Author Topic: Revelation of John - Set List and Information  (Read 110056 times)

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Re: Revelation of John - Set List and Information
« Reply #475 on: April 09, 2017, 09:50:47 PM »
1. Why abbreviate Joseph Mallord William Turner to J.M.W. Turner on the Second bowl, but not the Fourth?

Thanks for pointing that out. The art was taken from different sources who credited the artist differently. We'll credit them the same.

3. What happened to this guy??

Spoiler (hover to show)

I was thinking of incorporating him into my deck (still am for the colors/identifiers), but his ability's been nerfed to oblivion (and numbers decreased as well)... Is there not a more exciting ability that he can have?
During a lot of our testing we planned to print The False Prophet with no SA at all. We don't want to make a new one that overshadows the UR from Early Church. By having bigger stats (which didn't change, not sure why you think they did) and three brigades instead of 2 he's already strictly better than the UR in a number of situations. Late in the process we decided that an evil card needed to have the ability to look at an opponent's Reserve. TFP was the best place to put that so we gave him a SA.
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Offline Xonathan

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Re: Revelation of John - Set List and Information
« Reply #476 on: April 09, 2017, 10:13:03 PM »
In our game I could've sworn he was a 12/12... unless I've crossed over into a parallel universe... :o

Just kind of disappointing to see such a weak ability on such a prominent character of Revelation. Even adding CBN and draw 1 from the bottom would make him golden in my book. ;)

the early church version is 6/6 and the unlimited version is 8/12
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Re: Revelation of John - Set List and Information
« Reply #477 on: April 09, 2017, 10:39:10 PM »
1. Why abbreviate Joseph Mallord William Turner to J.M.W. Turner on the Second bowl, but not the Fourth?

Thanks for pointing that out. The art was taken from different sources who credited the artist differently. We'll credit them the same.

3. What happened to this guy??

Spoiler (hover to show)

I was thinking of incorporating him into my deck (still am for the colors/identifiers), but his ability's been nerfed to oblivion (and numbers decreased as well)... Is there not a more exciting ability that he can have?
During a lot of our testing we planned to print The False Prophet with no SA at all. We don't want to make a new one that overshadows the UR from Early Church. By having bigger stats (which didn't change, not sure why you think they did) and three brigades instead of 2 he's already strictly better than the UR in a number of situations. Late in the process we decided that an evil card needed to have the ability to look at an opponent's Reserve. TFP was the best place to put that so we gave him a SA.

I'd like to comment on this as well - You specifically say that you're still thinking about playing him because of his Colors/Identifiers - This is one of the things that we feel makes him so good - He's match-up nightmare for FBTN, he can play Divination. These are two pretty big pluses over the Early Church version. I think he's highly playable in a variety of decks, and would have been even without the Reserve look. Adding anything else in the ability makes him an auto-include in any Crimson, Orange or Pale Green deck, and an easy splash in just about any other.


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Re: Revelation of John - Set List and Information
« Reply #478 on: April 09, 2017, 10:51:50 PM »
Can't slip a territory class symbol in there? Pretty please  :prayer:

Offline RedemptionAggie

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Re: Revelation of John - Set List and Information
« Reply #479 on: April 09, 2017, 11:00:43 PM »
T2 Deck Building Rules:
Maximum of 2 of each in a deck:
  • Cards with 2 brigades at face value
Maximum of 1 of each per 50 cards in a deck: 
  • Site with a special ability

New Jerusalem/Bride of Christ (multi brigade site with SA): Limit of 1 per 50, max 5 (because it's not single brigade, so technically not accounted for in any of the maximums) (Patmos too, but that's not as odd)
Babylon/The Harlot (2 brigades): Limit of 2

I know most decks are in the 100-150 range where it doesn't make a difference, but that seems odd to me.

This set also introduces a 3 brigade covenant (Seventh Seal), which isn't accounted for in the T2 deckbuilding rules, but that should fall under the limit of 1, I believe.

So, what changes/tweaks are we getting to the deckbuilding rules with this set?

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Re: Revelation of John - Set List and Information
« Reply #480 on: April 09, 2017, 11:57:56 PM »
I'd like to comment on this as well - You specifically say that you're still thinking about playing him because of his Colors/Identifiers - This is one of the things that we feel makes him so good - He's match-up nightmare for FBTN, he can play Divination. These are two pretty big pluses over the Early Church version. I think he's highly playable in a variety of decks, and would have been even without the Reserve look. Adding anything else in the ability makes him an auto-include in any Crimson, Orange or Pale Green deck, and an easy splash in just about any other.

Yeah, but it still feels like a missed opportunity to right the wrongs of the EC one (which would still hold some value just by being UR, as that card's only function is essentially a trade piece to fill out a collection). Having multiple brigades/big numbers won't always be a blessing. So, when that fails, having an ability that's useful maybe once per game (basically no special ability in booster) is pretty underwhelming for a rare, especially since so much could be done. Even just going from 8/12 to 12/12 would bump him up to at least Leviathan's level and would come close to justifying having an ability that might not matter.

I thought the ability I saw was very strong, but not crazy strong without any "cannot be" modifiers (especially given CotH's prominence last year, and the angel offenses I expect to see this year). I recognize that the fact I'm still considering using him with such a weak ability is a testament to his other strong attributes. Goes to show how good colors/identifiers can push an otherwise prophets expansion-level character into use. I just kinda want more excitement than colors/identifiers from my rares nowadays. Greedy? Possibly, but that's also partially since we've been spoiled by the last set. ;)

:2cents:  -I can't wait for this set! 8)
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Re: Revelation of John - Set List and Information
« Reply #481 on: April 10, 2017, 02:04:57 AM »
Yeah I'm still underwhelmed by the false prophet. I think that the EC one would see more play if the second ability it has becomes relevant. Which I feel could easily be accomplished in later sets. This reprint to me just seems like it got nerfed hard from test play. It's honestly the only card I've been truly underwhelmed by in the set. Maybe there is something yet to be revealed that would make him better in my mind but it would take alot. Even if it was a look at a hand ability I would be underwhelmed and I feel that's a much stronger ability than looking at a reserve. Overall I would say this is a big miss in an otherwise stellar set. More excited for this than I was cloud.

As a side note I don't know what other abilities he may have posted during test plays but here is a suggestion. (Not that it really matters since I doubt there is time to test it)

You may look at a reserve, if yours, you may exchange your revelation Evil Character (or a revelation beast in discard pile) with a Revelation evil character in your reserve.

I feel this would keep it from being just insanely splashable while giving an in theme boost to the sets Evil theme and use of the reserve. I'm not sure if that's OP with the set but considering it gives the potential to recur an evil character in a roundabout way it could be. Just my 2 cents. I don't think it's fair to criticize the current reveal without offering any suggestions.
« Last Edit: April 10, 2017, 03:57:17 AM by The Schaefer »

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Re: Revelation of John - Set List and Information
« Reply #482 on: April 10, 2017, 08:04:31 AM »
I've tentatively called them Site-Characters and changed Fire Foxes and the like to Enhancement-Characters, unless you want them all grouped together, then Multi-Type is probably best.

 In my database I just referred to them as dual card type
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Re: Revelation of John - Set List and Information
« Reply #483 on: April 10, 2017, 08:04:57 AM »
I agree. That was my impression when I first saw TFP and still is. It was disappointing to see a key Revelation EC with a weak SA. I like The Schaefer's idea, whether it's the one he suggested or any other extra ability on TFP would be nice. I do like the fact hat he reps pale green, which was a must on the TEC version since he is a magician.
« Last Edit: April 10, 2017, 08:07:40 AM by Watchman492 »
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Re: Revelation of John - Set List and Information
« Reply #484 on: April 10, 2017, 11:20:21 AM »
Who’s ready for a little freak out moment? You sure? You might want to sit down just in case…
Okay, here goes…

Spoiler (hover to show)

Now I know what you’re thinking, “WHY ARE EARTH ARE THEY PUTTING THIS ABILITY ON A CARD?!?!” To be honest, when I first suggested the idea during a brainstorming session, I could hardly believe I was saying it myself. Let me attempt to explain our reasoning and hopefully this will keep everyone calm. As I mentioned in the "Jesus Freaks" article about the martyr theme on Land of Redemption, one of the things we are trying to do is to give offensive themes a card that will be a “finisher” or “closer.” Something that can help give offense the final edge it needs to finish games before they time out. However, we don’t want those to be something that can simply be used as an endgame strategy in a defensive heavy deck (yes, we’re looking at you Watchful Servant).

If you think back to any game you’ve played with or against Disciples, how often do you recall the Disciples player having all 12 Disciples on the table? Probably not very often, and I’m guessing many times they weren’t even using all 12 in the deck, because a Disciples deck doesn’t need all 12—usually just enough to make Thaddeus roll over most defenses will suffice. However, this card will give people a reason to use all 12 and will make up for the inherent disadvantage of using the “weaker” Disciples like Andrew, James Son of Zebedee and Matthias (unless you’re running Holy Spirit) that don’t see much play. We’re not trying to say that Disciples have gotten weaker—in fact I think they are still one of the strongest themes—but we’ve certainly created a few more counters to their usual “closer” (Thaddeus). If someone does get all 12, then it is likely close to the end of the game anyway when we want games to finish. This card is also very preventable (unless used by John, the Apocalypstist or Thomas) and it will give the Disciple player an interesting decision: do they attack with a low numbered Hero to try and play this or do they attack with a nearly invincible Thaddeus with the whole group in play?

As always, we welcome your feedback on this card. If you feel like this card is way too strong, then I urge you to play a game or two using a Disciples deck (include a proxy card for this one), and I think you'll see just how difficult it is to not only get all 12 Disciples on the table, but also keep them there long enough to use this. If you think of it as a quasi-Alternate Win Condition, I think you'll truly appreciate the challenge. 8)
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Re: Revelation of John - Set List and Information
« Reply #485 on: April 10, 2017, 11:32:00 AM »
That card really makes me want to play Disciples! Even though I'm usually better off to play AoCp, Disciples of the Lamb seems way more fun!
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Re: Revelation of John - Set List and Information
« Reply #486 on: April 10, 2017, 11:39:50 AM »
I am loving the Bowls! Shouldn't they have the identifier Plague though? (As Revelation calls them the last plagues he pours out on the Earth.)
They seem pretty lame as fighters maybe we should challenge them to a dance off or a redemption game

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Re: Revelation of John - Set List and Information
« Reply #487 on: April 10, 2017, 11:47:52 AM »
This alternate win stuff is getting really powerful, especially with that gold/purple one that was revealed earlier. if you use DotL before SRaR, that is a potential of four souls (counting a sog nj/tsc rescue) without having to play a single battle winner. It might not be too powerful, because of how much set up it takes, but it is definitely really powerful. Someone building a deck around this concept could do really well in a tournament i'm sure.   
« Last Edit: April 10, 2017, 12:15:47 PM by Ironisaac »
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Re: Revelation of John - Set List and Information
« Reply #488 on: April 10, 2017, 12:06:11 PM »
I think it is a wasted card the chances of anyone playing or having all 12 disciples is too far out there. There are so many other cards that could be made instead of this one that everyone can play instead of a card that is so specific.


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Re: Revelation of John - Set List and Information
« Reply #489 on: April 10, 2017, 12:13:39 PM »
It's pretty difficult to setup all 12 disciples but thematically shouldn't there be a decent pay off for doing so?

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Re: Revelation of John - Set List and Information
« Reply #490 on: April 10, 2017, 12:15:05 PM »
That's the point though, to make people play crazy decks that have never been played before. the good thing about disciples is that they have the boat to protect them, so it's easier to get them all out and keep them out. think about this: Build a deck using Sow, reap, rejoice!, Disciples of the Lamb, and eternal inheritance. Then, get to sog nj/tsc as fast as possible, play them, then use DotL to get sog back, then Sow, reap rejoice on the new john for a cbn rescue, and finish using a clay thomas and eternal inheritance. like i said, lots of setup, but, if done properly, you could have to not play a single battle winner.   
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Re: Revelation of John - Set List and Information
« Reply #491 on: April 10, 2017, 12:19:21 PM »
True but that so is much easier said than done and technically you are playing 3 battle winners in 3 separate battles with a max of 5 souls in 2 turns after decking out, with Christ's triumph. In t2 you can rescue 7 souls in 1 turn but it's just extremely difficult to actually do to the point no one does and maybe no one even has

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Re: Revelation of John - Set List and Information
« Reply #492 on: April 10, 2017, 12:22:15 PM »
Who’s ready for a little freak out moment? You sure? You might want to sit down just in case…
Okay, here goes…

Spoiler (hover to show)

Now I know what you’re thinking, “WHY ARE EARTH ARE THEY PUTTING THIS ABILITY ON A CARD?!?!” To be honest, when I first suggested the idea during a brainstorming session, I could hardly believe I was saying it myself. Let me attempt to explain our reasoning and hopefully this will keep everyone calm. As I mentioned in the "Jesus Freaks" article about the martyr theme on Land of Redemption, one of the things we are trying to do is to give offensive themes a card that will be a “finisher” or “closer.” Something that can help give offense the final edge it needs to finish games before they time out. However, we don’t want those to be something that can simply be used as an endgame strategy in a defensive heavy deck (yes, we’re looking at you Watchful Servant).

If you think back to any game you’ve played with or against Disciples, how often do you recall the Disciples player having all 12 Disciples on the table? Probably not very often, and I’m guessing many times they weren’t even using all 12 in the deck, because a Disciples deck doesn’t need all 12—usually just enough to make Thaddeus roll over most defenses will suffice. However, this card will give people a reason to use all 12 and will make up for the inherent disadvantage of using the “weaker” Disciples like Andrew, James Son of Zebedee and Matthias (unless you’re running Holy Spirit) that don’t see much play. We’re not trying to say that Disciples have gotten weaker—in fact I think they are still one of the strongest themes—but we’ve certainly created a few more counters to their usual “closer” (Thaddeus). If someone does get all 12, then it is likely close to the end of the game anyway when we want games to finish. This card is also very preventable (unless used by John, the Apocalypstist or Thomas) and it will give the Disciple player an interesting decision: do they attack with a low numbered Hero to try and play this or do they attack with a nearly invincible Thaddeus with the whole group in play?

As always, we welcome your feedback on this card. If you feel like this card is way too strong, then I urge you to play a game or two using a Disciples deck (include a proxy card for this one), and I think you'll see just how difficult it is to not only get all 12 Disciples on the table, but also keep them there long enough to use this. If you think of it as a quasi-Alternate Win Condition, I think you'll truly appreciate the challenge. 8)

if the disciples are in potter's field, does that count as control?
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Re: Revelation of John - Set List and Information
« Reply #493 on: April 10, 2017, 12:27:47 PM »
It's pretty difficult to setup all 12 disciples but thematically shouldn't there be a decent pay off for doing so?

Exactly this^^

Some players are not as interested in having the most powerful strategy or optimal deck build, but rather they want to use fun combos that are challenging to pull off. We simply wanted to give those players a great benefit for pulling it off.  8)

if the disciples are in potter's field, does that count as control?

Fortress Alstad
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Re: Revelation of John - Set List and Information
« Reply #494 on: April 10, 2017, 12:34:09 PM »
That's the point though, to make people play crazy decks that have never been played before. the good thing about disciples is that they have the boat to protect them, so it's easier to get them all out and keep them out. think about this: Build a deck using Sow, reap, rejoice!, Disciples of the Lamb, and eternal inheritance. Then, get to sog nj/tsc as fast as possible, play them, then use DotL to get sog back, then Sow, reap rejoice on the new john for a cbn rescue, and finish using a clay thomas and eternal inheritance. like i said, lots of setup, but, if done properly, you could have to not play a single battle winner.   

Let's think about this logically for a moment. You are playing SoG/TSC as fast as possible that means you're rescuing 2 Souls. You then use DotL to get back SoG and rescue a third (as soon as you've got all 12 Disciples in play and can keep them in play--I think you really underestimate how hard that is going to be). You are now at 3. The only way you're going to be able to use SR&R is if you are losing (not tied, losing), which means your opponent already has 4 so now you're rescuing your 4th but your hand is gone and your opponent also has 4. Unless you're relying on LS drought, that doesn't put you in a very good position. Then if you do somehow stop your opponent from getting 5, you need to set up a Clay Thomas and get initiative to use EI.

There's another card that will be previewed soon that also relies on having 12 of a certain group of Hero in play to make it work and I haven't even been able to consistently pull it off in T2 where the game is longer and I have more Heroes.  :P
Fortress Alstad
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Offline Gabe

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Re: Revelation of John - Set List and Information
« Reply #495 on: April 10, 2017, 12:35:21 PM »
I am loving the Bowls! Shouldn't they have the identifier Plague though? (As Revelation calls them the last plagues he pours out on the Earth.)
I'm trying to find the significance of using "Plague" as an identifier. There's currently no REG entry or cards that I can find which interact with "Plagues". As a general rule we don't add identifiers or create REG entries (which we do for all identifiers) unless they serve a specific purpose (EMPTY! on TGT being an exception).

I think it is a wasted card the chances of anyone playing or having all 12 disciples is too far out there. There are so many other cards that could be made instead of this one that everyone can play instead of a card that is so specific.
I totally understand where you're coming from and agree that this card isn't for you. It's probably not even a card that makes the final cut in my competitive Disciples build (at least in T1, maybe in T2). But there are players that will enjoy this and enjoy the challenge that it presents them.

John Early did a good job translating player type psychological profiles as described by another popular CCG in a LoR article called Larry, Curly, Moe. When designing cards we try to include a variety for each different player type. That means that some of the cards in any given set will be unappealing to some players and exciting to others.

if the disciples are in potter's field, does that count as control?
Yes, you control characters in your set aside area.
« Last Edit: April 10, 2017, 12:45:45 PM by Gabe »
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Re: Revelation of John - Set List and Information
« Reply #496 on: April 10, 2017, 12:49:24 PM »
Rod of Moses interacts with plagues but they have to be from Exodus, so there should at least be an entry for "Exodus Plagues" beyond that, I can't think of any.

I also agree that, I'm not that scared of DotL!  PLEASE, PLEASE keep all of your disciples in your Fishing Boat until you get all 12, and I'll make sure you lose every single one of them!


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Re: Revelation of John - Set List and Information
« Reply #497 on: April 10, 2017, 12:52:52 PM »
DotL sounds interesting in TEAMS!

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Re: Revelation of John - Set List and Information
« Reply #498 on: April 10, 2017, 12:55:24 PM »
Two situation/combos were discovered which would have led to Lamb's Righteousness being able to rescue a captured Hero on the opponent's of those situations we were okay with, the other not so much. Can you figure out what those situations/combos were?  8)

Looks like they weren't able to figure this one out.  It would be rude to Taunt anyone about this, and since Miracles do happen, I guess we give them more time?   

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Re: Revelation of John - Set List and Information
« Reply #499 on: April 10, 2017, 01:15:13 PM »
Yeah, Disciples of the Lamb is a fun card, pure and simple (although Hobbit pointed out Teams, where it would possibly work easier). You're better off using more enhancements over the extra 3 or so Heroes you wouldn't normally include (not even counting Reassuring Angel, who I would use in a disciples deck). Now, if you're using a bigger deck, it's more feasible (Gates + Potter's Field and a large deck?), but if you want efficiency over cool combos, look elsewhere.

As a side note I don't know what other abilities he may have posted during test plays but here is a suggestion. (Not that it really matters since I doubt there is time to test it)

You may look at a reserve, if yours, you may exchange your revelation Evil Character (or a revelation beast in discard pile) with a Revelation evil character in your reserve.

I can say right now that this ^^ would require a lot of testing (also, recurring a certain new EC this easily is already too strong). If TFP were to change, it would have to be simple. Some ideas (in order of power level):

(1){Keep abilities as-is} “You may look at a Reserve. First strike. Cannot be prevented.”

(2){Abilities 12/12} “You may look at a Reserve or a hand: Draw 1 if there is a multicolored card in that hand or Reserve.”

(3){Abilities 12/12} Territory Class - “Protected from conversion. If this character blocks, you may look at a Reserve. Cannot be negated.” (As an aside, it makes no sense to me why he can be converted.)

(4){Abilities 12/12} “You may look at a Reserve, or take the bottom card from deck to hand. Cannot be negated by a N.T. card.”

(5){Abilities 12/12} “You may exchange an evil card in hand with an evil card in Reserve. Cannot be interrupted.”

(6){Keep abilities as-is, or decrease} “You may look at a Reserve. May band to a unique Revelation demon if no other demon is in battle.”

(7){Keep abilities as-is} “While blocking alone, protect your Revelation Evil Characters from lone Heroes.”

You get the idea. There's just so much more that can be done with the False Prophet, and my thought is this is the last chance to do it. But, if it doesn't change, then it'll only elicit an "Oh well" from me. I won't let one dud get in the way of enjoying the rest of the set. 8)
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