New Redemption Grab Bag now includes an assortment of 500 cards from five (5) different expansion sets. Available at Cactus website.
I'd love to see more articles written by veteran play group leaders that talk about how to start a play group, how to lead a healthy play group and how to grow a play group!
I'm interviewing for a summer job at Disney tomorrow, but I can probably write an article about starting a playgroup, particularly in schools.
YMT is the old, fat guy that annoys everyone with his lame humor. The other board members pretend to laugh at his jokes because they know he is hypersensitive and may go into a deep depression if they do not. He has started playgroups in several different states, but that is because each group gets sick of him after a few years and kicks him out of the area. YMT hardly ever actually plays Redemption because he's not very good at it. You will never see him at the National Tournament for reasons that only make sense to him.
Do I get to write my own profile?