Author Topic: Re: We Need a New Starter Deck  (Read 6271 times)

Offline uthminister [BR]

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Re: We Need a New Starter Deck
« Reply #25 on: October 17, 2018, 01:24:25 PM »
Thematic starter/constructed type decks are a fantastic idea. What the pre-constructed decks Watchman and I offer can't do is provide old cards on new card faces while introducing new cards to support those themes as well. I would be in full support of something like this happening. Unfortunately in the long term plan for Redemption and the foreseeable future, it is simply not in the cards.

Well, each year it doesn't happen is a year of a considerable missed opportunity, imo. Burn-out is a real thing. Plans can be altered. See: Darth Vader and Lando. ;)

Burnout due to not have a new starter deck? The year we do a starter deck we will likely not release a new set. What is worse?

Offline jesse

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Re: We Need a New Starter Deck
« Reply #26 on: October 17, 2018, 01:26:13 PM »
Are finances needed, or manpower, or both? Because I'm definitely willing to help, as would many people in the community.
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Offline Master Q

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Re: We Need a New Starter Deck
« Reply #27 on: October 17, 2018, 02:31:20 PM »
Thematic starter/constructed type decks are a fantastic idea. What the pre-constructed decks Watchman and I offer can't do is provide old cards on new card faces while introducing new cards to support those themes as well. I would be in full support of something like this happening. Unfortunately in the long term plan for Redemption and the foreseeable future, it is simply not in the cards.

Well, each year it doesn't happen is a year of a considerable missed opportunity, imo. Burn-out is a real thing. Plans can be altered. See: Darth Vader and Lando. ;)

Burnout due to not have a new starter deck? The year we do a starter deck we will likely not release a new set. What is worse?

Burnout after 6-7 sets of the box format. These should be viewed not exclusively as starters, but as a set themselves. Having structured decks like these kills two birds with one year (new set=new starters). Attract new players, satisfy old players. Win-win.  8)
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Offline Reth

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Re: We Need a New Starter Deck
« Reply #28 on: October 17, 2018, 02:34:02 PM »
I am also in favor of combining cards of the newer sets (beginning of CoW) with cards of older/previous sets and releases. This will benefit in several manners: Next to boosters older cards get another sales option, new players will be able to get some of the newer strong cards (next to newer "normal" cards) and all the new mechanics introduced but also old-established players might be such kind of decks instead of some boosters in order to get cards from newer sets. Just my 2 cents.

What do you think regarding that crowdfunding idea: IMHO a poll here might not be reflecting reality since I'd assume majority of players in the US are not active here in the forum. But maybe I'm wrong with this assumption.

Offline Sean

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Re: Re: We Need a New Starter Deck
« Reply #29 on: January 04, 2019, 04:40:25 PM »
I wish I had noticed this before I posted my question about new starters.  I do have some reaction to the thoughts here though.

There will always be a need for beginner decks.  Everyone has to start someplace.  I have 2 dislikes of the I/J starters, one is that they are 5 years old and the second is that they aren't mono brigade.  Other than that, there isn't really anything wrong with I/J in my opinion.

I think it would be ideal to release new starters every 4 years so that the new abilities and such can be incorporated.  That being said, it is also very hard to determine how many decks to print because while you don't want to print too many, you also don't want to run out because then new players wouldn't have a quick and easy base from which to start.

I feel like there aren't enough players to make official decks that are more competitive in a cost effective way.  There are so many themes, which ones would Cactus choose?  What does Cactus do for the players who prefer themes which don't get picked?

Maybe a better idea would be to release a new set that is sold by theme.  So a new set might have 10-20 themed packs of 7-10 cards each.  Each pack would have 3-4 characters and enhancements and then 1-2 other cards.  As with the starters, I think something like this every 4 years would be great.

This leads me to my grand plan for Redemption (since I'm an expert after not playing for almost 10 years)

Sean's Grand Plan
Year 1, print 2 starter decks, 50 cards each, sold together for $12.00. Each deck has 1 new special ability Lost Soul and a reprint of an old special ability Lost Soul iff it was given errata (Lost Souls never printed outside starter decks). Each deck has one 2 color Hero and one 2 color Evil Character. Each deck has 1 card for each new 'feature' since the last starter (i.e. Star Cards). New brigades never introduced in a starter. If a new brigade is introduced it is always included the subsequent starter.
Year 2, print large expansion of close to 200 cards to be sold in booster packs of 10 cards each for $6.00. Uses C/UC/R/UR format.
Year 3, print 15 themed sets of 8 cards each. Sold for $6.00 per set. Sold in strategic pairs for $11.00 after 6 months.
Year 4, print small expansion of about 100 cards to be sold in tins/boxes of 4 new common cards, 1 new rare card, 1 booster from the large expansion from 2 years ago and any special shenanigans. Sold for $12.00. A major focus of this year would be to reprint cards that have errata so that the correct wording can be present for easy game play.
Year 5 begins the repeat process

Getting back to strictly starters, we should skip the letter K and release the LMNO 5th Generation deluxe starter set that has 4 decks, 50 cards each.

Sorry for the long post but I had fun with it.

May you prosper greatly!
Daniel 4:1b


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