Author Topic: Attention Past & Present Long Island NY Players  (Read 1441 times)

Offline MrMiYoda

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Attention Past & Present Long Island NY Players
« on: August 31, 2019, 02:51:18 AM »
Blessings all past and present Long Island NY Redemption jedi. If you are one of the core group of 19 who have received an initial group text, this post is for you but also for those not in the group text who should be informed and invited because they had played competitive Redemption in the past as a Long Islander.

The O-Plan is for y'all to have a reunion day to get together to reminisce the past as well as re-learn and play Redemption CCG, a game that all of you have played that has strongly lasted more than 25 years. We celebrated the 25th Anniversary National Tournament this year in Knoxville TN.

Join this reunion to meet other past and present players. We also have a Discord for you to use to further communicate your thoughts (Discord INFO channel: player-reunion). PM or text me if you haven't gotten the Discord invite. Feel free to share the Discord invite to anyone who you know may have not been included in the initial group text.

Treat the reunion as an event to remember your amazing Redemption past experiences. We are certain that that day will truly be blessed with nostalgia and fun.

If y'all plan to play an unofficial Booster Draft game on your reunion day where active players can guide past players to get back to playing the game and explain essential changes, Grace Church Supplies will sponsor the Booster Draft tournament which will be free-of-charge. You must be a past or present player from Long Island to qualify for the free Booster Draft tournament.

We know that there are more than a few apart from those in the group text who were past players who should be invited. Feel free to let us know their phone/Email contact details so we can include them in the thinktank.

Plan a date, a venue on Long Island that someone can host the reunion, and that all if not majority can attend. Perhaps Roy might make that 28-hour road trip to attend the reunion, God-willing.

Post, PM, or DM your thoughts.

This is all for now.

If you build it...they will come!

« Last Edit: August 31, 2019, 04:31:46 AM by ReyZen »
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