Author Topic: An Open Letter to Cactus et. al.  (Read 9133 times)

Offline Bryon

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Re: An Open Letter to Cactus et. al.
« Reply #25 on: August 25, 2009, 08:47:49 PM »
Angel of Warning is one of my favorite heroes in the set.  I get my Chamber out quickly, then use him to continually get Hormah out.  Only Susanna beats him, in my opinion.

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Re: An Open Letter to Cactus et. al.
« Reply #26 on: August 25, 2009, 08:52:32 PM »
The problem is that Angel of Warning takes two turns to use hormah again, cause one turn he gets it, then the other you can place ls in sites.

I think that Habakkuk, Susanna, King Solomon, and Attending Angel all place a little above him, imo.
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Offline Bryon

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Re: An Open Letter to Cactus et. al.
« Reply #27 on: August 25, 2009, 09:21:18 PM »
I've only used him in a site deck, so his rank is probably elevated.  If you are not searching for forts/sites every turn, then he isn't as useful.

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Re: An Open Letter to Cactus et. al.
« Reply #28 on: August 25, 2009, 10:12:20 PM »
Angels and Prophets are the two good themes that got the biggest boost in this set IMO...maybe Warriors should be included, but they still stink pretty bad, so I'm not counting them. Habakkuk is pure pwnage, you have to admit. At first I didn't think Nathan was that great, but when I considered High Places and all the new territory class enhancements, another epic wyn for green. I was awed by the super-special-awesome search abilities of the angels, which alone would have been enough, but they were also given hand peeking and EE discarding, which really blew my mind. As for the evil, I especially loved the contributions made to the newly blossoming themes such as Pharisees, Herods, and Magicians (especially the last), as well as all the others. No useless cards, no OP cards, all balanced, all awesome, and most importantly, all blindingly shiny. 8)

Not to mention the non-TxP cards that also come with the TxP boxes. This is now a great way to obtain the old, lost Rares and Ultras from the past sets that everyone wants but may not have the time and money to buy tons of booster packs to get.

Props to Cactus on most likely the best set ever. I could hardly be happier with the outcome. :)
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Re: An Open Letter to Cactus et. al.
« Reply #29 on: August 26, 2009, 03:01:04 AM »
I definitely think having some more low numbered Angels with useful abilities is great. Before these two, Angel at Shur Promo was about the only "initiative" character with a good special ability that Silver had, (maybe Angel at Jerusalem as well).

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Re: An Open Letter to Cactus et. al.
« Reply #30 on: August 27, 2009, 02:20:23 PM »
I would have to say if I had to give a top three from this set from my experience up to this point, I would say:

The Woman at the Well--She quickly became my favorite hero after my first game with her. Not only can she fish out a hopper or revealer to keep them from being used against you, or a shuffler if you have a lot of LS's and your opponent had none, but she can also expose one of your opponent's human EC's that he may have wanted to keep in his deck or his hand. Also, having access to every LS in the game is nice, and she can be a nightmare against site decks.

Mayhem--Mostly for the reasons given by Polarius. An example of its awesomeness is this: The game was 4-4. I had one blocker, but I knew he had AotL. He attacked, I blocked, he discarded. At this point I played Mayhem. I only had a few cards in my deck, so I knew I had the chance to draw my 2-liner. Sure enough, I draw 6, and there it is. I give him half, then walk in the next turn for the win.

Philistine Outpost--I think I might have lost to one TGT deck ever by using my Philistine defense deck (I've played at least 10 of them) and it's mostly due to this card. It is exponentially easier to keep one black EC alive in territory than two, and with PO I can nab a second one anytime I'm attacked. Also, it can be pretty easy to get rid of Philstine Garrison once. Getting rid of him twice or three times is a bit more of a trick. And the fact that the benefit can essentially negate the effect of the cost is pretty sweet.

Other honorable mentions that I've used are: Nathan, Jeremiah, Samaritan Water Jar, and High Places.

Also, @ Cactus: I personally like small sets like this where every card is usable, than huge sets like Priests, where I've probably seen only half, if that, of the cards used in decks. So keep up the good work!
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Re: An Open Letter to Cactus et. al.
« Reply #31 on: August 27, 2009, 04:23:39 PM »
Can I mention something I was hoping for and did not find?  Are there any heroes or evil characters yet who can search a deck for a covenant or curse, respectively?  I was informed that an artifact searchign character cannot go get them, nor can an enahcement retrieving character go and get them.  But there are characters now that let you search for artifacts and enahcements.  Why not curses and covenants?  ut I agree that it is a great (and beautiful) set.


The Schaef

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Re: An Open Letter to Cactus et. al.
« Reply #32 on: August 27, 2009, 04:24:39 PM »
Covenant Keepers

Offline ChristianSoldier

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Re: An Open Letter to Cactus et. al.
« Reply #33 on: August 27, 2009, 04:26:04 PM »
I do like sets where every card is useful, I would like slightly bigger sets so they can add a bit more to themes or just add to more themes.  I think that I would like if the next set would have 90 cards and 10 promos (since I think Cactus has 10 promos every 2 years) but I won't complain about another 60 card set or whatever so long as the cards are good.

I am also very happy to see Territory class enhancements, since often many enhancements that would be good to have but were unplayable because you had to play them in battle are now usable, and my favorite territory class enhancement was the magician one since its worth playing in battle and useful for so many things.

I haven't gotten to play with the new cards yet but I think I'll enjoy them once I start go get them, but I loved a lot of the cards and I am happy with the game and the direction it seems to be going, I'm just hoping for some more multi-brigade themes or themes that pair well (like the magicians and demons)
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