Author Topic: A most brief collection of my thoughts on speed vs speed and nerfing speed.  (Read 18322 times)

Offline Alex_Olijar

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Re: A most brief collection of my thoughts on speed vs speed and nerfing speed.
« Reply #75 on: December 29, 2011, 12:07:16 PM »
Would a rule that balances the drawing kill speed completely?  It might.  Some would like this and some would not.  I've never thought of speed as a separate meta anyway.  You can't win a game with just speed cards.  All "speed" decks have the minimum amount of "power" cards that will enable the player to win.  Speed is simply adding the cards that help you get the power cards more quickly than your opponent.  A rule that mimics Gifts of the Magi would generally cause more players to use searches and exchanges rather than draw.  Some players would continue to add the ITB+D3+play next cards but start declining the draw part, using only the ITB+play next part.

I agree with this sentiment overall, but it's also another reason I don't like the GOTM rule. Speed would attack to become Genesis. Some people would continue to use heavy drawing. You could also use CtB to force your opponent to draw past 10 (Sabbath Breaker or Damsel come to mind) so you can draw. I just don't think allow more speed options would fix speed.

As to your point regarding the lack of power checks balancing the importance of characters in the game, I feel that no matter how well the game is balanced with ALL types of cards, players will still add more speed cards to their decks to gain the upper hand.

I agree, which is why we need to power check the cards that they get with that speed so that drawing isn't so inherently powerful.

Finally, I think I have seen enough backlash regarding speed decks that most players do not prefer that speed be the best option in the game, as proposed by you.  I think most players succumb to the decision to making their decks faster to be competitive.  If there was a balance in drawing I think deck-building would be easier and more creative.  Players wouldn't have to decide to take out quality cards from their deck to be replaced with speed cards in order to be 50, 56 or 63 cards.  Shoot, some speed cards have become staples in most metas.  Personally, I dislike the fact that a 50-card deck will have 20-30% speed cards in addition to the 20% dominants.  To me, THAT'S boring.

I didn't say we wanted speed to be the best option, I just said it was. I agree that most mid-tier players who play speed don't care for speed, but they just want to win. I think the top-tier players have some responsability in the current speed surge because it's all we play. With Maly being largely not around in recent years online, all the top contributing players nationally for the most part play speed, so it's no wonder that lots of average to good players play speed.

I don't want deck-building to be easier. I want deck-building to be harder. Deck-building should be painful when you cut the final few cards because you think that all of them have a case to be in your deck. I don't want deck-building to be so easy a caveman could do it.

I don't think speed decks have 20%-30% cards either. That'd be 10-15 cards. That's wildly high, and largely depends on how you define speed. Is Susanna a speed card? What about Reach or Words? I personally would only call speed cards those cards that only provide drawing (like Pentecost or First Fruits). Reach and Words will always be used because they are good cards without the draw. The draw just pushes them over the top. I'd prefer to reach a world were using stuff like Pentecost and First Fruits has more of a cost and makes the user think more (which, again, selfless promotion, I think my rule proposal would).


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Re: A most brief collection of my thoughts on speed vs speed and nerfing speed.
« Reply #76 on: December 29, 2011, 01:18:51 PM »
We need to stop trying to get rid of the symptoms (speed) and deal with the root cause (importance of characters to Redemption in combo with a lack of power check). Until that's dealt with, Speed will always be the best option. Once it's dealt with, it will still be good, but it won't be the clear best.

Another root cause is dominants that is why I like dominant cap, though I thought it was to lenient, it didn't really hurt speed much. I would like to see something like a 4-5 dom max on 7 souls and then increments of 1 going forward. Thoughts?

Offline STAMP

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Re: A most brief collection of my thoughts on speed vs speed and nerfing speed.
« Reply #77 on: December 29, 2011, 01:23:01 PM »
We need to stop trying to get rid of the symptoms (speed) and deal with the root cause (importance of characters to Redemption in combo with a lack of power check). Until that's dealt with, Speed will always be the best option. Once it's dealt with, it will still be good, but it won't be the clear best.

Another root cause is dominants that is why I like dominant cap, though I thought it was to lenient, it didn't really hurt speed much. I would like to see something like a 4-5 dom max on 7 souls and then increments of 1 going forward. Thoughts?

I like dom cap.  It affects speed in two ways: some doms are speed cards and players use speed cards to get doms.

I'm willing to be flexible so instead of a flat cap (which I would prefer) how about one dominant for every 10 cards in a deck?

50-59 = 5 doms
60-69 = 6 doms
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Chronic Apathy

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Re: A most brief collection of my thoughts on speed vs speed and nerfing speed.
« Reply #78 on: December 29, 2011, 01:48:37 PM »
The discussion was one dominant for every Lost Soul, not counting Hopper. I think anything more than that is a bit extreme.

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Re: A most brief collection of my thoughts on speed vs speed and nerfing speed.
« Reply #79 on: December 29, 2011, 01:51:41 PM »
I agree, which is why we need to power check the cards that they get with that speed so that drawing isn't so inherently powerful.
Here's the problem with your logic.  The problem isn't that characters are powerful.  If they weren't then something else would be.  And if nothing was, then all the cards would stink, and no one would play the game.

So the solution isn't to nerf all the characters or all the cards, but just to slow down how fast people get to those powerful cards.

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Re: A most brief collection of my thoughts on speed vs speed and nerfing speed.
« Reply #80 on: December 29, 2011, 01:53:17 PM »
1 per ten would get my vote. 1 per LS would also get my vote, but only if 1 per ten were off the table.
I am not talking about T2 unless I am explicitly talking about T2. Also Mayhem is fine now somehow!

Chronic Apathy

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Re: A most brief collection of my thoughts on speed vs speed and nerfing speed.
« Reply #81 on: December 29, 2011, 01:56:38 PM »
I agree, which is why we need to power check the cards that they get with that speed so that drawing isn't so inherently powerful.
Here's the problem with your logic.  The problem isn't that characters are powerful.  If they weren't then something else would be.  And if nothing was, then all the cards would stink, and no one would play the game.

So the solution isn't to nerf all the characters or all the cards, but just to slow down how fast people get to those powerful cards.

That's circular logic though, which has been discussed. Without making a drastic change to the rules, the only way to slow down speed decks is to print anti-speed cards. Well how can I ensure I'm going to get that anti-speed card before my opponent sets up? Well, I'd better just throw in Pentecost just to be safe. There needs to be a penalty for decking out.

Offline Prof Underwood

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Re: A most brief collection of my thoughts on speed vs speed and nerfing speed.
« Reply #82 on: December 29, 2011, 02:34:50 PM »
That's circular logic though, which has been discussed. Without making a drastic change to the rules, the only way to slow down speed decks is to print anti-speed cards. Well how can I ensure I'm going to get that anti-speed card before my opponent sets up? Well, I'd better just throw in Pentecost just to be safe. There needs to be a penalty for decking out.
I'm not sure why you're disagreeing with me.  We all agree with you that the solution has to be rule change.  The question Alex and I are debating is whether the rule change should be one that:
  -  hurts the cards that you draw so that they are less powerful and therefore, less worth drawing
  -  or hurts the drawing itself so that players are less likely to draw

A decking out rule, or a Gifts of the Magi rule are both ideas towards the 2nd option (which I lean toward).  Alex leans towards the 1st option.

Chronic Apathy

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Re: A most brief collection of my thoughts on speed vs speed and nerfing speed.
« Reply #83 on: December 29, 2011, 02:39:29 PM »
My bad. Generally when I see people say things along the lines of, "the solution isn't to nerf all the characters or all the cards, but just to slow down how fast people get to those powerful cards" it's generally referring to just printing anti-speed cards.

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Re: A most brief collection of my thoughts on speed vs speed and nerfing speed.
« Reply #84 on: December 29, 2011, 02:41:00 PM »
Would a rule that balances the drawing kill speed completely?  It might.  Some would like this and some would not.  I've never thought of speed as a separate meta anyway.  You can't win a game with just speed cards.  All "speed" decks have the minimum amount of "power" cards that will enable the player to win.  Speed is simply adding the cards that help you get the power cards more quickly than your opponent.  A rule that mimics Gifts of the Magi would generally cause more players to use searches and exchanges rather than draw.  Some players would continue to add the ITB+D3+play next cards but start declining the draw part, using only the ITB+play next part.

I agree with this sentiment overall, but it's also another reason I don't like the GOTM rule. Speed would attack to become Genesis. Some people would continue to use heavy drawing. You could also use CtB to force your opponent to draw past 10 (Sabbath Breaker or Damsel come to mind) so you can draw. I just don't think allow more speed options would fix speed.

As to your point regarding the lack of power checks balancing the importance of characters in the game, I feel that no matter how well the game is balanced with ALL types of cards, players will still add more speed cards to their decks to gain the upper hand.

I agree, which is why we need to power check the cards that they get with that speed so that drawing isn't so inherently powerful.

Finally, I think I have seen enough backlash regarding speed decks that most players do not prefer that speed be the best option in the game, as proposed by you.  I think most players succumb to the decision to making their decks faster to be competitive.  If there was a balance in drawing I think deck-building would be easier and more creative.  Players wouldn't have to decide to take out quality cards from their deck to be replaced with speed cards in order to be 50, 56 or 63 cards.  Shoot, some speed cards have become staples in most metas.  Personally, I dislike the fact that a 50-card deck will have 20-30% speed cards in addition to the 20% dominants.  To me, THAT'S boring.

I didn't say we wanted speed to be the best option, I just said it was. I agree that most mid-tier players who play speed don't care for speed, but they just want to win. I think the top-tier players have some responsability in the current speed surge because it's all we play. With Maly being largely not around in recent years online, all the top contributing players nationally for the most part play speed, so it's no wonder that lots of average to good players play speed.

I don't want deck-building to be easier. I want deck-building to be harder. Deck-building should be painful when you cut the final few cards because you think that all of them have a case to be in your deck. I don't want deck-building to be so easy a caveman could do it.

I don't think speed decks have 20%-30% cards either. That'd be 10-15 cards. That's wildly high, and largely depends on how you define speed. Is Susanna a speed card? What about Reach or Words? I personally would only call speed cards those cards that only provide drawing (like Pentecost or First Fruits). Reach and Words will always be used because they are good cards without the draw. The draw just pushes them over the top. I'd prefer to reach a world were using stuff like Pentecost and First Fruits has more of a cost and makes the user think more (which, again, selfless promotion, I think my rule proposal would).

I don't know about you, but as a general rule, I agonize over which cards go into my speed deck just the same as you do with a balanced deck. My TGT deck last year had about 4 cards on a list that I really, really wanted to fit in, but simply couldn't. This year that list has grown to about 7 for the TGT deck, and I have a secondary speed deck with a list as long as I am tall, I'm actually so up in the air with that deck that what I play from week to week in it changes since every card makes an argument for a spot.

It's extremely easy to build a speed deck - I won't argue that. I would argue that its extremely hard to build a speed deck that beats other speed decks consistently, as well as beating everything else


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Re: A most brief collection of my thoughts on speed vs speed and nerfing speed.
« Reply #85 on: December 29, 2011, 03:01:41 PM »
I think I remember when Redemption came out --**clearing cobwebs** :-[ you only drew 1 and were able to have duplicates in your deck  (like 4 or was it as many as we wanted?) and the deck size was smaller, more like magic.
But back then, there were hardly draw cards in the game, and it was so slow so they published a rule change about drawing 3 per turn and it sped the game up and made more LS available for rescue.

So I guess my point is that rule changes of this sort have been done in the history of the game.

Is that really true? I don't remember seeing that in the first edition rulebooks, and I did play back in the day of Prophets and so used those rulebooks. Are you sure that wasn't just a misplaying on your part?

I remember when it 1st came out with the blue packs and the game seemed more like MTG (which I was more familiar with at the time) with those 1st deckbuilding rules. I remember getting mailed a letter with extra rule changes and those "new" deckbuilding changes were noted. I believe I got it mailed to me from Cactus since I was bombarding Cactus with mail from members of my family in order to get more promos (like burial....which was a real gamechanger in those days!!  :o).
Of course I could be wife tells me about things I forget all the time...but was that on purpose?!?!  :angel:
Maybe another "oldie" can remember this too so I don't think I'm completely losing it??!  :P

Offline Alex_Olijar

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Re: A most brief collection of my thoughts on speed vs speed and nerfing speed.
« Reply #86 on: December 29, 2011, 04:26:43 PM »
I don't know about you, but as a general rule, I agonize over which cards go into my speed deck just the same as you do with a balanced deck. My TGT deck last year had about 4 cards on a list that I really, really wanted to fit in, but simply couldn't. This year that list has grown to about 7 for the TGT deck, and I have a secondary speed deck with a list as long as I am tall, I'm actually so up in the air with that deck that what I play from week to week in it changes since every card makes an argument for a spot.

It's extremely easy to build a speed deck - I won't argue that. I would argue that its extremely hard to build a speed deck that beats other speed decks consistently, as well as beating everything else

I definately agree. I was responding to Stamp's statement that he felt his rule would make deckbuilding easier becasue you don't feel it necessary to put in speed cards at power cards expense.

I agree, which is why we need to power check the cards that they get with that speed so that drawing isn't so inherently powerful.
Here's the problem with your logic.  The problem isn't that characters are powerful.  If they weren't then something else would be.  And if nothing was, then all the cards would stink, and no one would play the game.

So the solution isn't to nerf all the characters or all the cards, but just to slow down how fast people get to those powerful cards.

The problem with your logic is that the entire game flows through characters. It's not like Characters are quarterbacks of your team. Heroes are the entire offense (minus the big two, which get hurt a little with the dom cap that has large support). There is no other card in the game that can be as good unless characters are good. Hurting characters hurts everything.

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Re: A most brief collection of my thoughts on speed vs speed and nerfing speed.
« Reply #87 on: December 29, 2011, 05:29:51 PM »
The only way to fix this is to make players not want to draw so many cards...

If you deck out you lose.

You definitely could still play speed, heck, my friend has a 100 card T1.5 speed deck. It works.

This in turn will also cause games to not last as long.

Yes, this will kill all of your silly "50 card speed decks", but at least this is the quickest, simplist, and most effective way to fix the problem.
Every other card game i know of does this... Obviously theres a good reason for it.

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Re: A most brief collection of my thoughts on speed vs speed and nerfing speed.
« Reply #88 on: December 29, 2011, 05:34:41 PM »
Well one thing's for certain: there really doesn't need to be any more cards printed with a draw ability.  There are plenty to choose from now and will probably last the life of the game.
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Chronic Apathy

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Re: A most brief collection of my thoughts on speed vs speed and nerfing speed.
« Reply #89 on: December 29, 2011, 05:50:55 PM »
I agree. The best to stop speed (though it would take a while) would be to simply not print cards with draw abilities. That said though, since the next set is a couple starter decks, there will undoubtedly be draw abilities.

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Re: A most brief collection of my thoughts on speed vs speed and nerfing speed.
« Reply #90 on: December 29, 2011, 05:52:29 PM »
I agree. The best to stop speed (though it would take a while) would be to simply not print cards with draw abilities. That said though, since the next set is a couple starter decks, there will undoubtedly be draw abilities.
*perks up head* Set rotation, anyone?  Next year's the perfect time to start!
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Re: A most brief collection of my thoughts on speed vs speed and nerfing speed.
« Reply #91 on: December 29, 2011, 06:19:48 PM »
What I've always wondered is why speed is a bad thing anyways.
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Re: A most brief collection of my thoughts on speed vs speed and nerfing speed.
« Reply #92 on: December 29, 2011, 06:28:35 PM »
I've been playing for 1.5 years, and seen all of two three-turn wins.  That doesn't make it "every game"
« Last Edit: December 30, 2011, 09:42:08 AM by Prof Underwood »
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Chronic Apathy

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Re: A most brief collection of my thoughts on speed vs speed and nerfing speed.
« Reply #93 on: December 29, 2011, 06:31:48 PM »
Matt, that is entirely uncalled for.  Red prefers the meta as it is, just because you disagree with him doesn't make him wrong, nor does it make you wrong. You simply have two different styles of play.
« Last Edit: December 30, 2011, 09:42:45 AM by Prof Underwood »

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Re: A most brief collection of my thoughts on speed vs speed and nerfing speed.
« Reply #94 on: December 30, 2011, 09:53:54 AM »
I remember when it 1st came out with the blue packs and the game seemed more like MTG (which I was more familiar with at the time) with those 1st deckbuilding rules. I remember getting mailed a letter with extra rule changes and those "new" deckbuilding changes were noted. I believe I got it mailed to me from Cactus since I was bombarding Cactus with mail from members of my family in order to get more promos (like burial....which was a real gamechanger in those days!!  :o).
Of course I could be wife tells me about things I forget all the time...but was that on purpose?!?!  :angel:
Maybe another "oldie" can remember this too so I don't think I'm completely losing it??!  :P

Wow, I've never heard of that before! I know this is not at all what the rest of the thread was talking about, but that's cool news to me!
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Offline STAMP

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Re: A most brief collection of my thoughts on speed vs speed and nerfing speed.
« Reply #95 on: December 30, 2011, 10:43:22 AM »
I remember when it 1st came out with the blue packs and the game seemed more like MTG (which I was more familiar with at the time) with those 1st deckbuilding rules. I remember getting mailed a letter with extra rule changes and those "new" deckbuilding changes were noted. I believe I got it mailed to me from Cactus since I was bombarding Cactus with mail from members of my family in order to get more promos (like burial....which was a real gamechanger in those days!!  :o).
Of course I could be wife tells me about things I forget all the time...but was that on purpose?!?!  :angel:
Maybe another "oldie" can remember this too so I don't think I'm completely losing it??!  :P

Wow, I've never heard of that before! I know this is not at all what the rest of the thread was talking about, but that's cool news to me!

Which part?

- That people used to mail letters?
- That slug was stalking Cactus?
- That Burial was a game-changer?
- That husbands tend to forget things?

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Re: A most brief collection of my thoughts on speed vs speed and nerfing speed.
« Reply #96 on: December 30, 2011, 11:04:56 AM »
What I've always wondered is why speed is a bad thing anyways.
(Why speed is a problem)

Offline STAMP

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Re: A most brief collection of my thoughts on speed vs speed and nerfing speed.
« Reply #97 on: December 30, 2011, 11:25:48 AM »
What I've always wondered is why speed is a bad thing anyways.

Because sometimes you just need to stop and smell the...

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Re: A most brief collection of my thoughts on speed vs speed and nerfing speed.
« Reply #98 on: December 31, 2011, 12:56:00 AM »
If you have a dom cap can you have a draw cap? Just thought I'd throw it out there to see if it floats ;D

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Re: A most brief collection of my thoughts on speed vs speed and nerfing speed.
« Reply #99 on: December 31, 2011, 12:57:30 AM »
What I've always wondered is why speed is a bad thing anyways.

Because sometimes you just need to stop and smell the...

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