Author Topic: Certain questions about type 2 game play.  (Read 1116 times)

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Certain questions about type 2 game play.
« on: March 01, 2015, 05:08:26 PM »
1. I know that discarding top cards from an opponents deck can be effective in type 1 games (because you can only have 1 of each card and the decks are usually between 50 to 63 cards)

but just wondering if anyone thinks that making a specific deck of just milling cards from an opponent's deck is just as effective in a type 2 games?

Is there any effective type 2 milling decks posted on the forums somewhere?

2. In your opinion do you think Toss battles (blocking or attacking) are decent in type 2 games? ( I would think not because  type 2 seems to have more banding going on both sides) maybe way better in Type 1 games.

3. Noticed there is more searching then drawing in type 2. Do you think speed (in the way of drawing cards) in type 2 is still needed just as much as in type 1 games?

any thoughts on these questions?

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Re: Certain questions about type 2 game play.
« Reply #1 on: March 02, 2015, 12:35:37 AM »
In my experience, using deck discard as your primary strategy won't win in T2. However, being able to implement it as a secondary strategy can be very beneficial. Since most of the time, the discard is random the amount it will help you is also random, therefore it really cannot be counted on.

Toss in T2 can definitely be effective since many defenses rely on enhancements with more toughness than strength. Like you point out though, if the opponent has banding options, you're probably better off in a non-toss attack.

Most successful T2 decks do include both drawing and searching, but not all. Some decks might go draw-heavy and use Nazareth to stop the opponent's searching for example. Other decks may go with lots of anti-drawing cards in hopes of creating "dead" cards that the opponent cannot use effectively.
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