Author Topic: Brigade Spotlight - Evil Gray  (Read 1204 times)

Offline SEB

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Brigade Spotlight - Evil Gray
« on: June 14, 2018, 11:43:11 AM »
Brigade Spotlight
The Liars of the Gray Brigade

“Do not always say what you know, but always know what you say.” – Emperor Claudius

The Gray Brigade issues oppressive governments, false dogma, lies against holiness, and blur lines of “right” and “wrong.” A gray villain views himself as the supreme institute of religious and social reform. Their smooth-talking treatises on pagan practices and crafty laws slowly bring about religious complacentry, but every word is dripping with putrescent poison. They slowly whittle away the natural conscious of their society in order to construct grander schemes. They are highly concerned of religious views that undermine their authority, give people the power to think for themselves, or encourage proselytizing. They often resort to bribery to accomplish their goals.

Gray Villains tend to be great geopolitical rulers in their time, such as Kings or Emperors. They can also be prophets who use their gifts to manipulate those seeking their advice. A Gray villain could also be a religious leader (under the true God or false gods), adding their own spin and rules to the established religion.

A Gray villain’s greatest strength is focusing external action by dealing with things rationally and logically. Challenges are just there to be conquered, and they want to be the one in charge of the conquering. They tend to grasp complex problems quickly, and they are able to identify long term plans to correct those problems. In other words, they transform problems into solutions.

A Gray villain has little room for error in their world, especially those that involve inefficiencies or repetition. They tend to disregard the advice or opinions of others, as they view their judgement as supreme. They tend to hate those who do not agree with them and may go to great lengths to remove that “cancer” from their world. The only exception to this is a person who can prove equality in logic and reason.

They favor mechanics that oppress their opponent or control the outcome of a situation, such as controlling an opponent’s hand or deck, immediately stopping a battle, and capturer could be a role they take. They interact and control fortresses well. It could be possible, on rare occasions, to initiate side-battles that would mimic gladiator games.
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Offline SEB

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Re: Brigade Spotlight - Evil Gray
« Reply #1 on: June 14, 2018, 11:48:36 AM »
An Example of How Gray operates:

The noonday’s sun dried the lips of the couple who had finally finished their journey from Rome to Corinth. The city was big enough, yet felt so tiny compared to the might of Rome. While taking in the sites and smells of a new city, Aquilla and Priscilla seek out shelter and reprieve from their travels. They notice a group of people sitting under the shade of a cedar tree. They surrounded a middle-aged man with a bald head and a beard that had a few streaks of Gray in it. There was something about this man, he seemed well educated, yet his station was not of a rich man. There was kindness and love in his eyes, yet fire seemed to spew out of his passionate words. They couple joined the throng. Completely lost in the teaching, they forgot their base needs and joined the group in a more intimated setting to hear:

   “Grace and peace from God our Father and our Lord, Jesus Christ! I beg you, brothers and sisters. I beg you by the name of our Lord, Jesus Christ, that you are not divided, but that you are united in the same mind and the same judgement. Chloe’s people have told me that you have been arguing about who to follow. Some are saying ‘Paul,’ or ‘Apollos,’ or ‘Cephas.’ Is Christ divided? Was I crucified for your sins?”

The couple looked at one another as they listened to the homily of Paul. Finally, an answer to their prayers. Rome had increasingly gotten more and more hostile to those seeking the true story of the resurrected Messiah. Emperor Claudius was consumed by the ancient religious ways of Rome, and nothing would stand in his way to see that institute back to its former glory. Priscilla witnessed firsthand an eastern magician dragged out of his house and beaten in the middle of the street by the Praetorian cohorts. The culmination of Claudius’ religious purge was the removal of Jews from the city.

Once Paul had finished, the couple stuck around to learn more from the teacher. They met the owners of the house, and instantly fell in love with one another. Lodging and food was provided as the intimate group shared stories. Aquilla reported the typical news of the capital, until Priscilla gave out a giggle, “Tell them what Ol’ Bumpy face did at the harbor!”

Aquilla, observing the confused looks of the group, said, “Bumpy face is Emporer Claudius…you know because of that tumor on his forehead.” The grouped shared a laugh as Aquilla proceeded, “I wonder how the sculptors will capture that majestic figure?” Once they calmed down, “So, an orca had wondered into the harbor and got caught on low tide. Claudius took this opportunity to hold an aquatic sport. He called the Senate, the Praetorian leaders, and others who had any political or social clout. They surrounded the captured creature to rain down a volley of spears. Once the creature was weekend and stuck on a sandbar, the mighty emporer waded out with a spear to deliver the final blow, as if he was a famed gladiator.”

The group grew quiet at the cruelty of Rome and its leadership, and how the emperors had slowly poisoned the mind of the people to enjoy the blood sport. It would only be a matter of time until the unsatiated belly of the beast would turn to Christians.   
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