Author Topic: A most brief collection of my thoughts on speed vs speed and nerfing speed.  (Read 18320 times)

Offline Red

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Re: A most brief collection of my thoughts on speed vs speed and nerfing speed.
« Reply #25 on: December 28, 2011, 03:24:00 PM »
To me it sounds like you people have next to no idea how this game's engine works. if you make a d1 rule it screws it over.  If you make a deckout rule you risk losing players. TBH the rules are fine and anyone who wants it changed needs to just forget it.

 To the playtesters: If you want a slower game make defense stronger and up the time limit. And quit trying to screw the rules engine over.
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Chronic Apathy

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Re: A most brief collection of my thoughts on speed vs speed and nerfing speed.
« Reply #26 on: December 28, 2011, 03:26:43 PM »
Way too often I see people on this forum insist that what they want is "what the game needs" and that everyone needs to get over themselves and see that, and that's just not true. People need to look at the bigger picture and not assume that extreme ideas or opinions are the way to go about "fixing" the game.
To me it sounds like you people have next to no idea how this game's engine works. if you make a d1 rule it screws it over.  If you make a deckout rule you risk losing players. TBH the rules are fine and anyone who wants it changed needs to just forget it.

 To the playtesters: If you want a slower game make defense stronger and up the time limit. And quit trying to screw the rules engine over.

I think that saying players - many of whom have been playing longer than you have - have no idea how the game works is unnecessary and pretty rude.

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Re: A most brief collection of my thoughts on speed vs speed and nerfing speed.
« Reply #27 on: December 28, 2011, 03:32:44 PM »
I'm tired of being nice. And getting ignored. And do you even know how long I've been playing?
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Offline Prof Underwood

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Re: A most brief collection of my thoughts on speed vs speed and nerfing speed.
« Reply #28 on: December 28, 2011, 04:30:27 PM »
I'm tired of being nice. And getting ignored. And do you even know how long I've been playing?
Although niceness is not ALWAYS the best policy, it is USUALLY.  And if you get ignored (which you don't by me), then it is NOT because you were nice.

Also, it doesn't matter how long you've been playing.  I played my first games in 1995, but it would still be rude of me to accuse people who disagreed with me or were even discussing changing the drawing rules of the game as being people who had "no idea how the game's engine works".  That's just unnecessarily insulting, and will lead to people ignoring your posts (which is what you say that you want to avoid).

Offline Red

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Re: A most brief collection of my thoughts on speed vs speed and nerfing speed.
« Reply #29 on: December 28, 2011, 04:37:59 PM »
I'm just frustrated to the point to where I almost just don't care what people think anymore. Everyone wants it to change but I just want the rules to be the same. I like the rules and don't understand why people want to turn this game into a MTG clone with about 7 rule differences tops. I like it's freedom of deckbuilding and such and don't understand why other people dislike it. To me this season has the most playable decks yet and everyone wants to shift it to a way where the game is slowed down to the point of being luck based with rules like d1 card per turn. The d3 rule makes it where you go though your deck faster and decreases luck which people do not seem to understand.... this is my thoughts on this issue.
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Offline SomeKittens

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Re: A most brief collection of my thoughts on speed vs speed and nerfing speed.
« Reply #30 on: December 28, 2011, 04:43:35 PM »
I really don't like STAMP's rule.  It's just too much of a rule change, and changes the flavor of the game.

I'm just frustrated to the point to where I almost just don't care what people think anymore. Everyone wants it to change but I just want the rules to be the same. I like the rules and don't understand why people want to turn this game into a MTG clone with about 7 rule differences tops. I like it's freedom of deckbuilding and such and don't understand why other people dislike it. To me this season has the most playable decks yet and everyone wants to shift it to a way where the game is slowed down to the point of being luck based with rules like d1 card per turn. The d3 rule makes it where you go though your deck faster and decreases luck which people do not seem to understand.... this is my thoughts on this issue.
We are far from a MTG clone.
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Re: A most brief collection of my thoughts on speed vs speed and nerfing speed.
« Reply #31 on: December 28, 2011, 04:46:27 PM »
It's totally an MTG that they are both CCGs.

Chronic Apathy

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Re: A most brief collection of my thoughts on speed vs speed and nerfing speed.
« Reply #32 on: December 28, 2011, 04:48:08 PM »
"You attract more flies with honey than with vinegar."

Red, there are a few members who feel as strongly as you do on the subject, and who have the exact opposite viewpoint you do. Cactus simply cannot please everybody. The reason most people feel that the rules need to be changed to nerf speed is because as it stands right now, playing a fast deck (which essentially limits people to Sam, Genesis, Disciples, TGT, along with a few wildcard decks) is the only viable offense. Now I'm not in support of the vast majority of rule changes that have been suggested, but something does have to be done. If you feel you're being ignored, it's because putting forth the argument, "Stop changing things because anyone who thinks we should change things is stupid" does not win friends and influence people. If you're going to have an opinion, fine, but you need to be able to back it up with a reasoned argument, the way you just did. Getting angry because people disagree with you is something different altogether. What frustrates me is that you have, time and time again, threatened to quit the game if you don't get your way. Now there's one issue that I know would probably cause me to quit the game (Hero Judas), but I also don't use that as a weapon any time someone disagrees with me, and I'd dissuade you from doing the same.

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Re: A most brief collection of my thoughts on speed vs speed and nerfing speed.
« Reply #33 on: December 28, 2011, 04:54:31 PM »
There are a few people that have said that D1 would make the game slower. I disagree. It would make the game faster.

Think about it. Instead of players spending a large amount of time on there every turn (which many do), you give them less options to use. They could just do 1 or 2 things, perhaps make a rescue attempt, and then be done. Not so much activating new artifacts every turn and playing charachters and always making rescue attempts, but keeping the pace of the game running smoother. I do believe this hurts speed a little bit, but i dont think we need to make any silly rules about if an opponent draws then you draw... Thats like noone drawing at all! Things like Gifts and RBD would be used in almost every deck, sure, but at least this will hurt speed greatly, and not be too hurtful to other playing styles.

If just making it D1 every turn doesnt fix it, i have absolutely no clue what will.

Offline STAMP

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Re: A most brief collection of my thoughts on speed vs speed and nerfing speed.
« Reply #34 on: December 28, 2011, 04:55:19 PM »
LOL, well if you all read my post thoroughly you'll notice I was brainstorming and throwing out an idea to build from.

Of course, as is the case with these boards, you all took out your first-person-shooter-weapon-of-choice and put a flurry of holes in it.


At least Underwood understood.  ;D
Final ANB errata: Return player to game.

Offline lp670sv

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Re: A most brief collection of my thoughts on speed vs speed and nerfing speed.
« Reply #35 on: December 28, 2011, 04:56:42 PM »
i dont like FPS's can I have a gun blade instead?

Offline Red

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Re: A most brief collection of my thoughts on speed vs speed and nerfing speed.
« Reply #36 on: December 28, 2011, 04:58:36 PM »
I'm actually in support of a few changes such as no doms in the first round but the more drastic you go the more it changes how I play the game and I have played the game in the same style with dominants drawing etc. that it gets to where it feels like a whole new game and that is just something I don't want. My life has changed so much in the past year but this game is something that hasn't changed too drastically, and I don't want it to change too drastically like some people are proposing.
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Offline I am Knot a Blonde!

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Re: A most brief collection of my thoughts on speed vs speed and nerfing speed.
« Reply #37 on: December 28, 2011, 05:00:16 PM »
I'm actually in support of a few changes such as no doms in the first round but the more drastic you go the more it changes how I play the game and I have played the game in the same style with dominants drawing etc. that it gets to where it feels like a whole new game and that is just something I don't want. My life has changed so much in the past year but this game is something that hasn't changed too drastically, and I don't want it to change too drastically like some people are proposing.

What if the only thing that changed was instead of D3.. D1.

Too drastic?

Offline Red

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Re: A most brief collection of my thoughts on speed vs speed and nerfing speed.
« Reply #38 on: December 28, 2011, 05:02:40 PM »
Yes. The luck element would go up and the options would go down. This game is a game where it's better to have options. That rule wouldn't help vs speed too much and actually widen the gap between speed and everything else.
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Chronic Apathy

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Re: A most brief collection of my thoughts on speed vs speed and nerfing speed.
« Reply #39 on: December 28, 2011, 05:03:16 PM »
There are a few people that have said that D1 would make the game slower. I disagree. It would make the game faster.

Think about it. Instead of players spending a large amount of time on there every turn (which many do), you give them less options to use. They could just do 1 or 2 things, perhaps make a rescue attempt, and then be done. Not so much activating new artifacts every turn and playing charachters and always making rescue attempts, but keeping the pace of the game running smoother. I do believe this hurts speed a little bit, but i dont think we need to make any silly rules about if an opponent draws then you draw... Thats like noone drawing at all! Things like Gifts and RBD would be used in almost every deck, sure, but at least this will hurt speed greatly, and not be too hurtful to other playing styles.

If just making it D1 every turn doesnt fix it, i have absolutely no clue what will.

I think you might be a bit confused, unless I'm misreading what you're saying. When people talk about speed, we're not referring to the actual time it takes to play a game. Rather, we're talking about how many cards are being taken  out of a deck (not including discards) over the course of X amount of turns.

I'm actually in support of a few changes such as no doms in the first round but the more drastic you go the more it changes how I play the game and I have played the game in the same style with dominants drawing etc. that it gets to where it feels like a whole new game and that is just something I don't want. My life has changed so much in the past year but this game is something that hasn't changed too drastically, and I don't want it to change too drastically like some people are proposing.

The problem is that's not a good argument. "I don't want the game to change because I don't want it to" simply isn't a strong argument when you have more people saying "I do want the game to change because I want it to".

Offline SomeKittens

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Re: A most brief collection of my thoughts on speed vs speed and nerfing speed.
« Reply #40 on: December 28, 2011, 05:04:34 PM »
LOL, well if you all read my post thoroughly you'll notice I was brainstorming and throwing out an idea to build from.

Of course, as is the case with these boards, you all took out your first-person-shooter-weapon-of-choice and put a flurry of holes in it.


At least Underwood understood.  ;D
Tac Nuke.  Who needs to aim?  Seriously, I do appreciate the brainstorm, but that particular idea doesn't hold water in my opinion.
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Offline I am Knot a Blonde!

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Re: A most brief collection of my thoughts on speed vs speed and nerfing speed.
« Reply #41 on: December 28, 2011, 05:04:44 PM »
I understand, I'm saying its like killing two stones with one bird. Make the game smoother and drastically hurt Speed.

Offline STAMP

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Re: A most brief collection of my thoughts on speed vs speed and nerfing speed.
« Reply #42 on: December 28, 2011, 05:10:19 PM »
LOL, well if you all read my post thoroughly you'll notice I was brainstorming and throwing out an idea to build from.

Of course, as is the case with these boards, you all took out your first-person-shooter-weapon-of-choice and put a flurry of holes in it.


At least Underwood understood.  ;D
Tac Nuke.  Who needs to aim?  Seriously, I do appreciate the brainstorm, but that particular idea doesn't hold water in my opinion.

Point taken.  Something full of holes indeed doesn't hold water.

But the fact remains: what's the one thing that will make any player want to stop drawing?  It's when you're opponent is drawing just as fast as you are.

There are probably several ways to achieve the end result, notwithstanding my bullet-laden proposition.  ;)
Final ANB errata: Return player to game.

Offline I am Knot a Blonde!

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Re: A most brief collection of my thoughts on speed vs speed and nerfing speed.
« Reply #43 on: December 28, 2011, 05:12:03 PM »
LOL, well if you all read my post thoroughly you'll notice I was brainstorming and throwing out an idea to build from.

Of course, as is the case with these boards, you all took out your first-person-shooter-weapon-of-choice and put a flurry of holes in it.


At least Underwood understood.  ;D
Tac Nuke.  Who needs to aim?  Seriously, I do appreciate the brainstorm, but that particular idea doesn't hold water in my opinion.

Point taken.  Something full of holes indeed doesn't hold water.

But the fact remains: what's the one thing that will make any player want to stop drawing?  It's when you're opponent is drawing just as fast as you are.

There are probably several ways to achieve the end result, notwithstanding my bullet-laden proposition.  ;)

I disagree.

The object is not to MAKE people to not want to draw cards...

Its to make drawing cards not so effective.

Chronic Apathy

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Re: A most brief collection of my thoughts on speed vs speed and nerfing speed.
« Reply #44 on: December 28, 2011, 05:16:26 PM »
I disagree with the way you disagreed. I think the best way to go about this is to put a player who has decked out as a disadvantage.

Offline STAMP

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Re: A most brief collection of my thoughts on speed vs speed and nerfing speed.
« Reply #45 on: December 28, 2011, 05:17:17 PM »
I disagree.

The object is not to MAKE people to not want to draw cards...

Its to make drawing cards not so effective.

Easy.  Cards drawn due to a special ability gain the ability of NOT being able to activate their special ability.

{Waves defribillator paddles in the air} That'll kill it.  ;)
Final ANB errata: Return player to game.

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Re: A most brief collection of my thoughts on speed vs speed and nerfing speed.
« Reply #46 on: December 28, 2011, 05:19:29 PM »
At least Underwood understood.  ;D
They don't rhyme for nothin' :)

Offline I am Knot a Blonde!

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Re: A most brief collection of my thoughts on speed vs speed and nerfing speed.
« Reply #47 on: December 28, 2011, 05:23:51 PM »
I disagree.

The object is not to MAKE people to not want to draw cards...

Its to make drawing cards not so effective.

Easy.  Cards drawn due to a special ability gain the ability of NOT being able to activate their special ability.

{Waves defribillator paddles in the air} That'll kill it.  ;)

Whats so bad about losing if you deck out?

I'm sure the idea has had to have been brought up before.

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Re: A most brief collection of my thoughts on speed vs speed and nerfing speed.
« Reply #48 on: December 28, 2011, 05:27:59 PM »
The cards that have come out would make that ridiculous. Luke would become S tier for instance, so would evil gold. Losing because of decking out is too extreme.

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Re: A most brief collection of my thoughts on speed vs speed and nerfing speed.
« Reply #49 on: December 28, 2011, 05:31:29 PM »
The issue with the "Gifts of the Magi" rule is that is that it reduces the game to who gets their best cards first. Making the game faster in anyway is NOT the answer to the problem. If the rule proposed can in any way help you draw cards, it will NOT work. That's like printing more money to solve Inflation (it doesn't work, for those who don't know anything about Economics).

I still maintain that the biggest issue with speed is based on the fact that Characters are so much more important than any other card type. Because you NEED characters, you have to have speed elements to draw characters. It's the most efficient way to reduce the luck of the draw. Additionally, because you NEED characters, you tend to push as many characters into your deck as you can. This leads to the rampant use of unsupported Characters, making cards such as Gomer/Uzzah/FBTNCharacters, etc much more widely used than would normally be expected. This has been a problem since Tim Maly first constructed his CBN (or whatever you want to call it) deck. Read his comments about it on his website. They are telling about how important characters are in this game.

Combined with the lack of any sort of power check on characters, we are at a point in the game where we can go a couple different ways. I think we should enact this rule:

"A hero may not start a rescue attempt unless he/she was in play at the end of the owner's previous turn."

This rule helps combat speed in a number of ways:
1. First Turn superheroes like Strong Angel get a nerfing. No more 3 walk in rescues, SoG, NJ.
2. Pentecost and First Fruits begin to have actual costs when played at the end of your turn. No more "free" drawing.
3. Evil is left intact and able to block at any point.
4. Banding to heroes in hand or deck is still doable.

I think this rule would solve a lot of the 5 minute games that are most commonly complained about while not totally ruining other important aspects of the game. It would increase strategy by forcing attackers to plan ahead, but also give defenders a little hint on what might be coming at them in the future.


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