Cactus Game Design Message Boards
Redemption® Collectible Trading Card Game HQ => Redemption® Resources and Thinktank => Topic started by: goldencomet on January 25, 2012, 07:15:26 PM
somehow it always happens that, whenever a new set comes out, I take a few (underexaggeration) months off of the game, I have yet to play a game with anyone since the new set came out, last game I ever played was with Disciples. If anyone has a few spare seconds on their hands, could that kind person please share a very speedy run down of the new set, along with flashy combos, etc? I would completely understand if I am asking too much, but I'd love to hear a few quick things before I dive right in to the new set.
Also I'm glad to be back. What an awesome community.
Thank you in advance,
~ Jonathan
Angel Under the Oak -> Samuel -> Armorbearer -> Ishmiah -> Ashael -> King Hiram
Aaaaand that's all you need to know.
somehow it always happens that, whenever a new set comes out, I take a few (underexaggeration) months off of the game, I have yet to play a game with anyone since the new set came out, last game I ever played was with Disciples. If anyone has a few spare seconds on their hands, could that kind person please share a very speedy run down of the new set, along with flashy combos, etc? I would completely understand if I am asking too much, but I'd love to hear a few quick things before I dive right in to the new set.
Also I'm glad to be back. What an awesome community.
Thank you in advance,
~ Jonathan
I'm assuming you are referring to t1. Samuel and Genesis decks are everywhere now. You can find examples of each under t1 deck advice. Sam decks rely on speed, banding and cbn battle winners such as sam's edict, bravery of david, ahimelek etc. It is usaully paired with a small standalone defense. Genesis decks usually revolve around Joseph and utilizes the genesis egyptians on defense. This deck is especially good with an early creation of the world. Isiah is also fairly popular and I have seen a few Gates of Samaria decks.
Babs are a pretty tough defense. Green/Teal is a great offense too though it doesnt seem as popular on the boards as Samuel & Genesis. I guess because it's not as fast.
Babs are a pretty tough defense. Green/Teal is a great offense too though it doesnt seem as popular on the boards as Samuel & Genesis.
That's because it's not as good as Sam. Genesis really isn't that great, it just gets a lot of publicity. Green/Teal seems like it has potential, but it just can't compete.
Babs are a pretty tough defense. Green/Teal is a great offense too though it doesnt seem as popular on the boards as Samuel & Genesis.
That's because it's not as good as Sam. Genesis really isn't that great, it just gets a lot of publicity. Green/Teal seems like it has potential, but it just can't compete.
I disagree. A few top players that I've talked to agree with me that green/teal can be the best if someone can construct it properly. Genesis is an extremely solid offense, and can quite easily be considered "that great," and has, quite frankly, earned the publicity it's gotten. In the meantime, Gardensciples is the best offense right now in my opinion, and a lot of people agree.
Babs are a pretty tough defense. Green/Teal is a great offense too though it doesnt seem as popular on the boards as Samuel & Genesis.
That's because it's not as good as Sam. Genesis really isn't that great, it just gets a lot of publicity. Green/Teal seems like it has potential, but it just can't compete.
My Samuel deck has been beaten by a Teal/Green a couple times, but yeah Sam has more speed & CBNs.
Babs are a pretty tough defense. Green/Teal is a great offense too though it doesnt seem as popular on the boards as Samuel & Genesis.
That's because it's not as good as Sam. Genesis really isn't that great, it just gets a lot of publicity. Green/Teal seems like it has potential, but it just can't compete.
My Samuel deck has been beaten by a Teal/Green a couple times, but yeah Sam has more speed & CBNs.
Sam doesn't have more speed for sure. Teal/Green gets Hur + Gifts and three feasts (all of which are recurrable). Say what you will about the rest of the offense, but it's definitely the fastest if you play with an emphasis on speed.
Hur is a one-trick pony that is killed easily. The feasts only become abuseable with Joiada, which, like Hur, is killed easily unless you sacrifice rescue attempts (not the definition of speed). Sam and friends actually have the raw power to back everything up.
I've been working on a green/teal and if people are going offense heavy I think they are going the completely wrong direction with it.
Since when does Teal/Green not include Samuel? ::)
Hur is a one-trick pony that is killed easily. The feasts only become abuseable with Joiada, which, like Hur, is killed easily unless you sacrifice rescue attempts (not the definition of speed). Sam and friends actually have the raw power to back everything up.
An early Gifts rescue with Hur wins games. If you get it once, you're given a great edge, even in the middle of the game. If you get it twice, again, even in the middle of the game, you're going to be hard-pressed to lose. Any prophets deck that doesn't use Hur is, quite simply, not playing Prophets to their full potential. Virtually any hero aside from Joseph is easily killed, aside from those heroes that are gotten back with the Judges Angels (of which Moses and Sam are the only noteworthy ones). "Easily killed" applies to everything speed that Sam decks have. As I said, say what you will about teal/green otherwise, but if you play it with an emphasis on speed, it is definitely faster. Of course, if you play for speed and nothing else, Disciples are the fastest offense, period.
Teal/green has two main ways to add hand advantage. Take away a piece, the deck is slowed down considerably. Sam has multiple ways of adding hand advantage, some of which are very hard to stop or keep dead. Sam decks keep the constant pressure of plussing unlike teal/green, and have the multitude of Cbn battle winners to back it up. If you're banking on the early top deck of hur/gifts to get you a win, you're probably playing the wrong game.
Thank you everybody.
So, overall, Disciples + TGT is still useable, or has it been completely left to collect dust?
Thank you everybody.
So, overall, Disciples + TGT is still useable, or has it been completely left to collect dust?
still the top.
Thank you everybody.
So, overall, Disciples + TGT is still useable, or has it been completely left to collect dust?
still the top.
that's wonderful to hear. are there any supplemental cards from the new set?
Not really. One of the most successful Gardenciples decks I have seen uses not a single new card.
Not really. One of the most successful Gardenciples decks I have seen uses not a single new card.
Whose is that? Regardless, I agree; NT offenses didn't really receive any help this year, though rumors abound about Peter and Andrew being in the upcoming set.
Not really. One of the most successful Gardenciples decks I have seen uses not a single new card.
Whose is that? Regardless, I agree; NT offenses didn't really receive any help this year, though rumors abound about Peter and Andrew being in the upcoming set.
That's just what we need. Make the best set better. Why don't they try to improve some of the weaker themes like Syrians or deacons?
probably because not many play deacons or syrians
probably because not many play deacons or syrians
And no one played Samuel or mono Red last year. The reason they *might* be reprinting Peter/Andrew is that we're getting new starter decks next year. That's not much of an opportunity to boost themes.
Disciples 2nd tier.
TGT 1st Tier.
Disciples 2nd tier.
TGT 1st Tier.
Gardenciples OH GOOD LORD tier. 8)
Disciples 2nd tier.
TGT 1st Tier.
Gardenciples OH GOOD LORD tier. 8)
It depends. If you running more heavily on TGT with a splash of Disciples then yes. If you are running Disciples with some Garden Tomb. 2nd Tier.
Heck, a well-built mono silver deck piloted by Gabe could trounce a badly-built Sam deck piloted by a n00b. We're looking at these decks built and played to maximum potential.
Disciples 2nd tier.
TGT 1st Tier.
Gardenciples OH GOOD LORD tier. 8)
It depends. If you running more heavily on TGT with a splash of Disciples then yes. If you are running Disciples with some Garden Tomb. 2nd Tier.
What if I'm running all 11 disciples, the 4 TGT girls + Suzzy?
Heck, a well-built mono silver deck piloted by Gabe could trounce a badly-built Sam deck piloted by a n00b. We're looking at these decks built and played to maximum potential.
I'm not so sure. So long as the noob actually knows how to play, I think it'd be 50/50 at best. Most noobs are like, "Oh noes, it's Gabe (or really any good player), I better not attack" for the entire game. That doesn't count.
probably because not many play deacons or syrians
And no one played Samuel or mono Red last year. The reason they *might* be reprinting Peter/Andrew is that we're getting new starter decks next year. That's not much of an opportunity to boost themes.
Judges and mono Red were theoretically playable. Deacons have never been playable *coughIsildurcough*
Disciples 2nd tier.
TGT 1st Tier.
Gardenciples OH GOOD LORD tier. 8)
It depends. If you running more heavily on TGT with a splash of Disciples then yes. If you are running Disciples with some Garden Tomb. 2nd Tier.
What if I'm running all 11 disciples, the 4 TGT girls + Suzzy?
Then you probably have too many heroes ;).
Disciples 2nd tier.
TGT 1st Tier.
Gardenciples OH GOOD LORD tier. 8)
It depends. If you running more heavily on TGT with a splash of Disciples then yes. If you are running Disciples with some Garden Tomb. 2nd Tier.
What if I'm running all 11 disciples, the 4 TGT girls + Suzzy?
Then you probably have too many heroes ;).
There is not such thing...
What if I'm running all 11 disciples, the 4 TGT girls + Suzzy?
Then I think you need to give me my New Cov back.
What if I'm running all 11 disciples, the 4 TGT girls + Suzzy?
Then I think you need to give me my New Cov back.
I made room for it without taking out Andrew 8)