Author Topic: Multi-player redemption games in a tournament.  (Read 1032 times)

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Multi-player redemption games in a tournament.
« on: February 23, 2017, 02:20:19 PM »
Not sure if I posted this in the right category.

Anyways just wondering how does scoring work in type 1 or 2 multi-player tournament games??

How would one , get the best score possible in a single multi player game tournament??  Do not quite understand this.

example  if the score was 4-4-3 (no time out)   and I rescued 3 redeemed souls what score would I get for that game? would it be -1??

In my experience I have noticed some of the following things while playing multi player games:
- Some players use cards like unholy writ , magic charms to sorta have control of the battlefield whenever they need to it seems like.

- Some games there are cards like Nazareth , signet ring and Daricus decree being played by most players at the table.

My thoughts I have are:

- The new falling away could see some play in multi-player games

- Its probably not a good idea to use the anti-burial LS in a type 2 multi-player game , because it would stop other players from using their burial to slow down the lead player from rescuing Lost souls.

- Having coliseum out (other players may not be able to use their effective blocks)  or playing Aocp may not be a good idea either for the similar reason as the anti-burial LS

- The sitting positions or what order the turns are , could matter on what you will score

- Try not to generate more lost Souls for your opponents to rescue.

Anyone have any thoughts on how to play - score effectively  in multi-player tournament games??


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Re: Multi-player redemption games in a tournament.
« Reply #1 on: February 23, 2017, 04:13:04 PM »
For scoring- I believe so, yes.

The Guardian has got to be one of the most successful and perhaps also one of the most patient of t2 multi player's I've seen. He will steadily lead from behind to make the most of his Grapes of Wrath and potentially TSC Grapes. Definitely very considerate of the whole game state rather than eagerly seeking a winning game.

There are many cards which work off of "total x in battle/play" that are extremely strong in this category currently.

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Re: Multi-player redemption games in a tournament.
« Reply #2 on: February 23, 2017, 04:45:06 PM »
For multi-player scoring there are a couple things that are always true.

1. The number of total points awarded is equal to the number of total players. (i.e. 4 players = 4 points awarded for that game)
2. If the game times out, everyone is awarded some points (even if it's a fraction of a point).

I believe there is a multi-player scoring table on the Cactus site that breaks down what points are given for the various outcomes that are possible.
Fortress Alstad
Have you checked the REG?
Have you looked it up in ORCID?


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