Author Topic: For open discussion  (Read 2602 times)

Offline Eragon5

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For open discussion
« on: May 23, 2017, 01:05:01 PM »
Greetings fellow redemption players,
I'd like to bring a complaint that I have had for the past few sets, but would like to bring up now since it doesn't seem to be changing.
Is this set "really" Revaltion of John
Why for the Revelation of John (RoJ) expansion less than 30% of the pack is actually RoJ? Seriously there are more priests cards in the pack than RoJ. My brother and I were joking that we should call the expansion Priests 2.0. When a new expansion comes out, everyone wants the cards but it really hurts my enjoyment when I spend $5 for essentially 4 cards. Yes I get that I am get other cards than the RoJ cards, but most players that have a few years into their collections already have most of these cards. I think for it to be a RoJ pack at least half the cards should actually be RoJ.
Some other stats why this is a problem
I'd also like to point out that this  expansion has 129 cards with 36 rares and 3 ultra rares. This means for someone to get every card in the expansion they would have to buy at least 39 packs assuming no duplicates at all with your rares/ultra rares. Even discounting rarities (meaning I could get more than one rare in a pack) I would have to get 33 packs assuming virtually no duplicates. Assuming I'm crazy lucky and do get no duplicates I'm spending $150-200. While I know this happens in any card game, it's really frustrating to me that what I'm spending my money on isn't what I'm really trying to spend my money on (I'm forced to buy cards other than RoJ just to get RoJ).
Other Alternatives
With this being the case in past expansions with Cloud of Witnesses, the Early Church, Disciples, and Thesaurus Ex Preteritus sets, why can't some of the filler material be from these sets? I mean why can't there be cards from these expansions? If we had these as "filler" material at least I would be more likely to get cards I don't have or that can be useful to me. I understand not including cards from the most recent expansion, but everything previous? Long story short being that if the non RoJ cards were something more relevant it might not be such an issue that the entire pack isn't RoJ.
I think that at least half the pack should be what you're buying the pack for and the cards that aren't should be more relevant and that is my complaint for the RoJ expansion.

Sorry for the long post, I tried to break it up to make it more readable. If you made it to end thanks for your time. Please don't take this the wrong way. I don't want anyone to think this is any sort of rage post or anything like that. I just felt this would be  a good topic for discussion, and I appreciate your thoughts.
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Re: For open discussion
« Reply #1 on: May 23, 2017, 01:50:26 PM »
hey man!! great to see you on the boards!

i'd say the best reason to have more of the "filler" cards is for booster draft! it is a real category and the filler cards are hardly garbage when you know what you are looking for not to mention you get multi ultra rares from multiple sets.. pretty sweet deal

if money is an issue i suggest only purchasing singles. this is what i did last year when my budget was really tight and i only wound up having to buy a few cards from Cloud of Witnesses to go undefeated to Nationals!! only to have my first competitive loss of the season to your brother xD haha!!

anyway, just trying to be encouraging. this is the best time to buy singles from TLG cause the prices are really low and cards of high value have not sky rocketed yet.

i'd imagine anyone with 15$ and already an outstanding collection could be more than happy from what RoJ has to offer simply complimenting an already competitive deck

Offline Red Wing

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Re: For open discussion
« Reply #2 on: May 23, 2017, 03:22:34 PM »
I agree it would be awesome to have more new cards per pack — but that would be highway robbery from Cactus. $5 for 4 new cards is really quite generous. I for one greatly appreciate the RoA/Faith being included in RoJ. Many of those cards are still quite usable and competitive plus it saves money for newer players. As a T1 player who will only need one or two competitive decks, I typically buy 1-2 boxes a year and just trade for any other cards I need. I know we've all heard the whole "Redemption is so much cheaper than other CCGs" thing before, but it really is true. Just ask any Magic player if spending $200 a year on new cards is a lot. Also, check out the TLG price list for COW and PC. Very few, if any cards are valued under $1. I imagine RoJ will be similar.
« Last Edit: May 23, 2017, 03:27:09 PM by Red Wing »
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Re: For open discussion
« Reply #3 on: May 23, 2017, 03:46:06 PM »
Another thing to consider is that sellers usually offer preorder specials for the whole set.  One seller was selling entire RoJ sets for $230, as long as you placed the order by the end of April. 

Based on the price of a whole CoW set, that is a fantastic deal - especially considering it removes the risk that you open 3 boxes and don't get all 3 URs.  This is what I did, since I wasn't going to need those extra cards.

I think the odds for the URs breaks down like this, assuming you buy 3 boxes:

Odds of getting 1 of each UR - 2/9 (22%)
Odds of getting 2 of 1 UR and 1 of another - 2/3 (67%)
Odds of getting 3 of the same UR - 1/9 (11%)

$230 to not have to deal with the 78% above (at $300+ as well) was worth it for me.
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Offline ChristianSoldier

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Re: For open discussion
« Reply #4 on: May 23, 2017, 04:03:09 PM »
A couple things, I've played several card games over my life, and my experience with other card games (and the pre FOOF Redemption sets) is that after a certain point you're buying the pack for the rare anyway (commons and uncommons are common/cheap enough that they hardly matter. So if I open a pack and only care about 1 card, how is that different than opening a pack and getting 4 new card and 11 old cards, some of which might be useful either to keep or give to new players (if I'm remembering correctly RoJ has Priests, FooF and RoA, which are all sets for building decks for the first time).

And of course there's booster draft. I think the old cards make booster draft fairly interesting, since the box packs have a tradition of having high quality old cards (mostly rares) it makes for an awesome booster draft.

Finally, the economic argument. Cactus has to at least break even if they want to continue producing Redemption. If this is what has to be done to keep Redemption going, I can't really blame them.

These are just my thoughts on the box packs, so take them for whatever they're worth.
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Re: For open discussion
« Reply #5 on: May 23, 2017, 05:29:07 PM »
What are the odds of getting all 3 URs if you buy 5 boxes? 
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Offline EmJayBee83

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Re: For open discussion
« Reply #6 on: May 24, 2017, 12:52:59 AM »
What are the odds of getting all 3 URs if you buy 5 boxes? 

Slightly worse than 60%  (145/243 to be exact), assuming the URs are distributed randomly amongst boxes

Offline Josh

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Re: For open discussion
« Reply #7 on: May 24, 2017, 08:09:28 AM »
What are the odds of getting all 3 URs if you buy 5 boxes? 

Slightly worse than 60%  (145/243 to be exact), assuming the URs are distributed randomly amongst boxes

I wanted to point out that my analysis didn't account for the differences in UR values - namely, if you get 3 Three Woes, that's certainly as good, if not better, than getting 1 of each UR, due to Three Woes being more valuable than Michael and Red Dragon.  You could easily trade 2 Three Woes to get the other URs.
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Offline EmJayBee83

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Re: For open discussion
« Reply #8 on: May 24, 2017, 10:54:49 AM »
What are the odds of getting all 3 URs if you buy 5 boxes? 

Slightly worse than 60%  (145/243 to be exact), assuming the URs are distributed randomly amongst boxes

I wanted to point out that my analysis didn't account for the differences in UR values - namely, if you get 3 Three Woes, that's certainly as good, if not better, than getting 1 of each UR, due to Three Woes being more valuable than Michael and Red Dragon.  You could easily trade 2 Three Woes to get the other URs.

Right.  If you can find people willing to take two of your URs in trade for a (different) UR, you have a 100% of getting all 3 URs if you buy 5 boxes.  ;)


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