Author Topic: Online Redemption Tournament Application Form...  (Read 2943 times)

Offline 777Godspeed

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Online Redemption Tournament Application Form...
« on: August 16, 2018, 05:36:41 PM »
     If this has already been brought up in the past then disregard. I have been out of the loop for a few years. I had a thought about being able to apply for Redemption Tournaments online. I believe that the paper application could be made into an electronic fillable form (drop down windows and such) and payment could be made directly to Cactus through whatever means Cactus is currently using for payments. I believe this would alleviate the current 6 weeks application period and, quite possibly, shorten it to 2 weeks. This seems to still allow ample time for Cactus to receive, approve, ship and for the tournament Host to receive supplies for the tournament. I believe this also addresses the shorter notice Tournament pinch also.
    Hosts could be issued a Username and Password for this area as a precautionary authentication step. This doesn't necessarily need to replace the paper Tournament Application, but would provide a, possibly, more streamlined ability apply.
     I may be over simplifying what is actually necessary to make this happen. What say you?

« Last Edit: August 17, 2018, 03:19:04 PM by 777Godspeed »
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Re: Online Redemption Tournament Application...
« Reply #1 on: August 16, 2018, 05:51:08 PM »
Sounds like a great idea to me!
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Offline 777Godspeed

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Re: Online Redemption Tournament Application...
« Reply #2 on: August 16, 2018, 07:42:47 PM »
     I am thinking there is a lot more to this than I imagine, else it would have been done a long time ago in this age of technowonders. I can google like a son of a gun, but not much more. The reason the idea came to me was because I use fillable forms a lot at work and just finished writing out a Tourney Application when the idea hit... "There should be a way to combine the two and possibly streamline the application process." I just threw out the 2 week idea fishing, it can actually be whatever Rob believes will be best for the Redemption Community.
     Like I said earlier, if this idea has already been floated, discussed and laid to rest then disregard all I have said. No feeler will be hurt on my end.

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Offline Josh

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Re: Online Redemption Tournament Application...
« Reply #3 on: August 17, 2018, 08:16:52 AM »
If nothing else, you could convert the tournament application to a fillable PDF and email it.  This is actually fairly easy to do.  It would save a few days over being mailed, plus the cost of a stamp and envelope.
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Offline JonathanW

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Re: Online Redemption Tournament Application...
« Reply #4 on: August 17, 2018, 09:26:51 AM »
If nothing else, you could convert the tournament application to a fillable PDF and email it.  This is actually fairly easy to do.  It would save a few days over being mailed, plus the cost of a stamp and envelope.

People mail their tournament applications  :o

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Re: Online Redemption Tournament Application...
« Reply #5 on: August 17, 2018, 10:13:17 AM »
If nothing else, you could convert the tournament application to a fillable PDF and email it.  This is actually fairly easy to do.  It would save a few days over being mailed, plus the cost of a stamp and envelope.

I do this (since the tournament application is already a PDF).  8)
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Re: Online Redemption Tournament Application...
« Reply #6 on: August 17, 2018, 10:42:36 AM »
     If this has already been brought up in the past then disregard. I have been out of the loop for a few years. I had a thought about being able to apply for Redemption Tournaments online. I believe that the paper application could be made into an electronic fillable form (drop down windows and such) and payment could be made directly to Cactus through whatever means Cactus is currently using for payments.
I think this is an excellent idea. It is an realistic project and could be a real service to the community.

I believe this would alleviate the current 6 weeks application period and, quite possibly, shorten it to 2 weeks. This seems to still allow ample time for Cactus to receive, approve, ship and for the tournament Host to receive supplies for the tournament. I believe this also addresses the shorter notice Tournament pinch also.
I do not think this is a reasonable expectation. The bulk of the application period has nothing to do with the delivery time for the application form (which is what you are minimizing).

As a next step, you should probably contact Rob and ask him what features he would like to see in the application that would make things easier on the Cactus side.

Once you have a concrete plan in place let me know. I am willing (and able) to help on a project like this if help would be appreciated.

Offline 777Godspeed

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Re: Online Redemption Tournament Application...
« Reply #7 on: August 17, 2018, 01:22:41 PM »
I believe this would alleviate the current 6 weeks application period and, quite possibly, shorten it to 2 weeks. This seems to still allow ample time for Cactus to receive, approve, ship and for the tournament Host to receive supplies for the tournament. I believe this also addresses the shorter notice Tournament pinch also.
I do not think this is a reasonable expectation. The bulk of the application period has nothing to do with the delivery time for the application form (which is what you are minimizing).

Without knowing reasons for the 6 week time frame I was just shooting in the dark on shortening it. I guess one of the next steps would be how much interest there would be from Hosts in using an Application system like this? I figure that this is where some sort of cost/benefit analysis would come in. I don't know how much cost this would take to put in place, so that is an unknown on my end. Benefit? Easy to use. There is the potential to target a date 2-3 weeks out for a tournament. I don't have the inside knowledge of the application approval process, but I was basing this off the Impromptu Local Tournament option that was debated at length a few years back. I also understand that larger (State, Regional, National) most likely would not be covered with a, possible, shorter application process. I do think Locals and Districts could be.
Here is a link to that lengthy discussion:!/

So, the question is... How much interest is there in making a change like this?

« Last Edit: August 17, 2018, 03:21:20 PM by 777Godspeed »
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Offline Gabe

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Re: Online Redemption Tournament Application Form...
« Reply #8 on: December 03, 2018, 01:40:09 PM »
I just sent off my application for a Winter Seasonal promo tournament for my playgroup. Filling out the PDF form the old fashioned way reminded me of this topic. I directed Rob here in hopes that after the holidays it's something he can mention to his web team.
Have you visited the Land of Redemption today?

Offline 777Godspeed

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Re: Online Redemption Tournament Application Form...
« Reply #9 on: December 04, 2018, 08:20:05 AM »
Thanks Gabe.

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