Welcome and one of the better cards is Micah
Welcome and one of the better cards is Micah
In your opinion. ::)
Hello everyone, I just started to play the game yesterday. My first question is what is the best card? Thanks.
Hey welcome to the boards. Also where are you from? Do you play in any tournaments or anything yet?
I am from Lancaster, OH.You're pretty close to Schaef on the outskirts of Columbus. He holds tournaments sometimes and would be a great guy for you to get to know. Alternatively, there used to be some tournaments on the north side of Cincy as well run by another great guy named Travis. However, he hasn't hosted any since before Nats. Just check the tournaments page at Cactus' website to see what is coming up.
I am from Lancaster, OH.You're pretty close to Schaef on the outskirts of Columbus. He holds tournaments sometimes and would be a great guy for you to get to know. Alternatively, there used to be some tournaments on the north side of Cincy as well run by another great guy named Travis. However, he hasn't hosted any since before Nats. Just check the tournaments page at Cactus' website to see what is coming up.
You're welcome to come to our tournaments as well (Jackson, KY) but that would be a lot longer drive for you. However, sometimes the OH guys do come down this way and perhaps you could car pool with them and make a road trip out of it :)
if you love strategy games then get the journeys of paul board gameHey welcome to the boards. Also where are you from? Do you play in any tournaments or anything yet?
Hi and thanks for all the replies, they are very helpful. I am from Lancaster, OH. I'm working on my master's of theology in seminary right now. I love strategy games and this one was obviously attractive. I haven't attended any tournaments yet but plan on looking into the closest one soon.
the best card is the Garden Tomb and some nice 'ole N.T. little ladies
the best card is the Garden Tomb and some nice 'ole N.T. little ladies
they'd probably slap ya for calling em old
you just pwned yourself! XDwelcomeOLE?!
the best card is the Garden Tomb and some nice 'ole N.T. little ladies
they'd probably slap ya for calling em old
They probably wouldn't, because they'd probably get stoned.
Oh rats...we're talking NT...
you just pwned yourself! XDwelcomeOLE?!
the best card is the Garden Tomb and some nice 'ole N.T. little ladies
they'd probably slap ya for calling em old
They probably wouldn't, because they'd probably get stoned.
Oh rats...we're talking NT...
the best card is the Garden Tomb and some nice 'ole N.T. little ladies
They probably wouldn't, because they'd probably get stoned.(Bob Dylan voice) EVERYBODY MUST GET STOOOOOONED!