Author Topic: Revelation of John - Set List and Information  (Read 104454 times)

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Re: Revelation of John - Set List and Information
« Reply #575 on: April 12, 2017, 01:05:26 PM »
They won't be fooled again Gabe... ::)

Not sure what your spoiled Fortress has to do with The Who!

Who said the hint was for the card I spoiled...  ::)
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Offline Kevinthedude

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Re: Revelation of John - Set List and Information
« Reply #576 on: April 12, 2017, 01:06:24 PM »
Found one from Gabe!
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« Last Edit: April 12, 2017, 01:10:54 PM by Kevinthedude »

Offline Jeremystair

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Re: Revelation of John - Set List and Information
« Reply #577 on: April 12, 2017, 01:14:15 PM »
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Re: Revelation of John - Set List and Information
« Reply #578 on: April 12, 2017, 01:15:41 PM »
Looks like we're only missing the card that John spoiled!
Have you visited the Land of Redemption today?

Offline Ironisaac

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Re: Revelation of John - Set List and Information
« Reply #579 on: April 12, 2017, 01:17:24 PM »
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OH MAN! first high priest ananias and then this? NO SPLASH DECKS EVER AGAIN!
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Re: Revelation of John - Set List and Information
« Reply #580 on: April 12, 2017, 01:17:51 PM »
FWIW, I am kinda disappointed with the four horsemen/seals in general. Third seal is awesome as an enhancement but other than that they are not very good... I feel like these could have been the cornerstone of the set but instead they have starter deck abilities.

But thanks again for previewing the set like this and being respectful of criticisms
« Last Edit: April 12, 2017, 01:20:23 PM by TheHobbit »

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Re: Revelation of John - Set List and Information
« Reply #581 on: April 12, 2017, 01:20:33 PM »
FWIW, I am kinda disappointed with the four horsemen/seals in general. Third seal is awesome as an enhancement but other than that they are not very good... I feel like these could have been the cornerstone of the set but instead they have starter deck abilities.

Agreed... unfortunately...
They seem pretty lame as fighters maybe we should challenge them to a dance off or a redemption game

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Re: Revelation of John - Set List and Information
« Reply #583 on: April 12, 2017, 01:21:56 PM »
I believe all 3 of the remaining cards have been found now! I'm working on updating the list to include those plus all the cards from today's 2 articles.

Offline Kevinthedude

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Re: Revelation of John - Set List and Information
« Reply #584 on: April 12, 2017, 01:24:15 PM »
I'm slightly worried about the power of Covenant with Prayer. Up to this point the cards you could pull out of reserve were pretty specific (Demons pull out demons, watchman pulls out prophets, etc) except for the lost soul but that's balanced by having to wait to draw the card you pick. Being able to target literally any kind of card and put it straight to your hand means every deck that doesn't have some kind of specific plan for reserve (Like demons seem to) will just play Covenant with Prayer and a reserve with 10 of the hardest counters to whatever decks are popular.
« Last Edit: April 12, 2017, 01:26:26 PM by Kevinthedude »

Offline Watchman

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Re: Revelation of John - Set List and Information
« Reply #585 on: April 12, 2017, 01:29:20 PM »
I'm slightly worried about the power of Covenant with Prayer. Up to this point the cards you could pull out of reserve were pretty specific (Demons pull out demons, watchman pulls out prophets, etc) except for the lost soul but that's balanced by having to wait to draw the card you pick. Being able to target literally any kind of card and put it straight to your hand means every deck that doesn't have some kind of specific plan for reserve (Like demons seem to) will just play Covenant with Prayer and a reserve with 10 of the hardest counters to whatever decks are popular.

I don't know, I find it comparable to the newer version of Search.  I think Power of Prayer is a great card with obvious versatility.
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Offline megamanlan

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Re: Revelation of John - Set List and Information
« Reply #586 on: April 12, 2017, 01:33:42 PM »
So when will these cards be up on Lackey?
They seem pretty lame as fighters maybe we should challenge them to a dance off or a redemption game

Offline Kevinthedude

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Re: Revelation of John - Set List and Information
« Reply #587 on: April 12, 2017, 01:34:38 PM »
I'm slightly worried about the power of Covenant with Prayer. Up to this point the cards you could pull out of reserve were pretty specific (Demons pull out demons, watchman pulls out prophets, etc) except for the lost soul but that's balanced by having to wait to draw the card you pick. Being able to target literally any kind of card and put it straight to your hand means every deck that doesn't have some kind of specific plan for reserve (Like demons seem to) will just play Covenant with Prayer and a reserve with 10 of the hardest counters to whatever decks are popular.

I don't know, I find it comparable to the newer version of Search.  I think Power of Prayer is a great card with obvious versatility.

If this was just an enhancement like search I wouldn't be nearly as concerned.

Offline Watchman

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Re: Revelation of John - Set List and Information
« Reply #588 on: April 12, 2017, 01:41:04 PM »
I'm slightly worried about the power of Covenant with Prayer. Up to this point the cards you could pull out of reserve were pretty specific (Demons pull out demons, watchman pulls out prophets, etc) except for the lost soul but that's balanced by having to wait to draw the card you pick. Being able to target literally any kind of card and put it straight to your hand means every deck that doesn't have some kind of specific plan for reserve (Like demons seem to) will just play Covenant with Prayer and a reserve with 10 of the hardest counters to whatever decks are popular.

I don't know, I find it comparable to the newer version of Search.  I think Covenant of Prayer is a great card with obvious versatility.

If this was just an enhancement like search I wouldn't be nearly as concerned.

Right, but there are plenty of counters in the game that target good enhs in deck, discard pile, and hand, as well as if CoP was played as an artifact.  And CoP isn't CBI or CBN either.  I find it to be quite a unique card that has the ability to do something that we haven't seen before in the game.
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Re: Revelation of John - Set List and Information
« Reply #589 on: April 12, 2017, 02:11:39 PM »
Can we just talk for five seconds about how the Michael reprint is the most underwhelming thing ever and how the Red Dragon reprint is the most incredible thing ever and it's so cool and I'm so happy with it and boy oh boy is that ever how you do an ultra rare and I can't decide whether I want it or Three Woes more?
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Re: Revelation of John - Set List and Information
« Reply #590 on: April 12, 2017, 02:12:51 PM »
The list is now fully up to date with all 129 cards! Some images/links may yet be updated once the cards are 100% finalized and added to LoR but the names and numbers are all current.

Please let me know if any of the links are broken or anything is amiss. I had to do some creative URL shortening (thank goodness for TinyURL) because of the 5000 character limit per post but everything should be working.

Can we just talk for five seconds about how the Michael reprint is the most underwhelming thing ever
Why do you think it's underwhelming? Seems pretty good to me.
« Last Edit: April 12, 2017, 02:15:37 PM by Browa »

Offline Ironisaac

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Re: Revelation of John - Set List and Information
« Reply #591 on: April 12, 2017, 02:16:20 PM »
Can we just talk for five seconds about how the Michael reprint is the most underwhelming thing ever and how the Red Dragon reprint is the most incredible thing ever and it's so cool and I'm so happy with it and boy oh boy is that ever how you do an ultra rare and I can't decide whether I want it or Three Woes more?

I don't know, i really like Michael... sure he's not the most amazing, but he is really good. He can band to TSA which is not nothing You band to either the old or new one, and you are a force to be reckoned with. plus, the art is pretty sweet. :)
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Re: Revelation of John - Set List and Information
« Reply #592 on: April 12, 2017, 02:26:25 PM »
FWIW, I am kinda disappointed with the four horsemen/seals in general. Third seal is awesome as an enhancement but other than that they are not very good... I feel like these could have been the cornerstone of the set but instead they have starter deck abilities.

But thanks again for previewing the set like this and being respectful of criticisms

Agreed... unfortunately...

This could just be a difference in deck-building style or preference, but I think the versatility of the Seals is being vastly underrated by those who have been less than enthused with their abilities. A card that can be used to block as an EC or be used as a straight up battle winner on offense is so clutch. During playtesting, I especially loved drawing the Seals in my opening hand because it meant I would have options regardless of whether I went first or second, and that versatility is awesome in the early game. Now in the mid-game, the battle winners are a bit vanilla, but also keep in mind that they can be recurred using Gabriel so that is also something we took into account when deciding just how strong they would be. I think they also get stronger in the endgame when you start to run low on resources.

Can we just talk for five seconds about how the Michael reprint is the most underwhelming thing ever and how the Red Dragon reprint is the most incredible thing ever and it's so cool and I'm so happy with it and boy oh boy is that ever how you do an ultra rare and I can't decide whether I want it or Three Woes more?

Interesting you feel that way, myself and other playtesters feel like Michael is perfect in that he makes for a very difficult choice between the new one and one of the old versions, and which one you choose will depend on how you build your deck. Also, some playtesters felt like Red Dragon was somewhat I guess it's all in the eye of the beholder...  :o
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Offline Jeremystair

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Re: Revelation of John - Set List and Information
« Reply #593 on: April 12, 2017, 02:36:42 PM »
Why is it that Michael can only band to a warrior class Revelation angels? Why can't he band to any warrior class angel? I mean it is Michael the Archangel!

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Re: Revelation of John - Set List and Information
« Reply #594 on: April 12, 2017, 02:45:15 PM »
Why is it that Michael can only band to a warrior class Revelation angels? Why can't he band to any warrior class angel? I mean it is Michael the Archangel!

You're right, it's a Revelation inspired representation of Michael

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Re: Revelation of John - Set List and Information
« Reply #595 on: April 12, 2017, 02:46:45 PM »
Love The Haunting Spirits! It will be great with Tartaros!

If you are planning on discarding your Revelation demon with Haunting Spirits and then place the discarded demon in Tartaros, you won't be able to decrease a human 3/3.  Tartaros is an "Instead" ability, and when something happens "Instead" of the cost in a cost-benefit ability, you don't get the benefit.

Just something to keep in mind.

Hmmmm didn't realize that.....Looks like that combo won't work....disappointing because that would have been awesome!

Offline The Guardian

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Re: Revelation of John - Set List and Information
« Reply #596 on: April 12, 2017, 02:50:49 PM »

Perhaps another reason you might feel that way is that there sooooo many great Heroes in this set that maybe Michael doesn't stand that much higher than some of the other Heroes, and to be fair that is a completely valid viewpoint.

All of the playtesters agreed that Three Woes and Red Dragon would be URs. It was also pretty unanimous that the third UR should be a Hero. That's where it got interesting--among the group who worked on the rarities, there were four eventual nominations (including Michael) for which Hero to make UR.

However, those were just the nominations. In addition to Michael, John, the Apocalyptist, Great Multitude, Every Tribe, The Strong Angel and Twenty-Four Elders were all discussed as potential candidates for the UR Hero slot. In the end, we decided that we liked the symmetry of having Michael be the UR Hero and Red Dragon be the UR Evil Character.

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Offline Jeremystair

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Re: Revelation of John - Set List and Information
« Reply #597 on: April 12, 2017, 02:52:53 PM »
Why is it that Michael can only band to a warrior class Revelation angels? Why can't he band to any warrior class angel? I mean it is Michael the Archangel!

You're right, it's a Revelation inspired representation of Michael

Having Michael with ability to band is awesome but restricting him only to Revelation angels is not so awesome.

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Re: Revelation of John - Set List and Information
« Reply #598 on: April 12, 2017, 02:55:29 PM »
Why is it that Michael can only band to a warrior class Revelation angels? Why can't he band to any warrior class angel? I mean it is Michael the Archangel!

You're right, it's a Revelation inspired representation of Michael

Having Michael with ability to band is awesome but restricting him only to Revelation angels is not so awesome.

What other Warrior Class Angel not from Revelation (and other than Captain of the Host) did you want to band to?  :P

And really, if you think about it, Michael and Captain of the Host might be the same angel...but for the sake of Silver players everywhere, we won't go down that road...  ;)
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Re: Revelation of John - Set List and Information
« Reply #599 on: April 12, 2017, 02:56:09 PM »
This could just be a difference in deck-building style or preference, but I think the versatility of the Seals is being vastly underrated by those who have been less than enthused with their abilities. A card that can be used to block as an EC or be used as a straight up battle winner on offense is so clutch.

Exactly.  In one playtest game (against TheGuardian, no less ;) ), I kept looking for opportunities to play Third Seal on offense, but it just wasn't there.  Then I got attacked by a small hero, and the only EC that granted me initiative was Famine. 

So I blocked and played Besieging the City and Confusion.  There aren't many ECs that can play both of those, especially as a 2/3 EC   :P
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