Author Topic: A game lost completely due to the draw.  (Read 2114 times)

Offline Prof Underwood

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A game lost completely due to the draw.
« on: July 12, 2009, 10:33:42 PM »
OK, sometimes people argue about whether games are won or lost based on the draw.  I would just like to record what happened in a game so that in the future I can point to this post in those discussions.

Opening draw: Opponent draws 2 LSs and I draw none.  This would normally be good except that one of his was the Hopper meaning that I have a LS he can rescue and he gets to attack before I can set up any defensive arts or sites or forts or ECs with a WC enh on them, etc.

Opponent's first turn:  His opening draw also contained a small purple hero which attacked.  I wasn't too worried because I had a FBN EC in my opening draw and so I blocked.  However, his opening draw also had AoCP, killing my 1 EC and winning the first LS.  Then he set his guy aside with a drawing enh.

My first turn:  I put down my WoP, KotW, and HoH, keeping 4 cards in hand.

Opponent's 2nd turn:  His guy returned and we both had to put 3 on the bottom and draw 3.  I kept an EE and hoped to draw one of the 12 ECs left in my deck to play it on.  Instead, I drew a few more EEs and another LS for him to rescue.  The good news is that my LS was the 1st turn angel only.  But the bad news is that in his second draw of the game he got GoYS (no chance to FA to get back in the game) and the Jake+CotH combo which he of course uses to walk in for 2nd soul.

My 2nd turn:  I finally get to draw 3, but unfortunately pull out another LS for him to rescue.  On top of that I again don't pull out a single EC (in spite of their being 12 left in the deck).  Thankfully I did pull an Unholy Writ which I activated to give me a chance at stopping his next attack.

Opponent's 3rd turn Of course he drew DoN and killed my UW.  Walked in with Jake+CotH again for the 3rd soul.  SoG/NJ for 4 and 5, and it was game over.

I don't care what anyone says about games not being won or lost on the draw.  That was just insane.  I don't blame my opponent.  He played well and was just using the cards he was given.  He deserved the win.  But there was nothing I could have done, and that just feels rough.


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