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Here's some ways to stop the Doms that people keep complaining about:SOG/NJ:1) discard SOG from deck/hand and then NJ will be useless (there's multiple ways to do this and Angel At The Tomb is quite rare to find in decks to worry about it)2) Altar Of Ahaz (stops them cold (especially with a great defense/auto-blocks))3) The two lost souls that can't be rescued by them (*/4 and NT)Angel Of The Lord/Christian Martyr1) Same as number one above2) Band3) Healing CardsDON:1) Same as above2) Lampstand3) Use another artifact that you know are DON magnets to keep your other ones safeBurial:1) Same as above2) Lampstand3) Anti-burial LSFor all the other ones, they are not that big of deal (since there are plenty of cards that will do basically the same thing).
No one ever uses it.
Grapes...have strategy, somethng that can throw a twist into the game so people have to think on their feet, but not so much as "if you draw this card you win"...
SoG/NJAltar of Ahaz isn't very good. For one thing, you lose it whenever they rescue.So make sure you have a good defense to go along with itAlso, it stops your SoG/NJ as well. No one ever uses it.I guess I'm a nobodyAlmost every time, people rescue their own LS with SoG. Changing your LS selection won't be very effective at stopping it.However, I've seen and been in plenty of games where there isn't a plethora of choices for rescue and all that is out is one lost soul in each territory (or they are having a drought and need yours to use SOG/NJ)If there is a card that everyone uses, and the only effective way to stop it is to get rid of it before they use it, then I think it is broken. is HT and ANB broken? It only takes two cards (like SOG/NJ) and basically can't be stopped unless you discard it before they use it. I know it's not an automatic two LS but I'm just using it as another example of two cards that can't really be stopped unless you get rid of them before they can play them.Plus, you can't exactly discard half a dozen Dominants from an opponent's deck before they draw them.Never said that you had to discard them all (it was just an option to deal with each individual dominant). Also, there are multiple ways to get rid of cards from your opponent's deck (those a lot of them do rely on chance).AoTL/CMI oppose these dominants to a lesser extent. But how does an unnegatable, playable-on-anyone-at-any-time battle winner improve the game? BTW, healing cards aren't very helpful, as you still lose the battle if that's where they're using it.It's called banding...learn it...love it...live it
QuoteGrapes...have strategy, somethng that can throw a twist into the game so people have to think on their feet, but not so much as "if you draw this card you win"...You don't play Grapes to its full potential then. Its a copy of Angel of the Lord wrapped in a new box.
If you successfully pull off that artifact, and you have even an average deckbuild, I find it hard to foresee a situation where you would lose.
I think this game would have been much better if SoG had been the only dominant ever made. That would have made him special, and made the game more balanced.
Not sure about that combo, Ironica. For one thing, it actually requires three cards: HT, ANB, and a hero.
Secondly, you have to draw HT and the hero after playing ANB, meaning they have to be in the top 11 cards in your deck after the shuffle.
Also, the combo has many counters. Such as blocking. If your opponent draws defense (which is no less likely than your drawing offense), then you aren't guaranteed anything.
I know it's not an automatic two LS but I'm just using it as another example of two cards that can't really be stopped unless you get rid of them before they can play them.
the only effective way to stop it is to get rid of it before they use it, then I think it is broken.
I like dominants that have a certain strategy to them i.e. Mayhem, Doubt, Grapes...have strategy, somethng that can throw a twist into the game so people have to think on their feet, but not so much as "if you draw this card you win"... i.e. SOG
SOG ,NJ ,AOL thats three lost souls right there and after that even a just semi good offence can rescue two lost souls in a lot of cases...
And Son of God, New Jerusalem, and Angel of the Lord are a far cry from an automatic three souls.
Ironica, I misunderstood you because I interpreted "HT" as Harvest Time. My bad.However, I still don't see how this particular combo is very effective: it doesn't really guarantee anything (unless I'm missing something).Lost Souls are fairly easy to come by. I didn't count them as part of the combo. Also, your HT combo still needs 4 cards as well. HT, a Hero, ANB, and a Lost Soul.
Or, we could do what everyone's been clamoring for for years and make T1 6LS with a 60 card minimum.
I have yet to see a speed deck that doesn't play with both DoN and Captured Ark... also nerfing those [artifact] counters.