Author Topic: Past Nats promos  (Read 1367 times)

Offline Watchman

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Past Nats promos
« on: August 15, 2017, 09:37:36 AM »
I am wondering why several other past Nats promos are still given out each Nats (such as Daniel and Elijah) but not the ones from the past three years. I understand that the there are probably a bunch of the older ones as they were not print-on-demand, but other POD promos (such as Abram's Army and Philly Diviners and now Job) are repeatedly given out at each regional tournament. What was the decision based on that does not include the Glory of the Lord promos being given out in latter tournaments. Is it because of the date stamped on them? If so I don't see why it still couldn't be given out at other Nats.
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