Author Topic: Defensive meta thoughts  (Read 2572 times)


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Defensive meta thoughts
« on: September 11, 2019, 08:22:13 AM »
After playing John’s T1-2P winner deck it has occurred to me that getting CWD Earley game is very strong and having cbp/cbn characters to back it up is better than ever

I played basically this deck in 2016 with judges/magicians/Assyrians and CWD .. it was good but not great cause most of the ecs were cbi at the time

All in all this deck does what most should without cwd and that’s have blocking ec abilities with ec abilities that give you access to other cards for blocks.. Elijah/Ehud are very powerful together with combined green gold and cbn battle winners

Generally speaking this defense/offense just does it better being cbp abilities but it made me come around to a general sense of the defensive meta

Typically playing no enh for a block or rescue is better than paying one
Uzzah/Necromancer/Lying Prophet/Profane Daughters are some examples of almost auto blockers

And usually I’m counting on a dom for a block between Christian Martyr on a loan hero or Falling Away which is what makes Auto/Gideon with Elijah really nice

Overall we have a pretty limited defensive meta. End the battles are pretty nice sometimes but it seems like soul hiding and soul drought is really still the best block in the game. As much soul protection as there is it usually seems negated or not around when needed most. On the other hand, what kinds of blocks would even be available otherwise? I’ve rounded a lot of defenses down to draw characters to get to falling away or martyr and scattered because the cbn on multiple Heroes like reap the whirlwind and no straw or abandonment seem to be staples in various defenses in combination with martyr

All in all this post is a few defensive meta thoughts to share for healthy conversation. Thanks for playing and contributing to Redemption!

Offline sepjazzwarrior

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Re: Defensive meta thoughts
« Reply #1 on: September 11, 2019, 08:40:47 AM »
Right now there are 2 meta defenses, either brown splash for speed or crimson babs/animals for power.  There are other effective defenses out there, such as magician/demons, but none are as effective and mesh as well with current meta offenses

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Re: Defensive meta thoughts
« Reply #2 on: September 11, 2019, 10:17:48 AM »
Gray (Gray/Black if you have more defensive slots) stall is viable IMO as long as you believe your deck is consistently faster than the opponent. It has a definitively finite number of blocks aside from Balaam/Scribe recursion but those blocks are some of the hardest to interact with in the game right now.

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Re: Defensive meta thoughts
« Reply #3 on: September 11, 2019, 10:24:08 AM »
I really enjoyed milling as a defensive option last year. It made me and my opponent play a different style of game where you really need to keep track of the resources that are being milled and milling itself creates a constant pressure the whole game. One example was my opponent throwing out Nebby for a block and finding out that he had nothing to grab from the deck anymore (and it was pretty early in the game). While I believe that John's deck would have for sure stomped me, I believe that there is a lot more potential for milling to be viable than ever before. One interesting thing I realized as well was that milling was actually a great way to get souls out of my opponents deck and I don't think soul drought was ever an issue for me in any of my games.
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Re: Defensive meta thoughts
« Reply #4 on: September 11, 2019, 02:35:21 PM »
I think that artifact blocks are becoming more and more meta. or just character auto blocks such as kings of judah. THe game now seems to be that who ever can activate the first ability wins the game sorta thing
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Re: Defensive meta thoughts
« Reply #5 on: September 11, 2019, 03:09:06 PM »
There are a lot of viable defenses, more than are known.. but this is kind of a matter of general consistency in top tier brackets. Gray black is very good and I’ve hardly seen it played recently. HPA Goliath Demetrius are better than ever gray got another balaams disobedience plus another d9 option with the lying prophet and profane daughters fit nicely in gray too.. not to mention lacking prophecy is a lot of the times another scattered you can get a d2 for your troubles with

I really like the alt win conditions and the exodus is a great example of an awesome pay off for playing through mill super cool deck style

There is definitely a mass disparity potential which endless treasures to cwd or golden calf put a big stop to .. Golden calf would be a staple but negating characters in battle is what makes cwd so good cause it takes out your uzzah firefoxes lots of chumps .. part of me feels like chumps are good for the game and a lot more people played Babel than I expected at last nationals which does wonders against most chumps .. obviously not against the cbp stuff

Humble soul was a big reason I stopped playing fbtn and cwd but it has kind of fallen out of the meta it seems for other souls? Not sure it’s enough either. I remember someone saying “if it’s cbp, play it”

Seems like the Shechem raiders camp def is a prime example of a micro defense I’ve hardly seen played. I’ve watched that combo auto block all game

Offline Bobbert

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Re: Defensive meta thoughts
« Reply #6 on: September 11, 2019, 04:14:56 PM »
I definitely think that while False Prophets and Babylonian cores are the most popular T1 defenses, there's others that have potential to be meta-defining. I've seen many more Moabites in T2 than T1, but I think they actually do have promise if anyone actually bothers to build them. Jon showed that Egyptians can do quite a lot, and it may be possible that that defense can be refined even more. JD mentioned some very strong Black characters. Demon/Magicians are just as solid as back in RoJ, just aren't as popular because they haven't gotten as many new toys lately.

I do agree with sepjazzwarrior about how offense is important when deciding what defense to play. Obviously if you're running CTB stuff you'll want the CBP-heavy brown defense so that CWD doesn't hurt you as much, and all three Flood decks in top cut ran some kind of crimson.
ANB is good. Change my mind.

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Re: Defensive meta thoughts
« Reply #7 on: September 11, 2019, 05:53:25 PM »
Gray (Gray/Black if you have more defensive slots) stall is viable IMO as long as you believe your deck is consistently faster than the opponent. It has a definitively finite number of blocks aside from Balaam/Scribe recursion but those blocks are some of the hardest to interact with in the game right now.

Yes. I love gray too.
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Re: Defensive meta thoughts
« Reply #8 on: September 11, 2019, 06:03:47 PM »
Gray (Gray/Black if you have more defensive slots) stall is viable IMO as long as you believe your deck is consistently faster than the opponent. It has a definitively finite number of blocks aside from Balaam/Scribe recursion but those blocks are some of the hardest to interact with in the game right now.

Yes. I love gray too.
Black/gray is epic in #yeetcannon.
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Re: Defensive meta thoughts
« Reply #9 on: September 11, 2019, 09:25:37 PM »
I definitely think that while False Prophets and Babylonian cores are the most popular T1 defenses, there's others that have potential to be meta-defining. I've seen many more Moabites in T2 than T1, but I think they actually do have promise if anyone actually bothers to build them. Jon showed that Egyptians can do quite a lot, and it may be possible that that defense can be refined even more. JD mentioned some very strong Black characters. Demon/Magicians are just as solid as back in RoJ, just aren't as popular because they haven't gotten as many new toys lately.

I do agree with sepjazzwarrior about how offense is important when deciding what defense to play. Obviously if you're running CTB stuff you'll want the CBP-heavy brown defense so that CWD doesn't hurt you as much, and all three Flood decks in top cut ran some kind of crimson.
Egyptians been good since cloud bro. Sorta placed at natz with them that one time ;)
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Re: Defensive meta thoughts
« Reply #10 on: September 11, 2019, 09:42:52 PM »
Touchè  ;)
ANB is good. Change my mind.

Offline Josh

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Re: Defensive meta thoughts
« Reply #11 on: September 12, 2019, 12:23:57 PM »
I haven't gotten around to posting my Nats writeup yet - here is the defense from my T1 deck, with just 1 or 2 tweaks since my Nats experience:

Endless Treasures -> CWD/Unsuccessful
Gates of Hell

Red Dragon
KoT (PoC)
The Deceiver
Emperor Nero
HP Ananias

5th Bowl of Wrath
War In Heaven

Plot to Kill
Wages of Sin

Every single character is CBP or CBN and plays well with CWD.  This defense is very grindy and is tough to battle through, even before Coliseum hits the table.  Coliseum single-handedly won me at least 2 games at Nats.

The only card I wish I could add is HHI, but HHI hurts my offense (and just about every viable offense) too much.  (My offense is very similar to John Earley's.)

Just wanted everyone to be aware that there is a deck out there that wants to play both CWD and Coliseum.

EDIT:  Was thinking I had missed a negate, then remembered Blindness.  Added above
« Last Edit: September 16, 2019, 01:38:27 PM by Josh »
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