New Redemption Grab Bag now includes an assortment of 500 cards from five (5) different expansion sets. Available at Cactus website.
It is no surprise that there are more players from the North Central Region on the list, since there have been many more national tournaments in that Region (or very near that region).
Andy Siew has a lot of points on the all-time list, in spite of the fact that he's never been to a National event. I'd be curious to see how his point total ranks against everyone else, once you remove all the points they got from nationals events.
Juan and Miguel Arriaga were also extremely good players in their day. I almost always lost to those guys, yet, when I went to nationals during their heyday, I won.
If they'd been able to go to national tournaments like North Central players were, they would likely be Redemption legends known nationwide.
Unfortunately, the list also leaves off players who were likely as good or better than those on the list, but who never got to attend a national tournament during their ~4 year playing run.
So my point is validated: Andy Siew has more RNRS points than half the players on the player list.
QuoteSo my point is validated: Andy Siew has more RNRS points than half the players on the player list.Not strictly true keep in mind that both Hey, Bartram and Sias played, and won, before the invention of RNRS. I think it would be a very good experiment to go pouring over redemption history and calculate just how many points Bartram would have had. I'm willing to be it would have been alot.
Same in Redemption. I wouldn't ever be confident in a round against Tim Maly, Gabe Isbell, and Justin Alstad, for example. The more people who aren't them, the easier it's gonna be.Here in CA, we play the same people a lot. We have to beat the other top players in our Region numerous times in numerous events in order to win. It's tough.
Tim, you still didn't address my comments about winning in national events that were ADJACENT to their own region. How many players of high school age (or younger) have won national titles in Regions not their own, and not adjacent to their own?
In my mind, some of the very top players in past years will never get to the Hall of Fame because their achievements were limited by lack of access. And some players' scores are inflated because of the overabundance of access - to both national tournaments AND another state tournament(s) within 500 miles.
Here in CA, we play the same people a lot. We have to beat the other top players in our Region numerous times in numerous events in order to win. It's tough.
It just shows the flaws in the system.
If Tim or Gabe loses at state, they can go to another state event to pick up the state points. Players in Southern CA can't do that, unless they drive 530+ miles to NV State (which is possible, but highly unlikely for high school kids).For CA players, they only get one shot. Players on the East have multiple shots at State points within 500 miles.Have any of the top players picked up State points out of state? Have any of them picked up regional points out of region? Remove all the out-of-state state points, and out-of-region regional points from the overall rankings, and see if that makes a difference. I don't know if that is possible, though, since it doesn't matter where you go to get your state points. Opportunity is half the battle, and SoCA kids don't have it.I agree it is harder to win a tournament with more players in it, assuming roughly equal average strength of players, which is next to impossible to determine.It is also hard to win a tournament with 20 players (yesterday's local), when the top player techs his deck specifically against yours, since he knows 2 top players are using Genesis decks. But I'm not bitter or anything... (dumb Possessing Demon!).
Bryon, I'm not sure what value you think this measure has. Are you saying that your 2001 Nationals victory (Northeast region) was somehow better or more noteworthy than your victory in 2002 (North Central region)? Maybe I am unduly skeptical, but I am dubious that Gabe enjoyed some kind of advantage at the 2009 Nats, because the NC region is adjacent to the SW region.
The list is very region biased, and HIGHLY skewed against players west of the Rockies.
Quote from: Bryon on January 31, 2010, 06:10:30 PMThe list is very region biased, and HIGHLY skewed against players west of the Rockies.ok, so Gabe played in CA and won everything he entered. I don't even think he's done that at a State in the NC region. So apparently, one of our best took your best head on and proved that he deserves his fame (not quite the right term for it). SoCal had their chance and failed. many other top players from the midwest were not present as well.
Quote from: Ring Wraith on January 31, 2010, 06:29:13 PMQuote from: Bryon on January 31, 2010, 06:10:30 PMThe list is very region biased, and HIGHLY skewed against players west of the Rockies.ok, so Gabe played in CA and won everything he entered. I don't even think he's done that at a State in the NC region. So apparently, one of our best took your best head on and proved that he deserves his fame (not quite the right term for it). SoCal had their chance and failed. many other top players from the midwest were not present as well.Apparently you completely missed my point. Did you read my older posts, or only the one above? CA is at a weak point in its history, as far as strength of players goes. In 2000-2002, we had players named Juan and Miguel Arriaga. They were brothers. They were very, very good. They almost always beat me. I went to nationals expecting players to be better than them. They were not. The Arriagas and Andy Siew and a couple other players would have had an easy time placing at any nationals from 2000 to 2002.I am not talking about now. (though if you want to talk about now, CA players represented well in all the non-Gabe events, in spite of the fact that CA players are not nearly as good now as they used to be.)
I'm still a bit ticked at CA having nats during a recession. Later would have been fine.
If Tim or Gabe loses at state, they can go to another state event to pick up the state points.
Players in Southern CA can't do that, unless they drive 530+ miles to NV State (which is possible, but highly unlikely for high school kids).
I'm still a bit ticked at CA having nats during a recession.
Keep in mind that both Hey, Bartram and Sias played, and won, before the invention of RNRS.
Have any of the top players picked up State points out of state? Have any of them picked up regional points out of region? Remove all the out-of-state state points, and out-of-region regional points from the overall rankings, and see if that makes a difference. I don't know if that is possible, though, since it doesn't matter where you go to get your state points. Opportunity is half the battle, and SoCA kids don't have it.
If Tim or Gabe loses at state, they can go to another state (we event to pick up the state points. Players in Southern CA can't do that, unless they drive 530+ miles to NV is possible, but highly unlikely for high school kids).For CA players, they only get one shot. Players on the East have multiple shots at State points within 500 miles.
brian cooper is a top player because he threw carrots at a school bus full of nuns while in cali. at least, thats how the legend goes.