Author Topic: An extensive list of cards that could/should be banned/errataed and reasons why  (Read 1261 times)

Offline The Schaefer

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There's been a lot of talk of bans lately so I thought I would take a shot at looking at every card listed in lackey and pick out ones that I thought were potential ban or errata targets and provide some reasons why. There are quite a few cards I left off because they can be covered by some blanket statements which I will list and explain. By no means am I calling for bans/errata for the cards I mention I am merely stating that at least in the current state of the game these cards could be problematic enough to warrant future change.

So for some starting blanket statements.

1. Choose abilities are incredibly strong and have little to no counters so all choose cards make the list
2. Play abilities are incredibly strong and is borderline ban worthy by itself but not quite
3. CBN battlewinning capability is banworthy whether on character or otherwise but might be ok the more situational it is and the less abusive it can be in all formats
4. Soul protection and manipulation that is non interactive is almost instantly banworthy
5. Toss all abilities are incredibly great at limiting options of play and are near banworthy due to lack of counters

So here is a list of cards that could make the list of bans that most are not covered by the above statements although some are.

Golden Cheribum - is CBN and incredible in multi particularly in T2
Urim & Thummim - almost impossible to get rid of provides constant hand knowledge and slows down games
Cov of Prayer - playable in anything and easy to get reserve a hero you want on turn 1 for T2
I am Creator - T1 any hero in your deck is incredibly good and also playable in anything
You will Remain - Played in just about every deck. Battle extension part is just too good
Gams Speech - Should only hit opposite alignment of however played
Fire Foxes - non interactive soul protection and non restrictive
Great image - easy to abuse and killer in multi
hamans plot - is there a reason to not ban it honestly?
the deciever - in every deck. CBP and a free exchange for whatever you need.
uzzah - non interactive soul protection and non restrictive
gates of hell - easy battle extension. discarding can be abused with recursion
throne of david - easy to find, lots of free cards, and a play ability to boot.
ANB enhancement - ANB reset should not be a T2 deck due to time constraints
overcome - too versatile and naturally recursive.
ahimelek - too abusive and cbn. what reason is there to keep him?
AUTO - too flexible, card advantage, cbn battle winning ability, abused and incredibly splashable.
Samuel - easy to get, card advantage, makes throne faster, even has a cbn enhancement. too good.
polycarp- able to be abused and easily splashed
The Woman with child - Incredible in T2. way to flexible and easy to get to provide easy access to doms
confusion of mind - non restrictive and can be pretty crippling especially when played early
covenant with death - all around crippling for some decks. especially when played early
king jehu - free discards and often lets you use who you wanted to anyways in battle. abuse-able too
wages of sin - incredibly versatile and playable in many decks.
worshipping demons- non interactive soul protection
damsel - huge card advantage potential and hand info which is incredibly strong. splashable too
king rehoboam - too easily abused
Gold/black outsiders - huge card advantage, powerswings, splashable
Women as Snares - underplayed but highly abusive and can just outright win games
the throne of grace - underplayed but can let you negate just about anything and easy to abuse
everlasting beings (roj) - recursion, TC, huge band, recurable and easy to abuse, like with gates of hell abuse
love righteousness - easy turn 1 find the hero you want. worse than the covs at least
angelic guidance - hand info, easy t1 hero you want, situationally gets you whatever you need
thaddeus - non interactive protection that still is very good even if under played
The angel of the winds - easy t1 find whatever hero you want in deck
TSA (roj) - the toss ability has near 0 counters. the play ability is great. easy to band in and find.

Now these are just some of my opinions and there are plenty of common elements on many of these cards but feel free to tell me what I missed or what I am being too harsh on. Mostly I am just pointing out cards I believe have ban/ errata potential for the health of the game. It would be bad to assume they all need to change or should change but talking about cards like these and others helps push the game in a positive forward direction which is something we all want. sorry for the length of this and the format for tall those who want to nitpick. I couldn't sleep so Thank you to all who take the time to read through my sleep deprived ravings.

Offline jesse

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You definitely put a lot of time and thought into your list, and make some good points for sure- however I think there are always going to be cards that are strongest, and erratas and especially bans perhaps should just be reserved for cards that are unhealthily overpowered. As much as I dread facing Women as Snares in T2, part of the fun and challenge is planning around it (and other powerful cards such as you mentioned).
Love is the flame of God, Who is love and an all-consuming fire!- Song. 8:6-7, 1 Jn. 4:8, Deut. 4:24


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