Author Topic: Flaw or rare?  (Read 1486 times)

Offline Spenstar

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Flaw or rare?
« on: July 25, 2019, 02:07:22 AM »
So I have two cards from the same set that are almost identical apart from the artwork is mirrored. Grey evil “Deepening Lies” (Menorah symbol).
With the artwork mirrored does that count as a different card that I can use as more then one in my deck like “Saducees”. If not is this a fluke, if it is a fluke, is it an expensive fluke that would be worth something? Thank you for your input.

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Re: Flaw or rare?
« Reply #1 on: July 25, 2019, 05:49:32 AM »
I’m sure it’s no coincidence that your very first post is about how much a card is worth but I do not think that is worth anything, sorry.

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Re: Flaw or rare?
« Reply #2 on: July 25, 2019, 06:37:46 AM »
To answer the first part of your question, mirrored artwork still counts as the same artwork for deck building purposes. For example, Spy from Kings. I have some duplicates of him in which the image is mirrored, but this does not allow me to use the two inverted images in a 50 card deck as the artwork is still the same, albeit inverted. However, since Spy is a generic character I can have one copy of the Kings version and one copy of the Legacy Rare version in a 50 card deck. The same goes for your example of Pharisees.
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Re: Flaw or rare?
« Reply #3 on: July 25, 2019, 09:21:46 AM »
Here is a list of alternate cards from the set you are talking about The Patriarchs.  You can find almost every error (these are not) and alternate art/border, etc. on my website in my signature. :)

Abimelech - Inverted  image.

Achan - Inverted  image.

Book of the Wars - Different border color.

Book of Nathan - Different border color.

Deepening Lie - Inverted  image.

Dream - Different border color.

Enoch - Inverted  image.

Haman's Plot - Inverted  image.

Hur - Different border color.

Isaac - Inverted  image.

​Journey to Egypt - Inverted image.

Korah - Inverted  image.

Pit - Inverted  image.

Promised Land - Inverted  image.

Storehouse - Different art, one has a generator and one doesn't.

Stolen Blessing - Different art, one has no special ability and no menorah symbol in left corner.
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