
Which option best describes how you would like to see a second release of AB CoW and AB RoJ handled?

Abandon the entire idea
10 (20.8%)
Move forward but, limit order size to one display box per customer
7 (14.6%)
Set no limit but increase the price to say $6.00 per pack and with no extra discount per display
4 (8.3%)
Release the previous years AB cards around Christmas time each year.
20 (41.7%)
Incorporate 1 AB card into standard packs to provide extra chase value.
7 (14.6%)

Total Members Voted: 44

Voting closed: August 28, 2017, 07:00:37 PM

Author Topic: AB Reprint Reaction  (Read 11785 times)

Offline Noah

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AB Reprint Reaction
« on: August 14, 2017, 02:18:31 PM »
Quote from Land of Redemption June 22nd 2016,

"If you missed the announcement on Redemption CCG’s Facebook page last week, and Justin’s video from yesterday, there will be an all new version of Cloud of Witnesses only available at Nationals!"

Quote from Land of Redemption March 8th 2017,

"Special edition Revelation of John card boxes will be sold by Cactus Game Design. These are only available at the National tournament!"

Quote from the Cactus Game Design Message Boards August 12th 2017,

"For a limited time, I am going to make the alternate border cards of both CoW and RoJ available for sale at the Cactus website."

This is nothing less than a major disappointment to everyone who invested time, money, and resources in being able to attend nationals both this and last year to purchase AB cards. Now, let me explain.

Many people, myself included, planned on attending and purchasing cards at nationals this year based on how the cards were received last year and the potential to invest in a special limited release that had a higher expected value then the regular release. Part of this equation was the fact that there were people who weren't able to attend nationals that would want AB cards, this ensured that there would be a strong secondary market.

Following this announcement, not only have the cards been significantly devalued because of an unexpected increase in supply, but the secondary market for the people who purchased cards at nationals is practically nonexistent because of the ensuing wide spread availability.

Do you want to know why the AB cards sold out so fast at nationals both years? Because they were perceived to have higher value due to a one time release and limited availability.

If this becomes the norm, there is no reason for someone to go out of their way to attend nationals just to purchase AB cards. Even if this never happens again it is setting the precedent that what was promised, that AB cards would only be available at nationals, is meaningless and, as a result, we can't trust any future promises about exclusivity or limited releases.

At the end of the day nobody really "needs" AB cards. We as players and collectors "want" them. By putting the collectible value of AB cards on the table I, as a collector, will be extremely weary of "investing" in future "limited releases". As a player, I find it frustrating that I was basically forced to buy "regular" RoJ cards just to be competitive leading up to nationals. If I knew that this was going to happen I would have held off on buying so much up front and waited till I knew I could get as many AB cards as I wanted, after having seen where the market would go.

If upholding the collectability of a product means nothing, then why not just have the regular release of the next set be "AB" instead of having two different releases? It doesn't make sense to me that if I wait till nationals I can pay the same per pack that I did at the beginning of the season and get cards that are functionally identical, but also significantly more valuable.

This may seem like an overreaction, but this is a slippery slope that is virtually impossible to come back from.

I'm sorry if any of you take what I've said personally, but I am very disappointed with this turn of events. The last thing I want to be is contentious, but sometimes being honest can sound harsh. All I want is what's best for Redemption and it's community and it's my opinion that this is bad for the player because they are forced to buy inferior product to be competitive, it's bad for the collectors because value is determined by supply instead of demand, and it's bad for Cactus as a company because they are sacrificing long term credibility for the sake of short term convenience.
Filling my Ark since Nats 2016.

Soli Deo Gloria


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Re: AB Reprint Reaction
« Reply #1 on: August 14, 2017, 02:55:43 PM »
I have many thoughts on this topic, but for the moment I would just ask everyone to keep in mind that Rob was in kind of a tough spot with this. There were many people who asked that AB cards be made available (through Cactus) to those who couldn't attend Nationals. No matter which way Rob decided, there were always going to be people who ended up disappointed.

I think back to when the create a card prize was introduced and there were some disagreements on how that should be done, and that a really fun idea became divisive for a time. I totally respect your thoughts on this (and others who have expressed similar sentiments), but hopefully we can find a positive way forward.

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Offline Kevinthedude

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Re: AB Reprint Reaction
« Reply #2 on: August 14, 2017, 03:08:37 PM »
I am not affected financially as others are but I do dislike this decision because regardless of anyone's opinion on whether it should have happened or not, it will directly result in less people coming to Nationals if this is planned to be repeated for future sets. It's undoubtedly a good business decision since there is certainly demand for AB packs from people who would not have been able to make it Nats either way but it is a little disappointing for me to see a business decision made that negatively impacts the tournament scene. I of course have no way of knowing the sales stats and such but given the overwhelming success of the normal print of RoJ I wouldn't have thought this kind of action would be necessary.

The point in the main post I agree with the most is that if the AB packs are losing their uniqueness, then all cards should just be innately "AB" so competitive players aren't forced to buy the plain cards in order to be able to use them leading up to Nationals.
« Last Edit: August 14, 2017, 03:28:26 PM by Kevinthedude »

Offline CactusRob

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Re: AB Reprint Reaction
« Reply #3 on: August 14, 2017, 03:15:30 PM »
I appreciate your thoughts on this Noah (and Josiah, Terry, Chris).
Sincerely, I was trying to do something nice for the community.  It is certainly more work on our end to offer these cards a second time.  My sense was that demand outweighed supply for these cards and I was trying to make them available for limited time just this once.  I would not repeat the offer for either CoW or RoJ again. 
I could:
a)   abandon the entire idea.
b)   move forward but, limit order size to one display box per customer.
c)   Set no limit but increase the price to say $6.00 per pack and with no extra discount per display.   IE. people that came to nationals bought their packs at $4.00 and people buying during the two week window would pay 1/3 more.

Any of the above may affect people that sold cards in the last few days.  But, that’s water under the bridge. 
Because I discussed the idea with a number of people at Nationals, I was conflicted in that some people wanting to sell their cards knew it was a strong possibility and others did not know.  That felt like ‘insider trading.’  This is why I made the announcement sooner rather than later.
In any case, I am listening to the fan base and trying to find a solution that will work better for most of you. 
Rob Anderson
Cactus Game Design

Offline Kevinthedude

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Re: AB Reprint Reaction
« Reply #4 on: August 14, 2017, 03:18:11 PM »
I appreciate your thoughts on this Noah (and Josiah, Terry, Chris).
Sincerely, I was trying to do something nice for the community.  It is certainly more work on our end to offer these cards a second time.  My sense was that demand outweighed supply for these cards and I was trying to make them available for limited time just this once.  I would not repeat the offer for either CoW or RoJ again. 
I could:
a)   abandon the entire idea.
b)   move forward but, limit order size to one display box per customer.
c)   Set no limit but increase the price to say $6.00 per pack and with no extra discount per display.   IE. people that came to nationals bought their packs at $4.00 and people buying during the two week window would pay 1/3 more.

Any of the above may affect people that sold cards in the last few days.  But, that’s water under the bridge. 
Because I discussed the idea with a number of people at Nationals, I was conflicted in that some people wanting to sell their cards knew it was a strong possibility and others did not know.  That felt like ‘insider trading.’  This is why I made the announcement sooner rather than later.
In any case, I am listening to the fan base and trying to find a solution that will work better for most of you. 

Thanks for the response. The main bit of information I would like to know is if the sale of AB packs outside of Nationals will become regular practice for future sets or if this is a one time event caused by the immense demand. I know you clarified this is a one time event for CoW and RoJ but I haven't heard what the plans are for future Redemption sets.
« Last Edit: August 14, 2017, 03:21:44 PM by Kevinthedude »

Offline Crashfach2002

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Re: AB Reprint Reaction
« Reply #5 on: August 14, 2017, 03:21:53 PM »
Justin beat me to the main point that I wanted to bring up.  There were a lot of people who were upset by the "exclusiveness" of National only cards.  I'm sure Rob thought the best of both worlds was to go ahead with the Alternate border cards, allowing people to get them early, and possibly sell/trade them before this announcement.  Then that also gives people who didn't get a chance to go to Nationals as a chance to get them, and not "punish" them because they couldn't get to Nationals for many different (and all valid) reasons.

Obviously you can't please everyone and that is unfortunate, but I don't personally see this re-release as a bad thing!  I'm as big of a collector as anyone, and I love the re-release.  It gives me an opportunity to complete the sets I'm been trying to trade for since Nationals last year, and it also allows me to do it two ways.  I can buy boxes to complete the set myself and then trade excess, or I can wait for everyone else to buy boxes and trade for their excess!

Now, if you are a person who plans to go to Nationals and buy/win a bunch of stuff and sell it to make your money back, sure I see how this can be disappointing, but I would venture to say that the people able to do that (both this and last year) can be counted on both hands (if not just one).  I would say the majority of people (including myself) that go to Nationals do it to play a game they love and to either meet people they have never met before, or catch up with "old" friends and see how life is.

As far as "cheapening" the game some, I (personally) don't see that as an issue.  Mostly because as much as I love this game, and all the time and money I've spent on it, I understand I will NEVER get my money back for this game.  If I sold all of my cards, I probably still wouldn't even come close to all the money I spent.  But I don't play this game for that.  I play this game because I love it!  I teach this game because I really remember most of the stories I've heard because of these cards that depict the Bible so well.  I also teach it so that others can find someone or something in the Bible they don't know about and I can share that story with them.

I know I have a unique perspective as I am able to spend some excess money on this game (with my wife's approval), and I know I'm not ever going to make money on it (as I don't really try to).  All of this being said, I don't discredit your thoughts or concerns.  I just wanted to share my thoughts about the re-release.

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Re: AB Reprint Reaction
« Reply #6 on: August 14, 2017, 03:33:27 PM »
Following this announcement, not only have the cards been significantly devalued because of an unexpected increase in supply, but the secondary market for the people who purchased cards at nationals is practically nonexistent because of the ensuing wide spread availability.

Honestly, I think there's still a secondary market for singles. I know of just two people who sold complete (or near-complete) sets and I think they were to the same person. I could be wrong, but I think there just isn't a huge market for complete sets because that's a huge chunk of change to drop all at one time. I went to Nationals, bought 29 packs, but had definitely hoped to buy another full box. Though I'm not really a collector, I'm still trying to piece together a full set by buying singles since I have most of a complete set--but I'm not going to buy an entire full set.
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Offline Crashfach2002

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Re: AB Reprint Reaction
« Reply #7 on: August 14, 2017, 03:46:37 PM »
I'm still trying to piece together a full set by buying singles since I have most of a complete set--but I'm not going to buy an entire full set.

This, so much this!  I went to Nationals last year and decided not to purchase a box of AB Cloud and just get a complete set instead.  That decision ended up costing me 5 times more than it did this year and I'm less than a dozen cards from a complete set.

Offline bmc25

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Re: AB Reprint Reaction
« Reply #8 on: August 14, 2017, 03:56:04 PM »
With the success of the AB cards and the visual aid of Gabe's borderless deck in '16 why are we not just producing the "AB" cards?

Isn't there something else we could give to people who go to nationals as an incentive (you know besides the fun, fellowship, winner's promos, and the chance to win the point total for the year)?

It doesn't seem to make much sense to me to continue to produce "regular" versions of the cards when the AB versions are agreed to be VASTLY superior.

Wouldn't it make sense to just begin producing all of the sets as if they were AB sets? The AB version is a much better product. Everyone did such a great job with them! Why not just make that the standard?
Benjamin Campbell


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Re: AB Reprint Reaction
« Reply #9 on: August 14, 2017, 03:58:02 PM »
Following this announcement, not only have the cards been significantly devalued because of an unexpected increase in supply, but the secondary market for the people who purchased cards at nationals is practically nonexistent because of the ensuing wide spread availability.

Honestly, I think there's still a secondary market for singles. I know of just two people who sold complete (or near-complete) sets and I think they were to the same person. I could be wrong, but I think there just isn't a huge market for complete sets because that's a huge chunk of change to drop all at one time. I went to Nationals, bought 29 packs, but had definitely hoped to buy another full box. Though I'm not really a collector, I'm still trying to piece together a full set by buying singles since I have most of a complete set--but I'm not going to buy an entire full set.

Yes they were. 8)

And I will still buy a box or so of the AB cards for my kids and playgroup

Offline jbeers285

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Re: AB Reprint Reaction
« Reply #10 on: August 14, 2017, 04:00:22 PM »
I appreciate your thoughts on this Noah (and Josiah, Terry, Chris).
Sincerely, I was trying to do something nice for the community.  It is certainly more work on our end to offer these cards a second time.  My sense was that demand outweighed supply for these cards and I was trying to make them available for limited time just this once.  I would not repeat the offer for either CoW or RoJ again. 
I could:
a)   abandon the entire idea.
b)   move forward but, limit order size to one display box per customer.
c)   Set no limit but increase the price to say $6.00 per pack and with no extra discount per display.   IE. people that came to nationals bought their packs at $4.00 and people buying during the two week window would pay 1/3 more.

Any of the above may affect people that sold cards in the last few days.  But, that’s water under the bridge. 
Because I discussed the idea with a number of people at Nationals, I was conflicted in that some people wanting to sell their cards knew it was a strong possibility and others did not know.  That felt like ‘insider trading.’  This is why I made the announcement sooner rather than later.
In any case, I am listening to the fan base and trying to find a solution that will work better for most of you. 

In the end I see the value on both sides. 

At this point I don't know if there is a more moral solution then another. 
I guess the fairest thing IMO would be to charge 6.00 dollars a pack for the AB cards. That helps them hold value and still allows players who couldn't/didn't attend nats to have access. 

That said I know that may hurt sales for Cactus and I would prefer to see the Mothership of Redemption soaring not putting along. The best thing for Cactus is in turn the best thing for Redemption.

Honestly it got sticky.
As a player who probably ate it as hard as anyone financially. (Buying for resale, selling discounted to recoup at least something after the announcement)
- I would choose to put others collectors, Cactus and the redemption community before myself. I think selling the cards at 5.00 per pack and 96.00 per display box is the right choice at this point. In the future we really need to have a foreknowledge of all potential/actual availability before people make any purchases.

Thanks for hearing the community Rob. Thanks for your leadership, thank you for Redemption.
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Re: AB Reprint Reaction
« Reply #11 on: August 14, 2017, 04:02:41 PM »
Should we have a community vote on Rob's 3 options?? :dunno: :dunno:

As for my intake on this , mine is pretty similar about being worried about the exclusivity of it.

If the AB cards were only going to be exclusive to Nationals since 2016 why not keep it the same?? :dunno: :dunno:

« Last Edit: August 14, 2017, 04:05:57 PM by redemption collector 777 »

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Re: AB Reprint Reaction
« Reply #12 on: August 14, 2017, 04:05:37 PM »
What if  . . .
A secondary release of the previous year(s)' AB cards were released prior to Christmas? So this year just additional AB CoW cards would be available. Next Christmas CoW AB and RoJ AB would be made available on a buy to print scale  and continue this trend.

This still provides incentive for nats attendees but will also give none attendees a chance get in on the action later on down the road?

If something like this became the standard then everyone would know what and when AB cards will be available.
« Last Edit: August 14, 2017, 04:07:39 PM by jbeers285 »
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Re: AB Reprint Reaction
« Reply #13 on: August 14, 2017, 04:09:30 PM »
What if  . . .
A secondary release of the previous year(s)' AB cards were released prior to Christmas? So this year just additional AB CoW cards would be available. Next Christmas CoW AB and RoJ AB would be made available on a buy to print scale  and continue this trend.

This still provides incentive for nats attendees but will also give none attendees a chance get in on the action later on down the road?

I think this could be a great compromise (depending on Rob's feelings)!  This would allow over a year for the AB market to have its place, and still give people who couldn't make Nationals (or willing to wait) a chance to get the cards too!  It also allows for collectors to try to complete more than one set (eventually).


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Re: AB Reprint Reaction
« Reply #14 on: August 14, 2017, 05:00:37 PM »
What if  . . .
A secondary release of the previous year(s)' AB cards were released prior to Christmas? So this year just additional AB CoW cards would be available. Next Christmas CoW AB and RoJ AB would be made available on a buy to print scale  and continue this trend.

This still provides incentive for nats attendees but will also give none attendees a chance get in on the action later on down the road?

I think this could be a great compromise (depending on Rob's feelings)!  This would allow over a year for the AB market to have its place, and still give people who couldn't make Nationals (or willing to wait) a chance to get the cards too!  It also allows for collectors to try to complete more than one set (eventually).


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Re: AB Reprint Reaction
« Reply #15 on: August 14, 2017, 05:32:36 PM »
I appreciate your thoughts on this Noah (and Josiah, Terry, Chris).
Sincerely, I was trying to do something nice for the community.  It is certainly more work on our end to offer these cards a second time.  My sense was that demand outweighed supply for these cards and I was trying to make them available for limited time just this once.  I would not repeat the offer for either CoW or RoJ again. 
I could:
a)   abandon the entire idea.
b)   move forward but, limit order size to one display box per customer.
c)   Set no limit but increase the price to say $6.00 per pack and with no extra discount per display.   IE. people that came to nationals bought their packs at $4.00 and people buying during the two week window would pay 1/3 more.

Any of the above may affect people that sold cards in the last few days.  But, that’s water under the bridge. 
Because I discussed the idea with a number of people at Nationals, I was conflicted in that some people wanting to sell their cards knew it was a strong possibility and others did not know.  That felt like ‘insider trading.’  This is why I made the announcement sooner rather than later.
In any case, I am listening to the fan base and trying to find a solution that will work better for most of you. 

You can't please everyone but I think you should go with option A.

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Re: AB Reprint Reaction
« Reply #16 on: August 14, 2017, 05:53:53 PM »
Of the options Rob presented, I lean towards B.

I could also get behind Josiah's idea of doing CoW AB this year and RoJ AB next year.
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Re: AB Reprint Reaction
« Reply #17 on: August 14, 2017, 05:56:47 PM »
I personally like Josiah's idea as it keeps AB cards more exclusive right after nats while giving people who did not attend nationals a chance to get them in the future.
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Re: AB Reprint Reaction
« Reply #18 on: August 14, 2017, 05:58:01 PM »
I think Josiah's idea is the best one.

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Re: AB Reprint Reaction
« Reply #19 on: August 14, 2017, 06:12:33 PM »
What makes this decision difficult is that the supply of AB cards is super small... only what? 100 people had the ability to buy these packs?

I mean there are only a handful of other games where there are literally only 14-17(?)(The AB Son of God promo) of one card in circulation. That might be up there with the old school Burial signed Ben Go promos in rarity.

Normally I would say that reprinting a limited run set shouldn't be done... but since the supply is so small it would make sense to give that to the community.

If this is done I think there needs to be an established number of print runs for these "limited" sets. So of course the initial print run at Nats and then X print runs post Nats. But that's it. Make sure to establish how many print runs a "limited" set will go through when they are released at Nats.

This increases the number of cards out there but also establishes that players investments won't get completely tanked by unlimited print runs.

Ether that or like someone else said just make all the sets AB :P They do look pretty slick!
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Re: AB Reprint Reaction
« Reply #20 on: August 14, 2017, 06:33:12 PM »
I know this might not be possible but it would be nice to just have the chance to get an AB card in a normal box
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Re: AB Reprint Reaction
« Reply #21 on: August 14, 2017, 06:38:07 PM »
What makes this decision difficult is that the supply of AB cards is super small... only what? 100 people had the ability to buy these packs?

I mean there are only a handful of other games where there are literally only 14-17(?)(The AB Son of God promo) of one card in circulation. That might be up there with the old school Burial signed Ben Go promos in rarity.

Normally I would say that reprinting a limited run set shouldn't be done... but since the supply is so small it would make sense to give that to the community.

If this is done I think there needs to be an established number of print runs for these "limited" sets. So of course the initial print run at Nats and then X print runs post Nats. But that's it. Make sure to establish how many print runs a "limited" set will go through when they are released at Nats.

This increases the number of cards out there but also establishes that players investments won't get completely tanked by unlimited print runs.

Ether that or like someone else said just make all the sets AB :P They do look pretty slick!

The problem is the redemption player base is so small these numbers are a ton more reasonable than they would be in other TCGs, where you have hundreds of thousands/millions of players.

the problem I see with AB sets in general is it's a need vs want conflict. AB sets are 100% want because they are identical to the regular set except for the awesome art, and regular sets are 100% need since they come out before Nats when the AB sets are released and people need the cards to be competitive in states/regionals.

Crazy groundbreaking idea coming:

What if Redemption did what every other TCG I know of (namely Magic and Pokemon) does and mix in the "special" cards (in other games foil cards) with the regular set? This way every set becomes 50% need and 50% want. It supplies the competitive/regular players for States/Regionals/Nats/People who just want the newest set before/during States Regionals, and it supplies the collector with the special version of the cards. All While retaining the value and promoting a secondary market around the "special" cards.

Just my :2cents:

Edit: tripleplayna1 just posted pretty much the same thing while I was writing this....

Another Edit:

I think option B that Rob suggested is the best way to go if it's decided that the AB sets will be reprinted once more since 1 box + 6 packs (essentially 1 box) is the restriction that everybody at Nats was under. Since the boxes ran out halfway through the 2nd day I think there was an underestimation of the demand for them and it wouldn't do too much harm to the secondary market if that gap is filled.
« Last Edit: August 14, 2017, 06:48:36 PM by JonathanW »

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Re: AB Reprint Reaction
« Reply #22 on: August 14, 2017, 06:39:39 PM »
I vote for option B
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Re: AB Reprint Reaction
« Reply #23 on: August 14, 2017, 06:55:53 PM »
Overall I think having AB cards around encourages playing Redemption. Everyone loves the normal sets but the AB cards are just awesome hands down. I think it would be cool to potentially include 1 AB card in a pack as younger and newer players don't get to experience the awesomeness of AB cards unless the go to nationals or really want to collect sets. I just feel it could be a missed opportunity to encourage the more casual players to continue to play. Placing an AB card in a pack also could change the overall value of the AB cards and the sets as a whole which may not sit well with some and could either +/- influence pack/set values.

Regardless of what does happen I support having the AB cards and support Rob trying to increase the supply. However that looks in the end and is best for the promotion of supporting Cactus and more people playing I'm for.

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Re: AB Reprint Reaction
« Reply #24 on: August 14, 2017, 07:01:32 PM »
I added a poll to the top to help Rob gage the feedback on the 3 options he gave.
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