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Concerning issue for modern Mayhem playing
« on: April 05, 2014, 07:32:36 PM »
While playing in a local tournament today I noticed something that was irritating me. When I would draw and pickup lost souls my opponent would place a Mayhem on the table. I try not to play in a slow manner, but I didn't even draw my third card before Mayhem hit the playing field. There was no reaction time to lay any LS down and continue the draw phase. I feel that this is an issue. I feel that the opponent must wait until the drawing phase is complete and ask for permission for initiative, or give at least 5 seconds to play a mayhem card while the drawing phase is in progress.

Ultimately I think that if the player does not have adequate time to play the lost souls drink the draw phase, the cards should be shuffled back into deck with the rest of the hand. I know that many would say this is crazy stupid and shouldn't be considered, but can we at least have some sort of delay of the Mayhem action to finish the draw phase?
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Re: Concerning issue for modern Mayhem playing
« Reply #1 on: April 05, 2014, 08:02:51 PM »
I think the souls you drew would be placed, cards drawn to replace them, and THEN Mayhem would work.
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Re: Concerning issue for modern Mayhem playing
« Reply #2 on: April 05, 2014, 08:09:57 PM »
I think the souls you drew would be placed, cards drawn to replace them, and THEN Mayhem would work.
That's how it's ruled. You can't play cards in draw phase.
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Re: Concerning issue for modern Mayhem playing
« Reply #3 on: April 05, 2014, 08:10:27 PM »
Doesn't the draw phase have to be completed before mayhem even activates?
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Re: Concerning issue for modern Mayhem playing
« Reply #4 on: April 05, 2014, 08:43:47 PM »
Your opponent should not be trying to play any cards during your Draw Phase. You have the right to draw your three cards, and replace any Lost Soul cards, before your opponent can do anything. Did you bring this situation up with the judge/host?
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Re: Concerning issue for modern Mayhem playing
« Reply #5 on: April 05, 2014, 09:34:43 PM »
Yeah, you'd finish drawing and replace Lost Souls, then I believe that you have the opportunity to play any dominants you drew as long as you don't take a lot of time deciding if you want to play them. If you don't play anything right away your opponent has every right to play Mayhem after you've COMPLETED drawing and replacing souls.

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Re: Concerning issue for modern Mayhem playing
« Reply #6 on: April 05, 2014, 10:30:41 PM »
While playing in a local tournament today I noticed something that was irritating me. When I would draw and pickup lost souls my opponent would place a Mayhem on the table. I try not to play in a slow manner, but I didn't even draw my third card before Mayhem hit the playing field. There was no reaction time to lay any LS down and continue the draw phase. I feel that this is an issue. I feel that the opponent must wait until the drawing phase is complete and ask for permission for initiative, or give at least 5 seconds to play a mayhem card while the drawing phase is in progress.

First, if you are referring to me on the first part, you had the third card already placed in hand with no indication it was coming down with a soul.  I didn't throw down a dominant without the indication that you should be done with your draw.  If it was another game, then that's a matter I cannot comment on :)

Second, no, 5 seconds is not how this works.  The problem is that the active player can immediately go from drawing to playing cards down, and part of the advantage of playing Mayhem is that you can do so before that chance is taken.  If I think you have Mayhem, I will just start throwing stuff down into territory right after drawing to beat your play.

Dominants cause slapjack, meaning fastest player wins.  If you put each card you draw into hand, then make no immediate move to put down Lost Souls, I'm going to drop Mayhem then.  If you need to replace souls, I have to pick it up and wait for the replacement to play it back down.  But if you expect competitive players to act differently, it won't happen (nor is it against the rules or spirit of the game, sorry).

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Re: Concerning issue for modern Mayhem playing
« Reply #7 on: April 05, 2014, 10:39:19 PM »
I don't think dominant slapjack is really fair in that situation as I have cards that I'm putting into my hand while you're just sitting there waiting to play your card as soon as I draw. As I said, I think the drawing player could respond to their draw by playing an dominants (but not other cards) they want to and then the opponent has the opportunity to play their Mayhem or whatever dominant.   

Offline Redoubter

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Re: Concerning issue for modern Mayhem playing
« Reply #8 on: April 05, 2014, 10:45:04 PM »
As I said, I think the drawing player could respond to their draw by playing an dominants (but not other cards) they want to and then the opponent has the opportunity to play their Mayhem or whatever dominant.

Never disputed that the player drawing has 'first right' more or less to play dominants, but not to other cards.  However, there is nothing to require me to "give the opportunity" to play Mayhem.  I can just go right to Prep Phase and lay stuff in territory quickly to get it out of hand before you Mayhem, and there are no rules to prevent that.  Likewise, there is nothing to stop me from playing Mayhem right after you draw if it does not appear you are working on putting souls in play.  In either case, it is competitive play to be faster and beat your opponent to the action.  With the current rules of the game, both actions are allowable.

Given that we have not been given a 'pass initiative' requirement for each phase thus far, as much as this comes up, it will not happen would be my guess.

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Re: Concerning issue for modern Mayhem playing
« Reply #9 on: April 05, 2014, 11:54:22 PM »
I think the souls you drew would be placed, cards drawn to replace them, and THEN Mayhem would work.
That's how it's ruled. You can't play cards in draw phase.

Your opponent should not be trying to play any cards during your Draw Phase. You have the right to draw your three cards, and replace any Lost Soul cards, before your opponent can do anything. Did you bring this situation up with the judge/host?

First, if you are referring to me on the first part, you had the third card already placed in hand with no indication it was coming down with a soul.  I didn't throw down a dominant without the indication that you should be done with your draw.  If it was another game, then that's a matter I cannot comment on :)

It was on multiple occasions during the day, and I'm not pointing any fingers Dayne.

I guess I should emphasize that I was laying lost souls drawn from my drawing phase, not other cards in my hand. YMT I was the host, and it was a local event so it wasn't a concerning issue. I just would like to see more of a common courtesy from players, and if anyone agrees with me. When I want to lay Mayhem down after my opponent draws I wait at least 3-5 seconds to see if any lost souls were drawn. I've never had a slap jack issue occur at this point in a game. I guess it could be that I may not be at a competitive level as to National players where they face critical procedures in a move that have a short amount of time. Again I'm not blaming anyone in my local area for the behavior.
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Re: Concerning issue for modern Mayhem playing
« Reply #10 on: April 06, 2014, 03:52:07 AM »
Dom slap jack or playing ahead of time has always been a frustrating aspect of the game for many players. Although I understand the frustration I believe the balance occurs when someone throws down a Dom early and it costs them dearly.

For instance at the t2 only I heard about a situation where someone was about to surrender a LS and played FA claiming they would just keep the LS in territory. Theoretically that person would have had to FA their own soul had their opponent stuck them.

More then once I have made the mistake of playing AotL or CM early in a block or rescue where protection occured  due to a special ability and I had use the Dom on myself.

Recently I've had people slap down grapes on Judas Iscariot before they realized who they trying to grapes because they were afraid of what I was doing in the block( I guess)

I've seen this happen with burial, SoG/NJ, DoN and grapes getting wasted.

On one hand I get your point but on the other the Hanover/MD play group has become thick with competitive and national level players. This is going to continue to be part of the game and I don't see people backing off of their desire to give themself the best chance to win. (This includes me) Granted sometimes slapping dom's doesn't give you the best chance to win but it's something that is going to happen because sometimes slapjack wins.
« Last Edit: April 06, 2014, 08:21:22 AM by jbeers285 »
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Re: Concerning issue for modern Mayhem playing
« Reply #11 on: April 06, 2014, 08:36:58 AM »
And as PA/MD group member the trend of players letting competitive spirits overrule fellowship and courtesy is one of the things that is quickly souring me on this game.  A competitive spirit is slightly selfish in nature and we need start placing an emphasis on to tempering it with Christian fellowship and courtesy for the health of the game and the region.

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Re: Concerning issue for modern Mayhem playing
« Reply #12 on: April 06, 2014, 08:41:24 AM »
And as PA/MD group member the trend of players letting competitive spirits overrule fellowship and courtesy is one of the things that is quickly souring me on this game.  A competitive spirit is slightly selfish in nature and we need start placing an emphasis on to tempering it with Christian fellowship and courtesy for the health of the game and the region.

While I agree that we should be Christ-like in our attitudes, I do not understand how being competitive and trying to win the game is not appropriate.  That is the object of the game, and as long as we are not doing things like trying to cheat or lie to get there, there is no issue with being faster than your opponent and playing cards at a time that is more advantageous to you and more damaging to your opponent's chances of winning.

When I am trying to play Mayhem down before you can get any cards out of your hand, I am doing it because we are playing a game where each of us is trying to win.  I'm not doing it to be mean to you.  That is the difference to me, and this argument that being competitive is inherently harmful does not work with me.

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Re: Concerning issue for modern Mayhem playing
« Reply #13 on: April 06, 2014, 09:07:20 AM »
That is not what I said, I said letting the over competitive behavior trump fellowship, is bad for the game.   Everyone should play their best, but I believe graciousness should overrule winning a game.  If my taking an action in my best interest knowing it will infuriate my opponent and cause them to have anger, I should consider being gracious.  IMO we need more graciousness in this game, than competition.  I am not saying you should not try to win but there has been a trend in our meta of players becoming more and more ruthless in their conduct and that is not good.  If we are like the world in our conduct, what good are we as Christians? 

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Re: Concerning issue for modern Mayhem playing
« Reply #14 on: April 06, 2014, 10:14:48 AM »
... the trend of players letting competitive spirits overrule fellowship and courtesy is one of the things that is quickly souring me on this game. 

As one who has already been "soured" (to the point of no longer hosting tournaments), I completely agree with your sentiment. Let me know if you ever come visit Florida, so we can get together for a fun game night.  ;D
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Re: Concerning issue for modern Mayhem playing
« Reply #15 on: April 06, 2014, 10:40:17 AM »
And as PA/MD group member the trend of players letting competitive spirits overrule fellowship and courtesy is one of the things that is quickly souring me on this game.  A competitive spirit is slightly selfish in nature and we need start placing an emphasis on to tempering it with Christian fellowship and courtesy for the health of the game and the region.

Can you provide one tangible example of this?  Literally one?

Prior to yesterday's event I had intentionally played subpar decks at the previous 2 tournaments.  Neither of the decks were speed and neither of them was designed around stopping my opponent from playing cards. Neither of those decks prevented my opponent from having a hand.  This was to help provide opportunity for other people to win and to have games that included real battles.  What would you like me to do to continue to encourage fun and fellowship?  I attend as many tournaments your way and usually bring Charles to add people to the pool and support you as a host. I havnt seen you at a tournament in pa since states 2012.

Not to be rude but the only person I've seen get really upset at tournament is you.  I find it a little condescending to bash your play group while you don't support half of it. I think Jesus said something about this, it had to do with a spec and a plank. I will give you this you have personally apologized to people after difficult situations and that is admirable. That doesn't excuse the behavior though.

Personally I'm proud of our play area. Everyone is getting better and becoming stronger players and I have not seen a decrease in fun or fellowship; rather the opposite is it true. People have Been interested in helping one another, and supporting one another as we have tried to rival the great MN play groups. (This is a fun way not a over bearing competitive way, just clarifying) I'm proud of that.
« Last Edit: April 06, 2014, 11:34:28 AM by jbeers285 »
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Re: Concerning issue for modern Mayhem playing
« Reply #16 on: April 06, 2014, 11:25:55 AM »
Everyone should play their best, but I believe graciousness should overrule winning a game.  If my taking an action in my best interest knowing it will infuriate my opponent and cause them to have anger, I should consider being gracious.

I completely disagree with you that 'letting someone win' (which is what you are suggesting if you say not to take the most competitive action just because someone might be upset) should be a part of this game, or that not doing so is 'not Christian'.  We are playing a game, and we are playing to win.  I will not cheat.  I will not lie.  I do not even intentionally deceive (like has been talked about in other threads).  But I will make the plays that give me the best chance to win, and I will capitalize on errors or good luck.  That's the point of playing the game.  Afterwards, I will laugh and fellowship and be gracious, win or lose (been working on the second part, and have been getting better), but that does not mean I won't try to win.  Saying I shouldn't try to win at a tournament is nonsensical to me.

On a side note, I am moving this out of Ruling Questions.  There isn't really a rule or ruling being discussed here, more of a 'how this is being currently played' discussion.  Also, since I am in the thick of this one, I shouldn't be the moderator that determines if anything is amiss here.

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Re: Concerning issue for modern Mayhem playing
« Reply #17 on: April 06, 2014, 01:21:16 PM »
It would be nice to hammer out some sort of 'initative' system when moving through phases.  Essentially, establish which player has first crack at playing a Dom when phases end/begin.  I think what tends to get people upset is when they're ninja-Dommed - players who've had more competitive experience should be used to that element of surprise, but I know it still stinks to have your hand abruptly Mayhemmed away, or your hero CM'ed outside of battle, or whatever other stuff that happens 'out of the ordinary'.  All of us react differently to that surprise, especially when we feel the other player was gaming the system in order to pull it off.

As for our PA/MD side discussion here, the only thing I really want to say is that I've never left a tournament feeling like I'd had a bad experience.  Sure, I've been frustrated (and probably frustrating) at times during actual tourney play, but I feel that we do a good job of keeping that frustration within the confines of the game.  I have a tremendous amount of respect for each of you, as hosts, players, and friends.  I've kind of been on hiatus with Redemption for a while, but I'm hoping to get down a couple times this summer.  Definitely miss playing with y'all.


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Re: Concerning issue for modern Mayhem playing
« Reply #18 on: April 06, 2014, 02:10:54 PM »
I've always felt that dominants, as a gameplay element, are broken. The issue with them (and Mayhem in particular) is that there is no real objective way to solve the arguments that arise from its play. For instance, in T1MP yesterday, Josiah drew for his draw phase, and I paused before playing Mayhem to give him the opportunity to play any dominants of his own. In the intertim, his Golden Cherubim hit the table a split second before my Mayhem. Does Cherubim get shuffled? The answer depends on who is judging: Some would argue that Cherubim hit the table, and therefore, would be active when my Mayhem goes off. Others would argue that by game rule, I was forced to pause for dominants and dominants only, and that even if the Cherubim hit the table, it should be shuffled because I was giving due consideration to my opponent. I suspect that most people would agree with my opinion that the Cherubim should shuffle (and after a brief discussion, Josiah did indeed shuffle it without needing to call a judge over, though whether that was because he agreed with me or because he didn't want an argument isn't for me to say), but there is still clearly an argument for the other side. Subjective rulings are one of the most controversial and upsetting parts of any competition (bad calls in virtually any sport are rampant), so if Redemption can avoid that as much as possible, I think it's for the best.

Thus, I believe that the rules regarding dominants should be changed to something like this: "A dominant may be played at any time, but the ability does not complete until all other abilities and game rules have resolved. In the case of two players playing a card at the same time (with at least one of them being a dominant), the person/team whose turn it is (or who had their turn last in multiplayer games) gets precedence." For instance, if I play Mayhem just as your draw phase is beginning, you could draw, put down Lost Souls, draw for the Lost Souls, and then all hands would shuffle. If I make a rescue attempt and you block with Assyrian Siege Army, I can play Grapes immediately, and ASA still blows up an artifact, fort, or site before he is discarded to instigate the shuffle. This almost completely eliminates slapjack from the game and makes dominants less of a hassle to deal with. The only instance where it would still cause problems is in the case of a tie where both players insist their card hit the table first, and a judge would simply have to rule that a tie goes to the person who's turn it is.

Does this make Mayhem slightly more powerful? Yes. However, it also balances other dominants by either forcing the person about to play a dominant to wait and risk getting Shanghai'd, or they can play it, and their opponent has the opportunity to take that into account when making decisions before the dominant kicks in. I don't really think Mayhem so powerful that this rule change would impact it much.

I think that if we want to talk about the role of competition in Redemption as a whole, that should be split into a different topic. If it's going to remain about competition in our playgroup in particular, it should probably be taken to PMs.

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Re: Concerning issue for modern Mayhem playing
« Reply #19 on: April 06, 2014, 02:23:52 PM »
To avoid all of this I inform my opponent of the fact that when there draw phase has completed if he/she doesn't wish to respond to their action of drawing with a Dom, I intend to play mayhem. I've had no issues with this at any point.

As an aside I most definitely would have Pm'd my concerns to all necessary parties if the stage had been set in a private situation. However, in this situation the stage was set publicly and I felt the need to defend a group of players that was being misrepresented by an outlier opinion. I didn't feel it was appropriate to place an  over arching stereotype on this or any group of players.

I will keep all conversation on the play group topic to PM's from this point forward and am more then willing to have a conversation with anyone who has questions or concerns about my posts.

I do apology for my part in derailing the topic.

@Chris to answer your question about the Multi game from yesterday, I realized your actions were courteous and that is why I agreed with your assessment. Had you tried to slap down mayhem because I dropped GC I would have at least got the opinion of the other players at the table.
« Last Edit: April 06, 2014, 02:32:56 PM by jbeers285 »
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Re: Concerning issue for modern Mayhem playing
« Reply #20 on: April 06, 2014, 02:29:24 PM »
To avoid all of this I inform my opponent of the fact that when there draw phase has completed if he/she doesn't wish to respond to their action of drawing with a Dom, I intend to play mayhem. I've had no issues with this at any point.

The issue is that the person playing Mayhem shouldn't have to open up the floor to other people playing dominants. Me saying I want to play Mayhem isn't binding to that other player in the slightest; they could use the opportunity to drop five heroes, and by game rule, they'd be allowed to (though a judge would probably rule against them, which is its own separate problem).

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Re: Concerning issue for modern Mayhem playing
« Reply #21 on: April 06, 2014, 03:17:33 PM »
Frankly Dominants are pretty damaging to the game overall. A card type should not exist in a game where there is no real set of enforceable rules as to when it can be played. If in the situation in this thread the player had finished drawing and then reached for a card in his hand, I play mayhem, and he pulls a dominant which, due to responding to his own action he would have had the right to play, you can't really rule consistently when Mayhem fires in this situation. Was the drawing player always going to play the dominant or is he just trying to say that he was because now he sees that he's going to lose it if he doesn't play it? You can't have an ambiguous rule set surrounding any card, non the less cards that are that powreful.

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Re: Concerning issue for modern Mayhem playing
« Reply #22 on: April 06, 2014, 04:09:49 PM »
I'm curious after all these years of people mentioning the issues (and problems) caused by not having a ruleset for the timing of dominants, why Redemption has not implemented such a ruleset. There is clearly no consistency across the country on how judges rule these situations, mostly because no one really knows. We changed the deck-building requirement associated with dominants, but this did not take care of the underlying issue. Are we unable to do this at the current stage of the game?

Along these lines, if we ever seriously consider a reboot, I think this is an important issue that needs to be addressed. This is not a PA/MD issue. This is an issue that affects everyone that plays Redemption. It's never too late to create a binding structure on the use of Dominants, since either all of us on the Boards are the ones chiefly affected, or the people that are not on the Boards will eventually come here looking for answers. I think that some of the "conflict" between competitive players and casual players can be avoided if such a structure was in place.
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Re: Concerning issue for modern Mayhem playing
« Reply #23 on: April 06, 2014, 04:48:09 PM »
Along these lines, if we ever seriously consider a reboot, I think this is an important issue that needs to be addressed...It's never too late to create a binding structure on the use of Dominants

If we did a reboot, a defined ruleset on dominants would not be needed quite as much in the new format.  If you did I/J forward (and also excluded old promos), you would only have Son of God, Angel of the Lord, Christian Martyr, Vain Philosophy, and Strife.  The only real conflict would be between VP and SoG, unless they printed other doms that would cause problems (or reprinted things like Mayhem).

Also, need to point out that, of the 10 people at the tournament in question, I believe that 2 have won at least one category at Nats, 2 others have at least placed at Nats, and 1 other placed in RNRS.  This is a competitive group, and people play to win the game (as they should) while fellowshipping and having good times with friends.  Not all of that is exclusive.
« Last Edit: April 06, 2014, 04:50:21 PM by Redoubter »

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Re: Concerning issue for modern Mayhem playing
« Reply #24 on: April 06, 2014, 05:05:31 PM »
Dominants need to have a defined ruleset regardless of if there is conflict between them. Rules must be made not just for now, but for the future. Change the rule so that they can be played any time during your turn, or in battle as normal. That presents nearly all, if not all, of the conflict that currently exists.


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