Author Topic: Joseph - A Patriarch's Journey  (Read 9321 times)

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Joseph - A Patriarch's Journey
« on: January 12, 2012, 12:16:47 AM »
I thought that a number of people might be interested in the stories that go into developing and testing a Redemption card. Not every card has an elaborate story and a bunch of changes along the way, but some do. I've taken the time to document one such card from the 2011 tins.

If there's enough interest I'll take the time to do a couple more card like this. I have testing notes on every set since Treasures. If there's a card you'd like to see, please feel free to make a suggestion. I cannot guarantee that I'll be able to do the card you want, but I'll give it consideration.

Without further ado, here's "Joseph - A Patriarch's Journey".
« Last Edit: January 12, 2012, 02:33:17 AM by Minister Polarius »
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Re: Joseph - A Patriarch's Journey
« Reply #1 on: January 12, 2012, 12:17:31 AM »
Joseph is one of the most well know people in the old testament.  Most people have heard the stories of Joseph and the Coat of Many Colors, Joseph sold into slavery, Joseph unjustly thrown in prison, Joseph interpreting Pharaoh's dream and Joseph as ruler over Egypt being reunited with his family. While Joseph is a prominent figure in the Bible, he was not in the game of Redemption. When the 2011 set design began we knew that we wanted one of the tins to contain an offense based on Joseph, including a Joseph reprint in the blue brigade.

With the depth of things that happened in Joseph's life there were a lot of options to choose from when deciding on his special ability. Some people suggested that he should be able to hold Coat of Many Colors again, like the Patriarch version.  We had suggestions about him not being discarded and/or protecting others from discard. Several ideas were presented to release him if he was captured. Someone suggestion he should ignore female evil characters. Another said he should search for items related to his story, possibly Storehouse, Joseph's Silver Cup, Coat of Many Colors or Goshen.

We had already established a pattern for Jacob's sons, where their strength is based on their birth order, 12 being the first born and 1 being the youngest, making our Joseph reprint a 2/*. We kept the toughness of 7 from the Patriarch's version of Joseph, which was chosen because Joseph prophesied the 7 Years of Plenty and the 7 Years of Famine. We also talked about giving him a toughness of 2. Some suggested it should at least be 3 or 4 to ensure that Potipher's Wife gains initiative against him.

This is the first version of Joseph that we began testing:

After some initial testing most people wanted to change Joseph's stats to 2/2, like all the other sons of Jacob that were born after Simeon. One person suggested that if Joseph is captured and released he should grow in stature to represent how he rose to power in Egypt. We realized that the original ability of Joseph was too long and need to be shorted a bit.

About this time I searched through all the different ideas for Joseph reprints that had been posted on the boards over the years. I don't recall exactly which ideas were inspired from what I saw there but I know that some were. If you posted an idea for a new Joseph over the years and you see something similar to your idea, there's a chance you had an influence on this card. :)

This is what we came up with for our second round of testing:

Even as a 2/2, this version of Joseph wasn't very impressive in game play. As one of the most well known of Jacob's sons (at least during his lifetime) we wanted a Joseph that people would be inclined to add to their Genesis offense. This version just didn't seem like it was it.

The release from capture ability wasn't that useful, even though it was Biblically accurate. We decided to trade it in for this addition: " Good cards with "Joseph" in the title or reference cannot be negated." A quick search indicated that would include these cards:
Reuben's Torn Clothes
Buying Grain
Joseph Before Pharaoh
Coat of Many Colors
Patriarch Travels (white)
Brothers' Reunion (white)
Ezekiel's Stick
And a few NT cards.

To compliment that ability we also decided to test Joseph with the identifier "Holds Coat of Many Colors". That really complimented the new ability well since it would benefit some off color enhancements, and it was a tribute to the original version of Joseph.

During the next two rounds of testing we didn't make any further changes to Joseph. We discussed how a character with a holds ability will work since that hadn't been done before. We decided it would work the same as weapons and warriors. We talked about the potential ways to abuse a Joseph who could just use Coat of Many Colors like a weapon and tested it thoroughly. The idea of adding green to Joseph was brought up and quickly dismissed.
« Last Edit: January 12, 2012, 10:30:15 AM by Gabe »
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Re: Joseph - A Patriarch's Journey
« Reply #2 on: January 12, 2012, 12:18:12 AM »
During our 5th revision of the 2011 set, a very in depth discussion took place about making Joseph Blue/Green. Some people were in favor of the change. Others were very leery of the implication of Joseph+Coat+Hidden Treasures.  Joseph was plenty strong now and we wanted him to be a star for Genesis decks, not the lynchpin of some crazy combo. Eventually we agreed that we would test a two color Joseph, but that's all. Some of the specific concerns that were tested involved his ability to use multiple side battle enhancements, multiple choose the blocker enhancements and Creation of the World craziness.

There was only one modification to this version of Joseph, but it was a very important one.

Joseph was over powered in this form, but it wasn't adding green that did it. Creation of the World shenanigans were a fun and sometimes powerful combo to play, but nothing game breaking. We enjoy giving life to old cards that didn't see play before. The thing we found that made Joseph over powered was his cannot be negated protection from discard. He was simply too hard to stop. There was rarely any reason to rescue with another any other Hero.

The solution we chose was to change "good cards with 'Joseph' in the title or reference cannot be negated" to "enhancements with 'Joseph' in the title or reference cannot be negated." Now it was possible to negate Joseph's protection and discard him. It also gave Joseph an ever so small drawback - Coercion and Joseph in Prison gain "cannot be negated" when played against Joseph.

You might notice that the printed version of Joseph does not have the identifier "Holds Coat of Many Colors". In our final discussion about Joseph the team agreed the benefit of holding his coat to play any brigade was what gave Joseph the potential for broken combos. Even though we had not found anything extremely broken about it in our testing we didn't want to take the chance that we missed something. Really, when you think about it, Joseph didn't have his Coat of Many Colors all that long before it was taken from him and destroyed. It's not really all that accurate to let him hold it for an entire game in the first place.

What we were left with is a really strong Hero for Genesis decks. Someone who will impact the tournament scene and rescue Lost Souls for many years to come. A small representation of a man, who trusted a very big God, even when his circumstances looked hopeless. A man who God raised to power and used to save many nations from famine. A caricature of the Jesus who would one day come and save this world from sin.

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Re: Joseph - A Patriarch's Journey
« Reply #3 on: January 12, 2012, 12:33:43 AM »
Extremely enjoyable read Gabe; thanks for taking the time to write it up. It's always nice to have a look into the playtesting process. If possible, I'd love to see notes on Grapes, the various magicians from TxP (looking at one card is one thing, but seeing the way a theme forms would be extremely entertaining to me), and Susie (looking at the way the playtesters approached giving an already top-tier theme a decent sized boost).

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Re: Joseph - A Patriarch's Journey
« Reply #4 on: January 12, 2012, 12:43:38 AM »
Without looking back at notes I recall there being a lot of discussion and changes for Grapes. I'll probably save that one instead of doing it next since it'll probably be long, and possibly one of the funnest reads. :)

I like your other suggestions too. I'll see if there's an interesting story to tell for those cards.
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Re: Joseph - A Patriarch's Journey
« Reply #5 on: January 12, 2012, 01:19:45 AM »
Thanks for taking the time to show the thought that went into the various versions, really fun article  :D
I love the new Joseph, I bought two of the tins immediately, lol. I was named after this guy so it is really exciting to enjoy playing a useful version of him in tournament play.

I would love to hear about Tower of Thebez if there is any "back story" to that, I can tell just by the preciseness of the wording there was, at least, a great deal of thought that went into the ability.

Red was always playable :)

Chronic Apathy

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Re: Joseph - A Patriarch's Journey
« Reply #6 on: January 12, 2012, 01:26:50 AM »
Thanks for taking the time to show the thought that went into the various versions, really fun article  :D
I love the new Joseph, I bought two of the tins immediately, lol. I was named after this guy so it is really exciting to enjoy playing a useful version of him in tournament play.

I would love to hear about Tower of Thebez if there is any "back story" to that, I can tell just by the preciseness of the wording there was, at least, a great deal of thought that went into the ability.

Here you go.

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Re: Joseph - A Patriarch's Journey
« Reply #7 on: January 12, 2012, 02:00:27 AM »
Cool article, looking forward to more! However, I will be moving this thread to a more suitable home :)
I am not talking about T2 unless I am explicitly talking about T2. Also Mayhem is fine now somehow!

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Re: Joseph - A Patriarch's Journey
« Reply #8 on: January 12, 2012, 10:16:56 AM »
I'm surprised it took so long for him to get green added, since as far as I know just about all human prophets in the last several years have had green brigade. I love that Potiphar's Wife's initiative against Joseph was even discussed!

It's interesting that there's such a push to make the big names in the Bible also big names in Redemption. Big names like Samuel, Joseph, and Isaiah have become big names recently. Many staples of the present or past, like Uzzah, Gomer and Hur, are fairly minor players. I kind of like that minor characters get big roles, since that encourages people to get to know the Bible better. How strong would you say the push is to make bigger names more prominent in the game?

Judas' Plot seems like something that may have seen several incarnations, and maybe part of an overarching "Judas and Sadducees" theme push. Anything interesting to say about that?
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Re: Joseph - A Patriarch's Journey
« Reply #9 on: January 12, 2012, 10:53:17 AM »
An absolutely fascinating read.  Thanks, Gabe!  I love reading about all the thought and development that goes into creating card games.  If it would be possible, I'd love to read more.  Personally, I'd be interested in the thought that went into the older tins, when themes started getting really strong.
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Re: Joseph - A Patriarch's Journey
« Reply #10 on: January 12, 2012, 01:23:17 PM »
How strong would you say the push is to make bigger names more prominent in the game?

While there is certainly somewhat more of a push, I think that making well-known characters stronger has two benefits: First, it's always fun to be able to see people you've read about in good decks. If a person who knows little about Redemption sees a top deck, knows that its supposed to be the Bible, but doesn't see any characters he knows, he may not be too convinced. I know that the first question I get asked by people when I say it's about the Bible is "Is Jesus the most powerful card?" To which of course I say "Pretty much, although he's not called Jesus in the game, he's called the Son of God." So I think it's part of the fun to see well-known characters have good abilities.

Secondly, I think the popularity of Isaiah/Samuel/Joseph/etc. can introduce people to other aspects of their lives that they may not know. For example, before Redemption, did you know that Isaiah was confronted by an Angel who told him to eat a burning coal? Or that he was an influential adviser to King Hezekiah who prophesied routinely about the Assyrian Empire? I do also like that some minor characters in the Bible have good abilities, and that will always be true (Uzzah is still in probably 80+% of top competing T1 decks, Gomer maybe a bit less now).

I think the more pronounced push is that we make cards that can be used in competitive decks. And because of cost reasons, the last several sets have by necessity needed to contain a lot of reprints. Which means that the many characters from Unlim/Prophets that have no SA will be reprinted to have SAs that would encourage their use.
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Re: Joseph - A Patriarch's Journey
« Reply #11 on: January 12, 2012, 02:47:27 PM »
For example, before Redemption, did you know that Isaiah was confronted by an Angel who told him to eat a burning coal?

Well, "before Redemption" for me was when I was about 9 years old, but that's not the point. :)

I agree with everything you said though, there are benefits to players of both bigger and smaller roles in the Bible seeing widespread use. And by trying to make every card usable in competitive decks, hopefully every card that's printed will get make it somewhere, so every name, little or small, will see some prominence. Which is great for everyone. Yay everyone!
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Re: Joseph - A Patriarch's Journey
« Reply #12 on: January 12, 2012, 04:16:10 PM »
That's so cool. I know his raid is over and it has been told somewhat I still want to see Thaddeus's full story.
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Re: Joseph - A Patriarch's Journey
« Reply #13 on: January 12, 2012, 05:34:55 PM »
That's so cool. I know his raid is over and it has been told somewhat I still want to see Thaddeus's full story.
Or angel under the Oak's.

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Re: Joseph - A Patriarch's Journey
« Reply #14 on: January 12, 2012, 08:48:37 PM »
The difference between the two is that AUtO is made more for judges/samuel drawing and that's about it and Thaddeus was just so uber powerful last set.
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Re: Joseph - A Patriarch's Journey
« Reply #15 on: January 12, 2012, 11:41:25 PM »
Thanks for your feedback. Here are a few personal responses.

I would love to hear about Tower of Thebez if there is any "back story" to that, I can tell just by the preciseness of the wording there was, at least, a great deal of thought that went into the ability.

Bryon's article does a great job previewing the Tower, but it doesn't tell a lot of the back story as to how we arrived at the card you see now. There were a number of changes that should make a good story, without repeating much of what Bryon shared in his preview article.

I'm surprised it took so long for him to get green added, since as far as I know just about all human prophets in the last several years have had green brigade.

I can only think of two Heroes that are prophets that didn't receive green brigade since FooF - Jacob and Gabriel. However, every time we add green brigade we have to consider the interaction with Hidden Treasures so we are apprehensive about it. There's at least one Hero who prophesied that might see print next year without green brigade too.

Judas' Plot seems like something that may have seen several incarnations, and maybe part of an overarching "Judas and Sadducees" theme push. Anything interesting to say about that?

I think Judas' Plot did have several incarnations but those were mostly us trying to figure out how to word the ability properly. That might not be a very interesting read. I'll see if there's anything fun related to Judas and the Sadducees.

Personally, I'd be interested in the thought that went into the older tins, when themes started getting really strong.

A more veteran elder than myself would have to do that write up. My involvement started during RoA and I have very few notes for that set, none for FooF. I didn't get heavily involved in the testing process until TeP.

That's so cool. I know his raid is over and it has been told somewhat I still want to see Thaddeus's full story.

For one of my next few articles I'll look back and see if there's anything interesting there. It might be a short story that goes like this:

That's subpar. Still not very good. That looks better. Oops. ::)

Or angel under the Oak's.

I actually think he might have an interesting story. I seem to remember a number of changes to him along the way.
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Re: Joseph - A Patriarch's Journey
« Reply #16 on: January 12, 2012, 11:46:36 PM »
Didn't Gates of Samaria go under a pretty drastic change? I'd also like to know why you didn't print the best hero in the game >:c.

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Re: Joseph - A Patriarch's Journey
« Reply #17 on: January 12, 2012, 11:54:29 PM »
I'd also like to know why you didn't print the best hero in the game >:c.

That one is easy. I'll sum it up for you in 2 words. NOT CAANANITE. :)

The plan was to have the red/black tin be all Caananites (both good and evil). Initially we couldn't find enough Caananite, warriors that were part of David's mighty men. In an early version of the set 'Sauce's good buddy' Ittai was in that tin since he was a foreigner (Philistine) and one of David's men. We kept digging through scripture and found another Caananite to add. The awesome version of Ahimelek the Hittite you have today replaced Ittai.

Fun note: Foreign Sword is actually Ittai's sword.
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Re: Joseph - A Patriarch's Journey
« Reply #18 on: January 13, 2012, 09:00:14 AM »
I'm surprised it took so long for him to get green added, since as far as I know just about all human prophets in the last several years have had green brigade.

I can only think of two Heroes that are prophets that didn't receive green brigade since FooF - Jacob and Gabriel. However, every time we add green brigade we have to consider the interaction with Hidden Treasures so we are apprehensive about it. There's at least one Hero who prophesied that might see print next year without green brigade too.
Would that possibly be a NT (Acts) Hero?
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Re: Joseph - A Patriarch's Journey
« Reply #19 on: January 13, 2012, 10:59:18 AM »
It could be Peter.

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Re: Joseph - A Patriarch's Journey
« Reply #20 on: January 13, 2012, 11:16:35 AM »
It could be Peter.
I thought that, but I'd be surprised if they reprint the remaining few Disciples.  Thad's still good, and Disciples are a still the powerhouse that they were.
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Re: Joseph - A Patriarch's Journey
« Reply #21 on: January 13, 2012, 11:34:08 AM »
I thought that, but I'd be surprised if they reprint the remaining few Disciples.  Thad's still good, and Disciples are a still the powerhouse that they were.

They continued to print Genesis Heroes after that was already a strong theme. And they have several patriarchs left untouched. WE WANT GENESIS GAD! OCCUPY HAYESVILLE!
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Re: Joseph - A Patriarch's Journey
« Reply #22 on: January 13, 2012, 11:37:04 AM »
You don't have the entire playerbase in an uproar like Thad did.
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Re: Joseph - A Patriarch's Journey
« Reply #23 on: January 13, 2012, 11:41:33 AM »
It could be Peter.
I thought that, but I'd be surprised if they reprint the remaining few Disciples.  Thad's still good, and Disciples are a still the powerhouse that they were.

I disagree. Straight Disciples are no longer top tier, and I think they'll need a Susie-esque boost in the next set to stay truly viable. It makes sense to have Peter and Andrew in a starter deck at any rate.


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Re: Joseph - A Patriarch's Journey
« Reply #24 on: January 13, 2012, 12:09:27 PM »
Starter decks traditionally have 3 characters of each brigade, so with Peter and Andrew, what other Disciple still needs a reprint? Or, if not a Disciple, what purple hero?


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