Author Topic: If you could choose to ban a card(s)  (Read 3306 times)

Offline Crashfach2002

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If you could choose to ban a card(s)
« on: September 11, 2018, 02:56:21 PM »
So another topic got me thinking the question.  If we could choose to ban a few cards from the game to fix the "unhealthy" games, first what would they be and second would other cards arise to become problems.  So that is the question I want to ask you, well the first one at least.  I want to hold a discussion, but first I want to have the problem cards pointed out.

So here is what I'm asking.  In order, name the (up to) 10 cards that you feel need to be removed from Redemption to help promote a "more healthy game."  I do want them in order as you feel the most "unhealthy" and a little description as to why you feel the way you do about the individual cards.  Then after several people have given their opinion, and we find what those 10 cards might be, I'd love to talk about if others will actually take their place or not!

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Re: If you could choose to ban a card(s)
« Reply #1 on: September 11, 2018, 03:26:15 PM »
I think that banning cards is very serious and should be handled very carefully and done very sparingly - cards to be banned shouldn't just be "annoying" but ones that actually are hurting the game. Even then, I would prefer erratas over banning.

That being said, I think these cards have been popularly mentioned in banning discussions
1. Haman's Plot
2. Hezekiah's Signet Ring
3. Angel Under the Oak - I think if the Gideon protection was removed via errata, it would be just fine
4. Samuel (RoA) - I think if the D2 was removed via errata, it would be just fine
5. A New Beginning (Pa) - not needed now with the FoM version which seems to be just fine

I personally think that Falling Away (W) should stay, as it has counters and it seems most people play the CoW version anyway.
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Re: If you could choose to ban a card(s)
« Reply #2 on: September 11, 2018, 03:28:04 PM »
1) Samuel (RoA) - A true +3 card advantage, CBN and the piece that connects the Judges speed (Auto) to the Throne speed (Saul and Abigail) Samuel is undoubtedly among the most powerful non Dominant cards and is the lynchpin that enabled #Mayhem. Banning Samuel would have a drastic impact on the main decks in the meta. Jair has similar speed (+2 CBI) but doesn't benefit the Throne deck. There is no other obvious card that replicates all that Samuel does. Was a key piece of the 2016 "BoM" deck as well

Offline Bobbert

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Re: If you could choose to ban a card(s)
« Reply #3 on: September 11, 2018, 03:48:14 PM »
1. The Second Coming/New Jerusalem
I'll count them as two if you want me to, but we all know they're basically the same card, and the only reason someone who has TSC would run NJ is for Teams. While I understand concerns about game length, having 2/5 of your win condition in two cards heavily incentivizes super speed decks (not that we wouldn't see them otherwise, but other options become available as dominants become less game-winning).

2. Falling Away (Wo)
The main argument for NJ/TSC is this card, but I'd personally drop them all. Having your rescue negated feels pretty bad, and it's notable that it's still run over the (also powerful) CoW version in some decks.

3. Angel Under the Oak
Draw 2 is powerful enough that Auto sees play in straight silver decks that don't have any judges for him to grab. Add to that a tutor and CBN protection and you have an autoinclude card. The fact that it can go anywhere is also a huge reason it's so powerful (especially when compared to similar cards such as Secret Name or Winds).

4. Haman's Plot
This has always been a fairly divisive card. It is incredibly powerful, with a cost that is frankly unhealthy for the game. This will only get worse as time goes on, and we're already seeing a bit of have/have not with a Patriarchs card.

5. Samuel (RoA)
Powerful for many of the same reasons as Auto. CBN D2, tutoring whole nine yards. Add to that the fact that Auto can grab him for even more drawing and you've got a busted turn 1.

There are certainly some more cards that I wouldn't mind to see go, but they tend to be either central for themes (Music Leaders) or counters that keep others in check (HSR).
« Last Edit: September 11, 2018, 03:50:42 PM by Bobbert »
ANB is good. Change my mind.

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Re: If you could choose to ban a card(s)
« Reply #4 on: September 11, 2018, 04:31:21 PM »
I can’t think of anything from any of the newer sets I would include on this list. I can’t even think of 10 cards. These are very good things.

1. Samuel (tin) - Reasons stated, no foreseeable replacement

2. Uzzah - Splashiest, most accessible chump block (The Deceiver, Wages, Babel, TAS, etc) that doesn’t have a condition like Fire Foxes. Probably Sabbath Breaker or Goliath would take its Reserve spot in most decks. I am Creator looks a lot less appealing if it doesn’t have Uzzah to eat it later.

3. Haman’s Plot - Reasons stated, there are no other cards like it.

4. Angel with the Secret Name - It was either this or AuTO, and I think I’d actually choose this over Oak. CBN any Judges enhancement to any Judge just begs for abuse down the road. Given how widely-played Foreign Wives is, I truly don’t think AutO is a problem if it’s limited to Judges/Angel decks and if Sam is gone. There’s plenty of counters to protection thanks to FoM that Gideon isn’t the force he once was. For replacement, AutO literally is this card with a draw 2. Why have two Judge-tutoring angels?

5. Hezekiah’s Signet Ring - Reasons stated. Perhaps something like Covenant with Death can replace it, but CwD is a double-edged sword whereas HSR is not.

6. Ahimilek - Too broad of a removal, too easy CBN, too easy to set up with David, too easy to get in battle with Throne. In my mind, Throne can honestly stay if Ahimilek goes, as the old banding cards don’t become automatic battlewinners without Ahimilek’s removal. There really isn’t a replacement.

7. Hidden Treasures - Removes the threat of preblock ANB and anything else that causes problems. Such a limiting and precarious card. No replacement.

8. Falling Away (wo) - Reasons stated. FA (CoW) is already a replacement.

I can’t recommend NJ/TSC because they are basically the only reason games don’t time out 100% of the time, and TSC has other applications rather than grabbing SoG. Dominants are unbalanced by design, and I think the answer is to have other cards that could take SoG and/or TSC’s place in decks. Over time, these could very well be theme-tied. Banning TSC anytime soon would most assuredly backfire given how hard it is to obtain and how much people have spent just to get one. It truly is one of the few cards in the game that has value.
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Re: If you could choose to ban a card(s)
« Reply #5 on: September 11, 2018, 04:39:20 PM »
Oh yeah, that's the other thing I was going to put in mine.

6. Uzzah
We've been printing counters to chumps for the last several years and they still see play in almost every deck haHAA

7. Firefoxes
Yes, it has a condition, but let's be honest - how many decks worth playing aren't going to draw or search on any given turn? At least it doesn't kill itself before you can negate it like Uzzah, but until this year the only people I knew who weren't running it were doing so because they didn't want to play an overly powerful card, not because it wasn't powerful enough.
ANB is good. Change my mind.

Offline Kevinthedude

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Re: If you could choose to ban a card(s)
« Reply #6 on: September 11, 2018, 04:41:45 PM »
I may edit this later with more but these are the one's I'm completely confident about:

1. Samuel, for reasons everyone knows and have previously stated

2. NJ/TSC, accompanied by reducing the soul win count to 4. I don't expect this to ever actually happen but I think it would have been better if the game had been that way from the start

3. Uzzah, it's not very interactive, reduces deck building choices, stalls games, etc

4. Plot, gives players who have the spare funds to have spare plots and more importantly to check multiple complete decks an advantage

Offline Red Wing

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Re: If you could choose to ban a card(s)
« Reply #7 on: September 11, 2018, 05:51:57 PM »
Alright, here's my list. I tried to approach it from a perspective of balance and overall health of the game rather than THAT'S OP!!! lulz bant.

1.   I am Creator - Are you playing heroes? This should be in your deck.
2.   You will Remain - Does your deck have more than one viable rescue option? This is in your deck.
3.   Throne of David - Obvious pick here. Play first is one of the most powerful good abilities in the game as the Angel Party phenomenon proved.
4.   Justin Martyr - Single best hero in the game by a power/cost ratio.
5.   Uzzah - Best block in the game.
6.   Eternal Inheritance - Stupidly easy soul in the best single brigade. Also, Christ's Triumph is a thing.
7.   Plot - Kinda stupid that we can't just have a one deck rule. It might be OP anyway though.
8.   NJ/TSC/Women's Felling - Like Kevin said, play to four. Makes the game less dependent on dom rushes and forces more deck variety.
9.   Sam/AuTO - Honestly, not sure which one belongs here. Maybe they both do. I lean toward AuTO because Sam is significantly less good without Throne.
10.   AoCP – Maybe this doesn’t matter in the meta right now but clearly on a power level beyond what is healthy for the game.
Lots of other strong candidates out there. Great White Throne and Faith of Ponder come to mind. And I probably missed stuff.
« Last Edit: September 11, 2018, 05:55:12 PM by Red Wing »
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Re: If you could choose to ban a card(s)
« Reply #8 on: September 11, 2018, 08:44:06 PM »
If a card on your list counters something else on your list that's an issue.

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Re: If you could choose to ban a card(s)
« Reply #9 on: September 12, 2018, 09:22:37 AM »
1) Samuel (RoA)-too much speed, cut him and you kill a lot of thrones power

2) hamans plot-way powerful, only really useful by the players who can afford to rip cards

3) Uzzah-fewer chump blocks means get to have a battle and have to build an actual defense

4) fire foxes-same reason as uzzah

5) Auto-I would hope with Samuel gone he wouldn't be as much of a problem, but CBN protection is too good

The main one is Samuel IMO.  All of these are designed to make decks go slower and actually have to use the battle phase

Offline Bobbert

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Re: If you could choose to ban a card(s)
« Reply #10 on: September 12, 2018, 09:34:42 AM »
If a card on your list counters something else on your list that's an issue.

Is it? I imagine that listed cards that counter unlisted cards are a bigger issue.

Taking both TSC and FA(w) is removing a pair of cards that counter each other, but (IMO) makes for a healthier game with fewer negative experiences.
HSR, meanwhile, has been listed here. While it can certainly be frustrating to play against (take it from me - I play Flood and Priests, both search-heavy offenses), it is also one of the main counters that decks with a lot of searching need to take into consideration. Would it be more balanced if it hit both players, like Nazareth? Sure, but there's a reason Naz isn't in every deck. HSR helps control Auto and Sam, sure, but it's good against a lot of other decks (music, angels, flood, etc.) that would just be more dominant without it. Banning HSR, which counters cards that aren't listed here, would be a bigger issue.
ANB is good. Change my mind.

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Re: If you could choose to ban a card(s)
« Reply #11 on: September 12, 2018, 09:56:28 AM »
One of the biggest problems in the game is free search and exchange. HSR is one of the few decent counters to that. I definitely agree that blanket restriction is not a great card design but banning cards like Sam/AUTO and HSR makes no sense to me. Also, artifact destruction has never been easier with Woes and Wages.
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Re: If you could choose to ban a card(s)
« Reply #12 on: September 12, 2018, 02:21:34 PM »
I would probably ban Samuel (RoA) next.

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Re: If you could choose to ban a card(s)
« Reply #13 on: September 12, 2018, 02:32:28 PM »
I hate banning cards, but I'd have to agree with Sam and HSR. Sam because he bridges the gap between judges and throne (not bad in itself), and you also get +3 cbn draw, search, and band? too strong imo. HSR, because it's boring to play with and against, especially in a time when searching is such a large part of the game for all players. If HSR could get an errata to restrict both players, I'd be fine with that, but I don't think there is any way to fix Samuel.     
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Re: If you could choose to ban a card(s)
« Reply #14 on: September 12, 2018, 02:40:41 PM »
The problem with HSR isn't what it counters, it's how it counters those things, and what it means for other counters.

Offhand, if you want a counter to ML, I can think of Covenant with Death, HSR, Image of the Beast, Golden Calf, Babel, Moses (CoW), and Naz. Many of those counter out of battle searching in ways that don't inhibit in battle searching. Of those, Cwd, Naz, and Moses affect all players, so they more or less put the game on even ground (unless you're building your deck around them). HSR doesn't have the same limitations as those, and it basically shuts the game off for one player while the other isn't affected.

This means there's almost no reason to play anything else if you want to counter Flood, tabernacle, or music decks, as anything else you play will be inferior to HSR due to the sheer one-sidedness of it and the sheer number of things it counters.

HSR is not high on my list (I would even say only the top three on my list are the ones I'd absolutely want gone ASAP), but it is only going to continue to make other counters subpar as long as it exists.
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Re: If you could choose to ban a card(s)
« Reply #15 on: September 12, 2018, 02:43:19 PM »
For those wanting to ban HSR because of power level and lack of deck building choices, why is YWR not on your list when it's significantly more of an auto include that HSR has ever been?

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Re: If you could choose to ban a card(s)
« Reply #16 on: September 12, 2018, 02:58:55 PM »
For those wanting to ban HSR because of power level and lack of deck building choices, why is YWR not on your list when it's significantly more of an auto include that HSR has ever been?

Because that doesn't stop a player from doing anything, (except for end the battle, but who plays that) it just gives you another thing you can do.
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Re: If you could choose to ban a card(s)
« Reply #17 on: September 12, 2018, 03:00:13 PM »
Samuel (RoA)


Haman's Plot

I think bans should be focused more offensively than defensively since it seems like a good offense typically will wreck a good defense regardless.  I think Haman's Plot should be banned thought because it gives a great advantage to someone who can afford to check in 3 decks with it over someone who can't. 
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