Author Topic: Fortify Site Black Brigade...which artifact is discarded?  (Read 10260 times)

Offline LMSM

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Fortify Site Black Brigade...which artifact is discarded?
« on: September 01, 2020, 08:20:03 AM »
Hi There!

My boys started to play Redemption earlier this Spring and are really enjoying it!  Thank goodness they have been figuring it out on their own, because I don't think I could keep up. This game has been a blessing during this year of Covid when playdates and time with extended family is nearly negligible. 

They have a question about Fortify Site in the Black Brigade.

My older son played this card, found the Canaanite site in his own discard pile and then wanted to discard his brother's artifact.  His brother argues, however, that it doesn't say "opponent's artifact" so it must be the person who played the Fortify Site who discards his own artifact.  Does this make any sense?

Thanks so much for all of you who have been so helpful for previous questions!


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Re: Fortify Site Black Brigade...which artifact is discarded?
« Reply #1 on: September 01, 2020, 08:28:18 AM »
Since it reads “discard an artifact” that’s shorthand for “discard an artifact in play,” so you can target your opponent’s artifact. You wouldn’t really want to use that card if it only targeted your artifact. And keep in mind it has to be an active artifact; it can’t be a face down one in an artifact pile.
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