM »
If the last option is viable then we also need to include any non-Elder who may be utilized during the play testing process.

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Re: Redemption Elders and Sanctioned Play
« Reply #27 on: September 10, 2015, 04:57:11 PM »
I have the answer:

All special combos that people want an official ruling on must send them privately to me. I will then make a ruling, and that ruling will be final. My ruling cannot be overturned by an Elder. I will not be at Natz, so there are no revealed secrets. Your secret combos are safe with me because I don't trust anybody.

Problem solved.

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Re: Redemption Elders and Sanctioned Play
« Reply #28 on: September 10, 2015, 05:16:55 PM »
Just my 2 cents worth:

I think one needs to think about what some of the objectives of Redemption and the community fostered through the playing of Redemption are.
If we are building a community of fun, fellowship, and friendly competition for all who show up at a an event (from Nats to even a tiny  local in someone's living room), then exclusion is not the answer because that can take away some of the fun for people who really love the game and have committed a great deal of time (and, let's be honest, money) to the game. If fun is not to be had because of being excluded from play, then some of the elders/playtesters may not prioritize going to tournaments (causing fellowship to lost) or they may have only closed tournaments for others of their status (causing isolated fellowship and a definite split in the community).

I say, "Let 'em play!" No need to flirt with isolating/alienating a group of people from a card game just because they "might" have an advantage over the typical (or atypical) player.
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Re: Redemption Elders and Sanctioned Play
« Reply #29 on: September 10, 2015, 06:06:35 PM »
As for keeping combos that you are not sure work or not secret, one other method is to post a question on a related topic/similar situation that could give a precedent for a ruling (I have done that before, both before and after I became an elder. I assume that most people who are creative enough to come up with some sort of odd combo utilizing old wording, etc. could also be creative enough to come up with a similar situation that could be ruled on without disclosing said combo. Failing that, the other option would be to post about a specific tournament, in regards to who will be judging the applicable category. They could then PM/Email that judge the combo, ask how the judge would rule on it, and also ask for confidentiality (within reason - if the judge needs to consult people who either won't be attending or playing that category, the person could give their approval for that). It may be fairly complicated, to be sure, but if you are set on using a deck that you know may cause a ruling issue, then it is incumbent upon you to utilize the resources at your disposal.

As for the trust issue, confidentiality couldn't be assured regardless of whether or not elders would be allowed to play. Even if I wasn't allowed to play at Nats, perhaps Jayden or another good non-elder friend who I would like to see win is playing. If you PM me some crazy combo, there's nothing stopping me from telling that person to tech for the combo. Obviously, I hope people know me well enough that I wouldn't do that, nor would any of the other elders from as well as I know them.
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Offline Drrek

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Re: Redemption Elders and Sanctioned Play
« Reply #30 on: September 10, 2015, 07:13:28 PM »
I do think that there would be a benefit of making more transparency in rulings.  Could there be some sort of rule implemented where neither elders nor other players can have things ruled for them privately, where any official ruling questions must be posted on the main rulings board?  Obviously this doesn't work for ruling questions that arise for the next set as we are playtesting it, but those won't be the cards we are able to use at that year's nats except for booster (and really are you going to try to get a sneaky ruling in for booster).

This also wouldn't change people from bringing a deck with a combo they aren't sure will be ruled in their favor to nats and just hope the ruling goes in their way, but I think that's generally fine, as you are having to take risk to do so.
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Re: Redemption Elders and Sanctioned Play
« Reply #31 on: September 10, 2015, 08:35:49 PM »
but what about the people that cant get on the forums regularly to ask, but have an Elder Handy. I was at school with Mr.Underwood, and I would ask him questions about cards quite a bit. would that mean he would have to post the question for me, or that I would have to keep a list of questions that I would have to post as soon as I got home from school, so that everyone was on exactly equal footing? I think making people post every ruling question about cards that they have is a bit excessive. if someone wants a small advantage because of one combo, then let them.  They would only be able to use it at one event, if that, before people figure it out.

Offline Drrek

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Re: Redemption Elders and Sanctioned Play
« Reply #32 on: September 10, 2015, 10:10:59 PM »
but what about the people that cant get on the forums regularly to ask, but have an Elder Handy. I was at school with Mr.Underwood, and I would ask him questions about cards quite a bit. would that mean he would have to post the question for me, or that I would have to keep a list of questions that I would have to post as soon as I got home from school, so that everyone was on exactly equal footing? I think making people post every ruling question about cards that they have is a bit excessive. if someone wants a small advantage because of one combo, then let them.  They would only be able to use it at one event, if that, before people figure it out.

I figure most of the times any questions you would ask would generally be cards that have already been ruled on, or follow the rulings of other cards that have already been ruled on.  If you found something that was new, and there was no ruling for, that's when you'd have to post it.
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Re: Redemption Elders and Sanctioned Play
« Reply #33 on: September 11, 2015, 09:43:47 PM »
I think they should keep playing in everything. They are some of our best players and I always like the ability to play them so I can learn from getting my tail-feathers kicked in.  They are very helpful and yes, competitive, but not in a mean way. You can look at these boards/tourneys and see all kinds of places where they are helping players out with strategy, deck tips, rules, etc. You don't always find that camaraderie and selflessness in other games. :)

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Re: Redemption Elders and Sanctioned Play
« Reply #34 on: September 12, 2015, 07:50:48 PM »
The Elders should most certainly be allowed to play in any and all tournaments. The reasons are very simple.

1. There are no large prizes on the line.
2. They are not employees, simply volunteers. Without them, Redemption as we know it doesn't exist.
3. Excluding them sends the wring message, that the game is focused on competitive play. The main focus is fellowship and sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

I want to take this opportunity to thank all of the Elders for their dedication and hard work.

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Re: Redemption Elders and Sanctioned Play
« Reply #35 on: September 12, 2015, 07:54:28 PM »
In the end, I think it comes down to an issue of trust. Do we trust that the elders will not consciously participate in rulings knowing that the position they are advocating is one in which they benefit regardless of whether it would be the correct ruling? If we can trust the elders not to do this, then the issue of their experience is no more an issue than that of any long-term, skilled player regardless of whether they are an elder or not. After all most, if not all, of them became elders because they were excellent players. To then tell them that they are barred from play because they are too good and we want others to have a chance to win is idiotic in the extreme.

As far as knowledge of the new cards go, the only category I see you could even make a case for baring them from would be booster at nationals. Anything else is entirely undeserved and would be nothing more than an unearned punishment for being a good player.

Banning players from tournament play for something other than repeated gross rule breaking is not a step that I think cactus wants to take. It sends the wrong message, it punishes players for being successful, and in the end it goes against the very spirit that Redemption is supposed to embody.
Just one more thing...

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Re: Redemption Elders and Sanctioned Play
« Reply #36 on: September 12, 2015, 10:29:08 PM »
Let them play cause when you beat them.......'Bragging Rights' 😎 At least till next tourney when they win using a deck based off Angel Wars and Prophets...egg in face 🍳
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Re: Redemption Elders and Sanctioned Play
« Reply #37 on: September 23, 2015, 06:52:42 PM »
Was this ever resolved?
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Re: Redemption Elders and Sanctioned Play
« Reply #38 on: September 23, 2015, 06:58:03 PM »
Was this ever resolved?

There isn't anything to actually resolve. It was more of a discussion for the community to have. It comes up from time to time but hadn't really been talked through by the players and elders before now.
Have you visited the Land of Redemption today?


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