Author Topic: Cards to keep as-is (but update old wording) post-set rotation  (Read 11115 times)

Offline jesse

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Re: Cards to keep as-is (but update old wording) post-set rotation
« Reply #25 on: May 10, 2018, 01:00:59 AM »
For the C/D Starter Decks, I only found Roman Prison as potentially worth keeping as-is from what hasn't been reprinted already. Also I switched Obedience of Noah to go under C/D instead of the Unlimited as I realized it was in the C deck.

Next up is Apostles

I'll open it up with suggesting:

NT-Only Lost Soul (Acts 11:18)
Household Idols
Christian Suing Another
Burial Shroud
Good Samaritan
Elders of Jerusalem (all 3)
Three Nails
Great Mourning
Wall of Protection
Ship to Cyprus
Unholy Writ

What do you guys think? Feel free to comment on this, any of the previous, or the next set, Patriarchs!
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Offline redemption collector 777

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Re: Cards to keep as-is (but update old wording) post-set rotation
« Reply #26 on: May 10, 2018, 08:20:10 AM »
For the C/D Starter Decks, I only found Roman Prison as potentially worth keeping as-is from what hasn't been reprinted already. Also I switched Obedience of Noah to go under C/D instead of the Unlimited as I realized it was in the C deck.

Next up is Apostles

I'll open it up with suggesting:

NT-Only Lost Soul (Acts 11:18)
Household Idols
Christian Suing Another
Burial Shroud
Good Samaritan
Elders of Jerusalem (all 3)
Three Nails
Great Mourning
Wall of Protection
Ship to Cyprus
Unholy Writ

What do you guys think? Feel free to comment on this, any of the previous, or the next set, Patriarchs!

I think there needs to be more apostles cards on this list in my opinion. 

Here is my list:


A new creation
A Roman Soldier's Faith
Angel of Deliverance
Angelic Rebellion
Angry Mob
Benefitign from Troubles
Burial Shroud
Christian suing Another
Controlling Demon
Crucify Him
Elders of Jerusalem (black border)
Elders of Jerusalem (orange border)
Elders of Jerusalem (purple border)
Elymas (Bar-Jesus) the Sorcerer (reword ability)
Emperor Claudius
Emperer Nero (reprint needed)
Entertaining Angels
Ethiopian Treasurer
Great Mourning
Good Samaritan
God's Provision
Gamaliel (reprint needed)
Fishers of Men
Face of Death
Herod Antipas (has this been reprinted??)
Herod the Great
Household Idols
Joseph the Carpenter (reprint needed)
Lacking sleep
Lay down your Life
Messenger of Satan
Men as Gods
Massacre of Innocents
Lost Soul (N.T only)
Lost Coin Found
Leper Colony
Miraculous Hankerchiefs
Narrow Escape
Pharisees (all art versions)
Sadducees (all art versions)
Sowing the Seed
Simon the Magician
Ship to Cyprus
Satan's Folly
Sanctifying Faith
Take as a Slave
The meal in Emmaus
30 pieces of silver
three nails
Trapped in Cleverness
Unholy Writ
Unity in Christ
Vengance of Eternal Fire
Wall of Protection

I know half of these cards probably aren't top tier for competitive play anymore , but they are not completely useless either. I think they still have their uses.

For anyone who is new to the game or still likes to try and make use of some of the older cards , I strongly believe these cards from the apostles set should stay or get reprinted ( with the exact same brigade and number stats they were originally printed ) with updated worded abilities.

For example: An evil gold brigade Emperor Claudius could still be useful in a Herod or Egyptain defense. 

Have a big list of all cards I think should be stay or at least get reprinted , just in case a set rotation happens.  Stay tuned.

« Last Edit: May 10, 2018, 08:29:05 AM by redemption collector 777 »

Offline jesse

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Re: Cards to keep as-is (but update old wording) post-set rotation
« Reply #27 on: May 10, 2018, 10:19:06 AM »
Thanks for the input! A number of the cards you listed have been reprinted already, and while I agree that it would be useful to have different versions of a card, I assume that the goal is to have 1 playable version of each card.

So, taking out those that have been reprinted, cards that I already listed, and cards that need obvious changes (ex: Emperor Nero needs warrior class and Gamaliel should be clay) here's what's left, which I'll add to the ongoing "master list":

A Roman Soldier's Faith
Angelic Rebellion
Benefiting from Troubles
God's Provision
Face of Death
Herod Antipas
Lacking Sleep
Lost Coin Found
Leper Colony
Sadducees (all art versions)
Sowing the Seed
Sanctifying Faith
Take as a Slave
The Meal in Emmaus
30 Pieces of Silver

Would love to have your continued input on other sets - thanks again! :)
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Offline Crashfach2002

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Re: Cards to keep as-is (but update old wording) post-set rotation
« Reply #28 on: May 10, 2018, 10:28:53 AM »
So like last time, these are the cards in my boxes that I feel could be put into a deck.

C/D Starter:

Swift Horses (Reprinted)


Christian Suing Another
Elymas (Bar-Jesus) the Sorcerer (Reprinted)
Emperor Nero
Ethiopian Treasurer
Good Samaritan
Household Idols
Messenger of Satan (Reprinted)
Pharisees (3 variants)
Sadducees (3 variants)
Saul / Paul
Simon the Magician (Reprinted)
Three Nails
Unholy Writ
Unity in Christ (Reprinted)
Wall of Protection


Abraham's Servant to Ur
Achan's Sin (Reprinted)
Babel (Reprinted, but I think this would still be a good card to have)
Balaam's Disobedience (Already LR)
Battle Cry
Covenant of Noah
Covenant of Palestine
Covenant with Adam
Creation of the World (Probably needs to be Blue)
Death of Unrighteous (Already LR)
Destruction of Nehushtan
Egyptian Wise Men
Esau (Reprinted)
Gibeonite Trickery (Reprinted)
Haman's Plot
Hur (Probably needs to be White)
Joseph in Prison
Korah's Rebellion
Leviathan (Reprinted)
Midianite Attack
Moses kills Egyptian
New Beginning, A (Reprinted)
Pharaoh's Magicians
Sarah's Jealousy

Surprisingly, I feel like almost every card that hasn't been reprinted or needs to change colors could easily be a LR from these sets.  As a whole Apostles was a pretty weak set but had a few quality cards, that are still being played.  I always felt Patriarchs had some of the best enhancements, and I still play with some of them!

Offline jesse

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Re: Cards to keep as-is (but update old wording) post-set rotation
« Reply #29 on: May 10, 2018, 02:26:12 PM »
That's super helpful, Crash! We already have the C/D and Apostles cards you listed that aren't reprints, so I'll use your Pats list to start that one off. Taking out the reprinted and ones clearly needing changed leaves us with:

Abraham's Servant to Ur
Balaam's Disobedience (Already LR)
Battle Cry
Covenant of Noah
Covenant of Palestine
Covenant with Adam
Death of Unrighteous (Already LR)
Destruction of Nehushtan
Egyptian Wise Men
Haman's Plot
Joseph in Prison
Korah's Rebellion
Midianite Attack
Moses kills Egyptian
Pharaoh's Magicians
Sarah's Jealousy

Additionally, after going through the set myself, I think the following are also potentially worthy of keeping:

Begging for Grain
Blue Tassels
Death of Firstborn
Jacob's Ladder
Joseph's Brother's Scheme
Joseph's Silver Cup
Providing Angel
Water Shaft

Unless there's any other comments on Patriarchs, the next set is Kings!
« Last Edit: May 10, 2018, 02:43:33 PM by jesse »
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Re: Cards to keep as-is (but update old wording) post-set rotation
« Reply #30 on: May 10, 2018, 02:44:24 PM »
Strength in Weakness from Apostles could also benefit from new wording.

Offline jesse

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Re: Cards to keep as-is (but update old wording) post-set rotation
« Reply #31 on: May 10, 2018, 02:48:51 PM »
Awesome, thanks Hobbit! I'll add it in!  8)
Love is the flame of God, Who is love and an all-consuming fire!- Song. 8:6-7, 1 Jn. 4:8, Deut. 4:24

Offline redemption collector 777

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Re: Cards to keep as-is (but update old wording) post-set rotation
« Reply #32 on: May 10, 2018, 03:02:03 PM »
Here is my list of Patriarchs cards:


A new beginning
Abel's Sacrifice
Abraham's Servant to Ur
Achan's Sin
All Hope Lost
Altar of Dagon
Angelic Advice
Balaam's Disobedience
Battle Cry
Begging for Grain
Blue Tassels
Death of Unrighteous
Danites Attack
Creation of the World
Covenant with Moses
 Covenant with Adam
Covenant of Salt
Covenant of Palestine
Covenant of Noah
Covenant of Eden
Covenant of Abraham
Confused Languages
Deepening Lie
Demon in Armor
Destorying Angel
Destruction of Nehushtan
Dream (all varients)
Egyptain Wise Men
Elders of the City
Eli the Priest
Flight of Spies
Foretelling Angel
Gibeonite Trickery
Gideon's Call
Haman's plot
Isaac Deceived
Jacob's Dream
Jacob's Ladder
Jeruslam Tower
Joseph before Pharaoh
Joseph in Prison
Joseph's Brothers Scheme
Joseph's Silver Cup
Judah's Sin
Korah's Rebellion
Patriarch Travels
Moses Kills Egyptian
Moses and Elders
Midianite Attack
Love at First Sight
Protection of Jerusalem
Providing Angel
Sarah's Jealousy
Wool Fleece
Water Shaft
Three Angels
The Wages of Sin
The gods of Egypt
Stolen Idols
Stolen Blessing (SA one)

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Re: Cards to keep as-is (but update old wording) post-set rotation
« Reply #33 on: May 10, 2018, 04:49:30 PM »
DoN needs a reprint, but it won't be identical, because it's worded backwards - it discards, then negates when it should be "negate and discard".

Egyptian Wise Men was reprinted in FoM - it only bands to Exodus Egyptians, but has Reserve access.

Haman's Plot will probably lose the rip component if it gets reprinted.

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Re: Cards to keep as-is (but update old wording) post-set rotation
« Reply #34 on: May 10, 2018, 06:35:27 PM »
Haman's Plot will probably lose the rip component if it gets reprinted.

And hopefully lose the CBN...?  Or make it conditional like 'if used by Haman'?
« Last Edit: May 10, 2018, 06:38:02 PM by Kor »
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Offline jesse

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Re: Cards to keep as-is (but update old wording) post-set rotation
« Reply #35 on: May 11, 2018, 01:10:31 AM »
Thanks for the input on Patriarchs, guys. I updated the master list accordingly. For Kings, whew, it's a huge set. :o Here's what I've got for it:

Ambush the City
Angel’s Sword
Archers of Kedar
Asherah Pole
Bearing Bad News
Besieging the City
Captain of the Host
Chariots of the Sun
Coat of Mail
David’s Harp
Displeased Philistines
Disuading Speech
Egyptian Archer
Fallen Warrior
Hadad Arises
Israel Pays Tribute
Josiah’s Covenant
King Ahaziah
King Jeroboam I
King Jotham
King Nadab
King Omri
King Rezin
King Zedekiah
Land Purchase
Lost Soul - Shuffler (Ezekiel 31:14)
Lost Soul - */4 or greater (II Chronicles 15:4)
Lost Soul - Hopper (II Chronicles 28:13) (already a Legacy Rare)
Lost Soul - Site Doubler (Psalm 1:4)
Michael (need a Daniel reference version)
Might of Angels
Mustering for War
Paying Tribute
Political Bribes
Raider’s Camp
Shimei’s Malicious Curse
Spy (already a Legacy Rare)
Sword against Sword
Sword of the Lord
Syrian Archer
Syrian Victory
The Long Day
The Rabshakeh
Troops Discharged
Two Thousand Horses
United Army
Visions of Iddo the Seer
Words of Encouragement

Any other thoughts on Kings are welcome, or feel free to suggest cards from the next set: E/F Starters
« Last Edit: May 11, 2018, 01:15:20 AM by jesse »
Love is the flame of God, Who is love and an all-consuming fire!- Song. 8:6-7, 1 Jn. 4:8, Deut. 4:24

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Re: Cards to keep as-is (but update old wording) post-set rotation
« Reply #36 on: May 11, 2018, 10:27:58 AM »
Pressing ahead, here's what I have for the E/F starters:

Gifts of the Magi
Misuse of Talents
Sign of the Rainbow
Slave Trade

As always, any suggestions on any sets is welcome...on to Angel Wars. (this should be a quick one  :laugh:)
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Re: Cards to keep as-is (but update old wording) post-set rotation
« Reply #37 on: May 11, 2018, 10:32:10 AM »
As always, any suggestions on any sets is welcome...on to Angel Wars. (this should be a quick one  :laugh:)

/end AW list
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Offline jesse

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Re: Cards to keep as-is (but update old wording) post-set rotation
« Reply #38 on: May 11, 2018, 10:52:10 AM »
Haha that's basically what I was assuming going into it as well  :laugh: It seems that the vast majority of Angel Wars packs that I've opened have not been very exciting, to put it kindly!

But after going through the set, I was surprised by the number of at least fairly helpful cards! Here's what I came up with for what could be considered for keeping as-is post-rotation:

Chamber of Angels
Consumed by Doubt
Demonic Stronghold
Equipped for the Mission
Failed Objective
Hammer of Heaven
I Am Healing
I Am Holy
I Am Justice
I Am Mercy
I Am Patience
I Am Redemption
I Am Salvation
I Am Truth
In the Clouds
Invisible Beings
Lost Soul (Acts 23:27)
Lost Soul - Anti-Burial (Galatians 3:13)
Lost Soul (James 1:15)
Lost Soul - 1st Round Protect (Matthew 19:26)
Lost Soul - Site Remover (Matthew 8:34)
Lost Soul - Revealer (Romans 3:23)
Primary Objective
Spiritual Beings
Spiritual Realm
Spiritual Warfare
Swift Beings
Sword of the Fighter
Sword of the Guardian
The Darkness
The Pit
Weapon of the Holy
Word of Discouragement

Suggestions on this or any previous sets welcome...otherwise next up is the G/H Starters...only 6 sets left!!
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Re: Cards to keep as-is (but update old wording) post-set rotation
« Reply #39 on: May 11, 2018, 12:18:43 PM »
List of Kings cards:


Abishai's Spear
Abner's Spear
Absalom (reprint needed)
Absalom's Soldiers (reprint needed)
Ahitophel (reprint needed)
Amasa (reprint needed)
Ambush the City
Angel of his Prescence
Angel of the Waters
Angel's Sword
Answered Prayer
Archers of Kedar
Ark of the Covenant
Artifacts Destoryed
Asherah Pole
Backward Shadow
Battle Prayer
Bearing Bad news
Beniah Snatches a spear
Besieging the City
Book of Hozai
Book of jasher
Bow and Arrow
Break down the Wall of Gath
Breastplate of Righteouness
Captain of the Host
Coat of Mail
David's Harp
David's Victory
Destruction of Babylon
Displeased Philstines
Disuading Speech
Egyptain Archer
Ehud's Dagger
Evil Spirit
Faith of David
Fallen Warrior
five smooth stones
Gathering of Angels
Gibeonite Treaty
Glittering Sword
Glory of the lord
Helmet of Brass
Helmet of Salvation
Hezekiah's Signet Ring
Israel pays Tribute
Israelite Archer
Jashobeam's Spear
Jehu's Sword
Joshua burns the City
Josiah's covenant
Kerith Ravine
King abijah
King ahaz
King ahaziah
King Amaziah
King Amon
King Asa
King Ben-hadad 1st
King Elah
King Hezekiah
King hoshea
King Jehoahaz (5/7)
King Jehoram
King Jehoshaphat
King Jeroboam 1st
King Joash
King Joram
King josiah
King Jotham
King Menaham
King Nadab
King omri
King Pekahiah
King Rehoboam
King Rezin
King Saul (brown)
King Saul's Jealousy
King Sennacherib
King Shihsak
King So
King Tiglath pileseser 3rd
King Zedekiah
King Zimri
Land Purchase
LS (4 or greater)
LS (hopper)
LS (site doubler)
LS (shuffler)
Might of Angels
Momentum change
Moral decline
Mustering for War (all versions)
Paying Tribute
Pekah"s Blade
Pharoah neco (reprint needed)
Political bribes
Political Savvy
Posterity Removed
Prince Jonathan
Put to Flight
Queen Maachah
Raider's Camp
Recruiting Officer
Rezon Arises
Saint of Virtue
Satan Released
Shadow of Death
sword against sword
Struck with blindness
strength Revealed
spear and shield
Sound the Trumpet
solomon dedicates temple
Shimei's Malicious Curse
shield of faith
sword of the  lord
Syrian archer
syrian victory
Tekoan Woman
temple of nisroch
The Acts of Solomon
the long day (reprint needed)
The Rahshakeh
The Strong Angel
The Testimony
treasures of war
troops discharged
two thousand  horses
united army
valley of salt
valor of warriors
Visions of iddo the seer
Wall's Collaspe
War officer
withered hand
woman of wisdom
words of encouragement
worship of milcom
King Shallum
King Pekahiah       (These five kings just for the 1/1 stats)
King Jehoiakin
KIng Jehoahaz
King Elah 
« Last Edit: May 11, 2018, 12:21:57 PM by redemption collector 777 »

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Re: Cards to keep as-is (but update old wording) post-set rotation
« Reply #40 on: May 11, 2018, 12:24:08 PM »
I would be very disappointed if most of those cards were reprinted as Legacy Rares. If this has turned into a list of every card that needs to be reprinted you might as well put every card on the list...
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Re: Cards to keep as-is (but update old wording) post-set rotation
« Reply #41 on: May 11, 2018, 12:26:00 PM »
Angel Wars list:

Angel Wars:

angry travelers
chamber of angels
consumed by doubt
demonic deception
demonic snare
Equipped for the Mission
evil advice
failed objective
Fear of Danger
Habitation of demons
I am creator
I am Grace
I am Healing
I am holy
I am justice
I am Merch
I am Patience
I am Redemption
I am Salvation
I am Truth
in the clouds
LS (anti-burial)
LS ( anti-withdraw)
LS (demon discard)
LS (evicter)
LS (revealer)
LS (first round protect)
Mission deviation
All panic demons
Paladian the fighter
shadow (storehouse version)
Seemingly insignificant
Seeds of rebellion
seeds of doubt
pushed back
Praise him moon
spirit of doubt
spiriutal warfare
subject deserted
swift beings
sword of the Guardian
the darkness
worshipping god
words of discouragement
Threatened lives
The Stars
The pit
« Last Edit: May 11, 2018, 06:22:26 PM by redemption collector 777 »

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Re: Cards to keep as-is (but update old wording) post-set rotation
« Reply #42 on: May 11, 2018, 12:45:34 PM »
Previous lists I missed:

Authority of christ
Balm of Gilead
Bread of LIfe
Ezekiel's Stick
Leaves for Healing
Obedience of Noah
plague of flies
Prayer and Fasting


Covenant with Death
Cup of Wrath
Den of Robbers
Dungeon of Malchiah
Elisha's Bones
False Dreams
False Peace
Filthy Garments
Iron Pan
Great Image
Furance of God's Wrath
Four Horns
Large Tree
Molech Worship
Paul's Gridle
The vineyard
River flowing from the Temple
Potter and the Clay
Torn Mantle
Two Olive Branches
Valley of Dry Bones
Wheel within a Wheel


Coat of Many colors
Falling Away
Foolish Advice
Great Faith
Idle Gossip
Jael's Nail
Jairus daughter
Lot's Wife
Lost soul (female only)
Lion's Den
Lamenting for Jepthah's Daughter
KIng's Daughter
Job's Wife
Mary Magdalene
Mary of Bethany
Pharaoh's Prison
Potiphar's Wife
Women as Snares
Treachery of Jezebel
Sorrow of mary
Scorn of Michal
Scarlet Line
Rizpah's Sackcloth
Reach of Desperation


Angel in the Path
Ark of the Covenant
Bad figs
Battle Prayer
Beast from the sea
Bow and Arrow
Captain of the Host
Chariot of Fire
Crown of thorns
Death and Hades
Five Smooth Stones
Fiery Serpents
Fallen Angel
Faith as Children
Elijah's Mantle
Ehud's Dagger
Edge of the Sword
Dragon Raid
glittering sword
Harvest Time
Holy Grail
King of Tyrus
Land Made Waste
New Jerusalem
Mask of Worldliness
Mask of Vanity
Mask of Self glorification
Mask of Fear
Mask of Arrogance
Prince of this World
Red dragon
rod of Iron
All trumpet cards
All Seal cards
The book of life
stirring the Water
Seraphim (band to Green)
Seraphim (band to blue)
The Strong Angel
Wrath of Satan

Here is my revised list of cards. 
« Last Edit: May 11, 2018, 06:12:18 PM by redemption collector 777 »

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Re: Cards to keep as-is (but update old wording) post-set rotation
« Reply #43 on: May 11, 2018, 12:55:49 PM »
I would be very disappointed if most of those cards were reprinted as Legacy Rares. If this has turned into a list of every card that needs to be reprinted you might as well put every card on the list...

I don't think most of these cards should be reprinted as legacy rares. In my opinion I think if 3 upto 10 sets get rotated , then maybe they should make another "reprint set" with most of the cards listed on this forum and make then all easy to obtain.

For example one pack of the "reprinted cards from the previous sets on these lists on this topic"  would be 15 cards from the card pool of X amount of reprinted cards for $2 each pack or something like that.

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Re: Cards to keep as-is (but update old wording) post-set rotation
« Reply #44 on: May 11, 2018, 01:35:30 PM »
I would be very disappointed if most of those cards were reprinted as Legacy Rares. If this has turned into a list of every card that needs to be reprinted you might as well put every card on the list...

I don't think most of these cards should be reprinted as legacy rares. In my opinion I think if 3 upto 10 sets get rotated , then maybe they should make another "reprint set" with most of the cards listed on this forum and make then all easy to obtain.

For example one pack of the "reprinted cards from the previous sets on these lists on this topic"  would be 15 cards from the card pool of X amount of reprinted cards for $2 each pack or something like that.

I just think the lists have strayed away from the original point which was "the cards pre-I/J that we think are good as-is (aside from needing updated wording)"

No doubt a reprint set would include many old cards with completely new abilities but I had the understanding that these lists were supposed to be cards that are balanced in the current meta and worthy of being reprinted as LRs.
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Re: Cards to keep as-is (but update old wording) post-set rotation
« Reply #45 on: May 11, 2018, 01:42:56 PM »
Have you visited the Land of Redemption today?

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Re: Cards to keep as-is (but update old wording) post-set rotation
« Reply #46 on: May 11, 2018, 01:48:24 PM »
@TP1 & Gabe - I agree, we should tighten up these lists to aim for cards that are at least somewhat close to the newest sets in terms of caliber. That's not to say that there shouldn't be niche/combo's just that I'm trying for this thread to be a community one and so I've been trying to just be a compiler for everyone and not eliminate cards that I personally don't feel belong on the list.

 @RC777 - thanks so much for the lists! With the above in mind, would you be willing to trim down your suggestions based on the aim of just selecting cards that are somewhat on par with cards from the most recent sets? Or for me or anyone else to help with that? This can go for any of the cards suggested so far by anyone, btw. Once again, I really appreciate your input! :)
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Re: Cards to keep as-is (but update old wording) post-set rotation
« Reply #47 on: May 11, 2018, 06:02:28 PM »
@TP1 & Gabe - I agree, we should tighten up these lists to aim for cards that are at least somewhat close to the newest sets in terms of caliber. That's not to say that there shouldn't be niche/combo's just that I'm trying for this thread to be a community one and so I've been trying to just be a compiler for everyone and not eliminate cards that I personally don't feel belong on the list.

 @RC777 - thanks so much for the lists! With the above in mind, would you be willing to trim down your suggestions based on the aim of just selecting cards that are somewhat on par with cards from the most recent sets? Or for me or anyone else to help with that? This can go for any of the cards suggested so far by anyone, btw. Once again, I really appreciate your input! :)

Absolutely I can revise all of my lists to make them a little smaller at a later time.

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Re: Cards to keep as-is (but update old wording) post-set rotation
« Reply #48 on: May 11, 2018, 06:38:39 PM »
@TP1 & Gabe - I agree, we should tighten up these lists to aim for cards that are at least somewhat close to the newest sets in terms of caliber. That's not to say that there shouldn't be niche/combo's just that I'm trying for this thread to be a community one and so I've been trying to just be a compiler for everyone and not eliminate cards that I personally don't feel belong on the list.

 @RC777 - thanks so much for the lists! With the above in mind, would you be willing to trim down your suggestions based on the aim of just selecting cards that are somewhat on par with cards from the most recent sets? Or for me or anyone else to help with that? This can go for any of the cards suggested so far by anyone, btw. Once again, I really appreciate your input! :)

Maybe I am not completely understanding what this tread is about...

Is this tread about what cards should be reprinted as legacy rares in other sets for the future??  or what cards should stay and not be rotated out???

In my opinion I was suggesting all the these cards I listed , that should not be rotated out and should stay and can still be used.  As my previous example reprint most cards on these lists and include them in a whole new "Reprint set" instead of making them legacy rares.    (or is the legacy rares just bonus cards with different art??)

Example keep the black brigade foolish advice card around even though the brown one is made... (I believe it can still be useful nowadays)

Not sure maybe I should post my thoughts , ideas on another tread???
« Last Edit: May 11, 2018, 06:40:47 PM by redemption collector 777 »

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Re: Cards to keep as-is (but update old wording) post-set rotation
« Reply #49 on: May 11, 2018, 07:06:29 PM »
I think the current plan is if there is set rotation, the legacy rares would be reprinted as part of the reprint set with borders instead of full art - so the cards would be available, but not as fancy.

On something like Foolish Advice, I'm not opposed to keeping the black one - I just don't think it will happen.

Going back to the list at the beginning:

I'm not sure False Dreams should be on the list - in 2P, if played while blocking, it restricts you, not your opponent. It's a functional card, but I'm not sure how many players would think through what it says.

I'm assuming the Female Only will fall under G/H?

Priests Roman Prison has an ability and seems to be a better candidate to reprint, but even that could be improved.

No Pharisees?
Herod Antipas probably gets an upgrade to discard John the Baptist or the top card of the opponent's deck (similar to Herod Agrippa I in TEC), so he can do something if there's no John the Baptist.

Covenant with Adam should be blue, if it remains a Covenant (it's more of a Curse, really).
Jawbone seems too narrow - maybe if it always worked and was only CBN on Samson, instead of only working on Samson.
Pharaoh's Magicians should not be a draw. (It would be simplest as a straight reveal, but it could be a look and reveal evil.) And it needs to be part PG.
Protection of Jerusalem was reprinted in FF and that version is probably a better candidate for reprinting.
« Last Edit: May 11, 2018, 07:24:00 PM by RedemptionAggie »


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