Author Topic: General questions about the game...  (Read 6841 times)

Offline SwiftxRedemption

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General questions about the game...
« on: August 26, 2015, 11:02:20 PM »
I have some general questions,

Is Nationals held at the same time every year? Also, is Nationals always located in the same place?

Are there any other officially sanctioned tournaments ran by Cactus besides Nationals?

How many sets are released per year?

How do players rate the limited play (draft and sealed) of this game?

In the eyes of the veterans, how is the game doing at this time in terms of casual play, competitive play, and longevity?

« Last Edit: August 26, 2015, 11:58:13 PM by SwiftxRedemption »

Offline kram1138

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Re: General questions about the game...
« Reply #1 on: August 26, 2015, 11:30:23 PM »
1: Approximately, yes, no. It's always in summer, but it moves around so that people from all over have a chance to go.

2: Absolutely. People from all over host tournaments. Anyone can host an official Cactus tournament.

3: 1 set a year. I think one or two years have been late or missed, but I could be wrong.

4: I have never done sealed. But I know booster draft is a ton of fun. With a level playing field and a wide variety of cards, people are forced into being really creative and many interesting and unique scenarios present themselves. It's usually the game type I look forward to most at tournaments.

5: I'm not sure if I could be called a veteran. I started in 2007, I think, but regardless: I don't have a lot of players around my area, so I only play casually with my siblings occasionally. I have also been playing online on Lackey quite a bit as well, and more and more people seem to be joining in. I haven't actually been to a high level tournament ever, but from what I've seen, competitively, the game is better than ever. There is balance and variety among the top decks which makes for exciting and entertaining games. In terms of longevity, the game is one of the oldest CCGs out there and is still going relatively strong. Especially since I/J, The Early Church and Persecuted Church.
« Last Edit: August 27, 2015, 12:13:24 AM by kram1138 »

Offline SwiftxRedemption

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Re: General questions about the game...
« Reply #2 on: August 26, 2015, 11:59:15 PM »
Draft and sealed. I edited my OP to be more specific.

Offline kram1138

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Re: General questions about the game...
« Reply #3 on: August 27, 2015, 12:13:37 AM »
Edited my response

Offline SwiftxRedemption

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Re: General questions about the game...
« Reply #4 on: August 27, 2015, 10:22:32 AM »
When do they usually make the announcement for the next year's location?

Cactus (Rob) actually runs the nationals event, correct?

One set a year is fine. I feel it is enough to keep players interested and promotes longevity.

That is good to hear about draft. Some card games don't have very good limited play, which is just poor design. A game that has good limited play is designed well.

Could someone explain how sealed operates in this game? For instance, are just a number packs used, or are there starters included as well? I am assuming there is T1 and T2 for sealed, which would increase or decrease packs.

I would call a veteran anyone who has played the game for several years. Your feedback is much appreciated. It seems that this past Nationals event was a huge success, which is a great sign. I can't wait to get involved with Lackey. It seems as though the online community is doing pretty well.

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Re: General questions about the game...
« Reply #5 on: August 27, 2015, 10:50:14 AM »
Typically the National Tournament has been scheduled early in the year (Feb-March) for a late July/early August Tournament. The last few years there has had to be some later-term changes to the schedule, due to a variety of issues, but hopefully it will be scheduled in the more typical timeframe for next year.

Rob has attended most of the tournaments, and provides the prizes, but as far as who runs the tournament, that is a much more complex question. A longtime player and tourney host,  Chris Bany, is the usual emcee for the tournament, while the playgroup leader in the area it is hosted is usually the host who takes care of non-playing details. Then there are judges, usually experienced players, who answer questions and make rulings during the tournament. It takes a lot of people to run the tournament, though usually Rob is present.

Booster Draft is one of my favorite categories. Its a great balance between skill (knowing what and how to draft, and how to build a deck) and luck (drafting good cards) that makes it fun, without the intensity that can be present in some of the other events (you can't take it too seriously, otherwise it can be incredibly frustrating).

Sealed deck allows each player to get one of the starter decks (usually the newest I or J) and 3 Booster packs of their choice. Their opponent gets the opposite deck. Players may trade cards in the deck building round, and they must build a legal T1 deck (with a few modifications: for example, Sites are not allowed, while duplicates of non-dominant cards are allowed). There is no tournament category for T2 sealed, though some people have tried it for fun. The starter decks as is don't really lend themselves easily to T2, but there a variety of ways it is possible.

As for how people view the game, it varies quite a bit. The number of competitive players ebbs and flows, but I think the overall feeling of late is pretty positive. There have been some good developments in the community of late, such as, and a nice online platform in lackey, which has helped. From time to time there will be players who quit (for a variety of reasons) or who go on hiatus for awhile, but there are also new players joining as well.
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Re: General questions about the game...
« Reply #6 on: August 27, 2015, 10:59:46 AM »
1. When do they usually make the announcement for the next year's location?

2. Cactus (Rob) actually runs the nationals event, correct?

3. One set a year is fine. I feel it is enough to keep players interested and promotes longevity.

4. That is good to hear about draft. Some card games don't have very good limited play, which is just poor design. A game that has good limited play is designed well.

5. Could someone explain how sealed operates in this game? For instance, are just a number packs used, or are there starters included as well? I am assuming there is T1 and T2 for sealed, which would increase or decrease packs.

I would call a veteran anyone who has played the game for several years. Your feedback is much appreciated. It seems that this past Nationals event was a huge success, which is a great sign. I can't wait to get involved with Lackey. It seems as though the online community is doing pretty well.

1. Nats announcement is usually made late winter/early spring.  You can still find the most recent announcement thread here.

2. Rob usually attends the National tournament and provides a limited amount of the new set for sale and use in Closed Deck events.  However, he does not get involved in actually running the tournament.  The host is the person responsible for the actual details of running the tournament.

3. Yup.  There's no reason right now to attempt more sets in a year.

4. Draft got even better now that we've got 4 box pack sets.  Don't need to include old sets like Unlimited, Prophets, Apostles, etc. that just prolong the drafting part with little reward.

5. Official Sealed events setup:
    - Each player selects three foil booster packs (Unlimited - Priests, no tins or boxes).
    - When pairings are announced, each pairing will split a starter deck in a random way.  Usually, the most recent starter decks are used (I/J).  One player will use Deck I, the other will use Deck J.
    - Once decks are assigned, boosters can be opened and deck building begins.  Each player may use any card opened, plus his or her starter deck, to construct a legal T1 deck (with some special considerations, I'm not fresh on those see Prof A.'s post).  Each player may also trade with his or her first round opponent.
    - When decks are constructed, they must be checked.  After all decks are checked, play begins and continues as a normal T1-2P event.

Overall, the game itself seems much healthier than it did a couple years ago.  Rules are much more standardized and consistent, the new card layout is a much better design, and TEC especially injected new life into competitive game play.  Now we as players need to work on expanding the player base in order to foster growth.

Insta-posted by Prof A., but I wanted to put out my thoughts so I'm posting too  8)

Offline SwiftxRedemption

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Re: General questions about the game...
« Reply #7 on: August 27, 2015, 02:23:59 PM »
Rob has attended most of the tournaments, and provides the prizes, but as far as who runs the tournament, that is a much more complex question. A longtime player and tourney host,  Chris Bany, is the usual emcee for the tournament, while the playgroup leader in the area it is hosted is usually the host who takes care of non-playing details. Then there are judges, usually experienced players, who answer questions and make rulings during the tournament. It takes a lot of people to run the tournament, though usually Rob is present.

This is good to know. I was thinking that maybe Rob along with Cactus employees actually ran the event. So it seems as though it is more of a player run event.

Is it possible to play sealed with just packs, or is it necessary to have a starter deck as well?

I do appreciate the feedback thus far. It is great to hear from veteran players with their thoughts on the overall health of the game.

Offline _JM_

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Re: General questions about the game...
« Reply #8 on: August 27, 2015, 02:36:13 PM »
Is it possible to play sealed with just packs, or is it necessary to have a starter deck as well?

I do appreciate the feedback thus far. It is great to hear from veteran players with their thoughts on the overall health of the game.

For officially sanctioned tournaments, I believe you can only do the Starters + 3 boosters setup described already.

Unofficially, we had a sealed deck side event at Nationals that was more in line with a prominent card game's version of Sealed.  Full description of that setup can be found here, and could obviously be tweaked by using other sets.

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Re: General questions about the game...
« Reply #9 on: August 27, 2015, 02:36:20 PM »

It is possible to run Sealed without Starter Decks, but not as an official Cactus or TLG event.

We did Garbage Sealed at Nationals as a side event which gave each player three blue packs (Unlimited) and three green packs (Prophets) and they were to make a deck with just those cards along with seven no-special-ability lost souls. It was a lot of fun and I would recommend it to everyone as a fun side event option.

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Re: General questions about the game...
« Reply #10 on: August 27, 2015, 02:38:11 PM »

It is possible to run Sealed without Starter Decks, but not as an official Cactus or TLG event.

We did Garbage Sealed at Nationals as a side event which gave each player three blue packs (Unlimited) and three green packs (Prophets) and they were to make a deck with just those cards along with seven no-special-ability lost souls. It was a lot of fun and I would recommend it to everyone as a fun side event option.

Four and four.  6 packs total would've been torture, man!

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Re: General questions about the game...
« Reply #11 on: August 27, 2015, 05:09:19 PM »
Players may trade cards in the deck building round, and they must build a legal T1 deck (with a few modifications: for example, Sites are not allowed, while duplicates of non-dominant cards are allowed).
These rules are VERY important to point out. You can trade ANY cards you have received. This can include swapping offenses, defenses or trading away other key parts of your deck. When G/H decks were in vogue I always used to trade away my site or if I got the deck with Burial, my Burial so I could score some key cards from my opponent.

I also won Sealed deck at the Boston Nationals due to the "duplicates of non-dominant cards are allowed" bit ;D. Three Prophets packs ftw.
3 Prophets Packs ftw

Offline SwiftxRedemption

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Re: General questions about the game...
« Reply #12 on: August 27, 2015, 10:39:18 PM »
Is it possible that we could see the more standard version of sealed (using just packs) being used for official Cactus or TLG events? That would be cool to have both formats promoted.

When trading cards in the deck building rounds, I am assuming that when a trade is made it must be X number of cards for X number of cards? Or could a player trade three cards for one?

What is the average length for a game of Redemption? This leads me to asking, how long are rounds for each format (T1, T2, Draft, and Sealed) in an official tournament?

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Re: General questions about the game...
« Reply #13 on: August 27, 2015, 10:57:23 PM »
Is it possible that we could see the more standard version of sealed (using just packs) being used for official Cactus or TLG events? That would be cool to have both formats promoted.

When trading cards in the deck building rounds, I am assuming that when a trade is made it must be X number of cards for X number of cards? Or could a player trade three cards for one?

What is the average length for a game of Redemption? This leads me to asking, how long are rounds for each format (T1, T2, Draft, and Sealed) in an official tournament?
The thing with using all packs is that they pretty much HAVE to be drafted with more than one person so that there are enough different packs of the same type to get good variety. There have been attempts at 2-player Booster Draft where people draft with multiple people and then break off into two player games but I don't foresee it ever becoming an official category.

As long as both players agree, you can trade as many cards as you want for as many cards as they want. For instance, if your opponent opened a card that would work really well in your deck, you might have to sweeten the deal with more cards to convince them to trade it to you.

The T1-2P and Sealed time limit is 45 minutes, T1-MP, Booster, and Teams time limit is 1 hour, the T2-2P time limit is 1 hour and 15 minutes, and the T2-MP time limit is 1 hour and 30 minutes. On average, I'd say games last about a half hour but it really depends on what type of decks are being used and how the draw plays out.

Offline Isildur

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Re: General questions about the game...
« Reply #14 on: August 28, 2015, 03:06:12 AM »
Is it possible that we could see the more standard version of sealed (using just packs) being used for official Cactus or TLG events? That would be cool to have both formats promoted.
When you say more standard version I feel like you may have dabbled a bit in one of the more popular TCG's, I am I correct? That game wayyyy back if I'm not mistaken also used to use starter decks for sealed. They now use packs only for sealed deck because they no longer produce starter decks. Redemption has always used starters decks for sealed, the booster only version of sealed deck is just done for funsies. I'd totally be down for seeing it as a TLG event though!
3 Prophets Packs ftw

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Re: General questions about the game...
« Reply #15 on: August 28, 2015, 10:49:46 AM »
The thing with using all packs is that they pretty much HAVE to be drafted with more than one person so that there are enough different packs of the same type to get good variety. There have been attempts at 2-player Booster Draft where people draft with multiple people and then break off into two player games but I don't foresee it ever becoming an official category.

So I have two questions regarding this statement.

1. In the all packs sealed format JM was referring to, would 4 packs of two different sets not be enough for a good variety?

2. I think I may be misunderstanding drafting with that being said. Is that not the standard way to draft?

When you say more standard version I feel like you may have dabbled a bit in one of the more popular TCG's, I am I correct? That game wayyyy back if I'm not mistaken also used to use starter decks for sealed. They now use packs only for sealed deck because they no longer produce starter decks. Redemption has always used starters decks for sealed, the booster only version of sealed deck is just done for funsies. I'd totally be down for seeing it as a TLG event though!

I have, but I am assuming you are referring to Magic? I played MtG for a short while, but I played the WoW TCG competitively for a couple years. WoW TCG used the all packs sealed format for major events. So needless to say it is the only type of sealed I have ever competed in. As people noted from Nationals in the side event, it is a great format. Hopefully it is one that will be implemented in the future.

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Re: General questions about the game...
« Reply #16 on: August 29, 2015, 02:37:48 PM »
So after looking at some of the different sets, I noticed that they have moved the abilities of cards into the text box with the verse. It is so much easier to read this way. Is that a permanent change?

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Re: General questions about the game...
« Reply #17 on: August 29, 2015, 02:51:19 PM »
So after looking at some of the different sets, I noticed that they have moved the abilities of cards into the text box with the verse. It is so much easier to read this way. Is that a permanent change?
Yes, it is. :)
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Re: General questions about the game...
« Reply #18 on: August 29, 2015, 03:16:44 PM »
That is awesome. There is no doubt in my mind that was a change for the best!

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Re: General questions about the game...
« Reply #19 on: August 30, 2015, 06:55:29 PM »
Another question, how do you differentiate the rarities of the cards in the older sets? I have noticed the newer sets have a small R or UR under the number.

Offline RedemptionAggie

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Re: General questions about the game...
« Reply #20 on: August 30, 2015, 07:03:44 PM »
Starting with Apostles, UR are all gold bordered (except the 2 in TEC Phase 1).  For rares and Warriors URs, you just have to know, find a list or ask.

*Edit - Priests cards have rarity indicators as well.  Disciples, TXP, FOOF and RoA cards don't have rarity, as far as we know.
« Last Edit: August 30, 2015, 07:15:32 PM by RedemptionAggie »

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Re: General questions about the game...
« Reply #21 on: August 30, 2015, 07:13:59 PM »
Interesting. I think adding an actual identifier is another solid change.

Offline Isildur

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Re: General questions about the game...
« Reply #22 on: August 31, 2015, 01:29:43 AM »
Interesting. I think adding an actual identifier is another solid change.
Like Wizards of the Coast, Redemption was pretty slow to get rarity identifiers. For sure a solid addition to the game.
3 Prophets Packs ftw

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Re: General questions about the game...
« Reply #23 on: August 31, 2015, 07:33:46 PM »
Interesting. I think adding an actual identifier is another solid change.
Like Wizards of the Coast, Redemption was pretty slow to get rarity identifiers. For sure a solid addition to the game.

I had no idea that was the case with WotC as well. To be totally honest,  I have very little knowledge of Magic, especially its early years. I didn't play Magic until the end of last year and only played for two months. Between the ridiculous cost just to be semi-competitive, simply not having the time, and not really enjoying the game itself, my Magic playing days were very short lived. I am assuming you have some experience with the game?

Next question, are all cards legal for play? For instance, in T1 and T2, can you use any card ever printed, or do cards "rotate " out after a certain period of time?

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Re: General questions about the game...
« Reply #24 on: August 31, 2015, 07:55:31 PM »
Interesting. I think adding an actual identifier is another solid change.
Like Wizards of the Coast, Redemption was pretty slow to get rarity identifiers. For sure a solid addition to the game.

I had no idea that was the case with WotC as well. To be totally honest,  I have very little knowledge of Magic, especially its early years. I didn't play Magic until the end of last year and only played for two months. Between the ridiculous cost just to be semi-competitive, simply not having the time, and not really enjoying the game itself, my Magic playing days were very short lived. I am assuming you have some experience with the game?

Next question, are all cards legal for play? For instance, in T1 and T2, can you use any card ever printed, or do cards "rotate " out after a certain period of time?

You can use any card printed in T1 and T2. The only current restriction on not being able to use a card is in Sealed Deck, in which you cannot use Sites that you may draft. There has been talk for several years about the merits of banning cards or rotating sets, but the game's creator Rob has always believed that it is unfair to players who may buy a pack and not be able to use the cards they open in a tournament, so he has not approved the banning of other cards. That has been true up to this point, but that does not mean that it won't ever be allowable.
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