New Redemption Grab Bag now includes an assortment of 500 cards from five (5) different expansion sets. Available at Cactus website.
The jewel of Redemption is the initiative system. Anything that throws a wrench into that is detrimental to the game as far as I'm concerned. Christian Martyr, Angel of the Lord, and Grapes of Wrath each fall into this category.
When there is no reason not to use a card, I think it is pretty broken.
Dominants, in particular NJ and SoG, need some serious nerfing....I'm not sure I support an all-out ban (particularly on SoG), but there needs to be some serious toning down.
I would want such a card banned before any dominant is ever banned.
That made it even more broken.
I think they should just make a lost soul that nerfs all Dominants until rescued.