Author Topic: Hall of Fame Committee  (Read 12023 times)

Offline crustpope

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Re: Hall of Fame Committee
« Reply #50 on: February 14, 2010, 04:50:33 PM »
I the case of Bill voight and others, I feel that Mark should (and other regional leaders) should be able to nominate worthy leaders from other regions (IE. I should be able to nominate Bill, which I will until he is enshrined, and he should be able to nominate me, which I will absolutely decline at least until I have a much better showing at a couple of Nats.)

That is just because I know that any regional leader that gets chosen would probably sooner die than nominate themselves, even though they may be qualified to be in the HOF.
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Offline Prof Underwood

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Re: Hall of Fame Committee
« Reply #51 on: February 14, 2010, 09:20:41 PM »
I know that any regional leader that gets chosen would probably sooner die than nominate themselves, even though they may be qualified to be in the HOF.
Although I don't have this whole thing figured out yet (thus the need for an advisory committee), my current thinking is that nominations to the HoF would actually come from the regular members of this forum as opposed to just from the committee members.  The committee would then give advice on the people from their region as to whether they deserve a spot on the final list of people that we will then solicit votes for (again from the regular members of the forum).  I'm also currently thinking that anyone on the committee, would not actually comment on themselves if they were to be nominated (so that they don't tank their own chances due to their humility).

Offline Prof Underwood

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Re: Hall of Fame Committee
« Reply #52 on: February 15, 2010, 10:42:28 PM »
We now have at least one person willing to represent each region other than the North West and the South Central.  Are any of the possible people from those regions willing to help out?

NorthWest Region:
Josh Randolph
T.J. Stamp
Jonathan Steckmann

South Central Region:
Ben Shadrick
Michael Garland
Marcus Parker
Chad Soderstrom
Aaron Burt
Terry Markoff


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