Author Topic: New player here... :)  (Read 1300 times)


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New player here... :)
« on: April 17, 2017, 04:03:24 PM »
So, I played Redemption about 8-9 years ago and loved it for what short time I was involved.  I had to forego the game due to family and other responsibilities, but now my two oldest kids are wanting a good card game like this to play.  So I told them if they wanted to I would see about getting back into collecting the cards again. :)  It really is for the really! :)  Anyways, being that I have missed many updates and expansions.  Where would be a good place to pick up at now?  I no longer have the other sets anymore either.  Thanks!

Sorry if this is posted in the wrong place.


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Re: New player here... :) Now with Lackey
« Reply #2 on: April 22, 2017, 11:30:23 AM »
I finally got Lackey running this morning on my Mac.  I had to do a workaround with Wineskin and the windows version, because the older mac version of Lackey does not work on the newer OS.  Now I can practice some deck building!! Woohoo!  8)

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Re: New player here... :) Now with Lackey
« Reply #3 on: April 26, 2017, 10:22:30 AM »
I finally got Lackey running this morning on my Mac.  I had to do a workaround with Wineskin and the windows version, because the older mac version of Lackey does not work on the newer OS.  Now I can practice some deck building!! Woohoo!  8)


I've been meaning to get more into playing games on lackey, so I'll try to use you as an excuse!  Let me make sure I have the latest version downloaded and we can try to play some games.  I also have some decks that originated from another member here, and then came up with some on my own to help slowly build and teach the kids different techniques and styles of play, then they can add what they like and throw away what they don't!  I had all of those loaded on lackey, so you could copy them and see what you think about those as well!


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