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Unofficial Tournaments / Re: R.A.I.D.! ReDux (2.0)
« Last post by MrMiYoda on August 11, 2024, 06:19:09 PM »
Unofficial Tournaments / Re: R.A.I.D.! ReDux (2.0)
« Last post by MrMiYoda on August 11, 2024, 06:18:46 PM »
R.A.I.D.! ReDux (2.0) DECK 01
Dek Name:
Cards (25):

R.A.I.D.! ReDux (2.0) DECK 02
Dek Name:
Cards (25):

R.A.I.D.! ReDux (2.0) DECK 03
Dek Name:
Cards (25):

R.A.I.D.! ReDux (2.0) DECK 04
Dek Name:
Cards (25):

R.A.I.D.! ReDux (2.0) DECK 05??
Dek Name:
Cards (25):

R.A.I.D.! ReDux (2.0) DECK 06??
Dek Name:
Cards (25):
Unofficial Tournaments / R.A.I.D.! ReDux (2.0)
« Last post by MrMiYoda on August 11, 2024, 06:11:58 PM »
Created this thread to honor RR Cmdr Royce A for inventing a half deck iteration that was successfully used at Royal Ranger activities and beyond that had limited hang out time.

This is the thread where R.A.I.D. all began:
Click Here!

The 4 original deks designed by Cmdr Royce with the help of  Redemption Elder Joe S:
Angel of the Harvest

My current thoughts on using KL & ROOTs to build rotation half deks that closely match wits led me to ask the following questions:
1. Can I maintain equivalence between the 4 half deks with the original design using enhanced GH cards and scroll cards replaced by ROOTs (easy to acquire)?
2. Can I incorporate KL as one of the half deks by building at least 1 more KL-based half dek design that would be equivalent in competitive edge compared with the existing 4 GH-based deks?
3. More questions to come.

WANTS (if feasible):
1. SoG & CM included in each dek.
2. tba

Help me finalize 4 or 5 new 'equivalent' R.A.I.D. deks to playest, tweak, and use in the next RR PowWow activity. Y'all are welcome to use them in yours!

***(See deks as they get revised and finalized  -- in next post)***
Redemption® Market / Re: Cnakeeyes Trading Post updated 8/6/24 Added II
« Last post by Sean on August 11, 2024, 02:17:36 PM »
I have the following GoC cards:

Baptism of Jesus
Simon the Zealous
Legion of Angels
Joanna, the Generous
Mary, the Restored
Stolen Treasures
Herodias' Daughter
Contagious Fear
Futile Inquisition
Beelzebub (UR)
Prince of this World x2
The Accumulator

Looking for Israel's Inheritance cards in return. Gray, Green, and cards that support them are my priority.
Testimonials / Re: The Birth of Royal Rangers Redemption
« Last post by MrMiYoda on August 11, 2024, 02:03:16 PM »
I will keep honoring this amazing brother and Redemption gamer who is the reason why since 2018 more 1500 South Texas, South Central RRs, and beyond have embraced Redemption as one of their organization's activities as well as credited training classes. God bless you RR Commander Ken Porter!!!

Testimonials / Re: The Birth of Royal Rangers Redemption
« Last post by MrMiYoda on August 10, 2024, 11:52:12 PM »
I got to speak at the South Texas EDGE Working Lunch Session on 10Aug2024.

Here is the script:
"Blessings Commanders and guests! For those who don't know me yet I'm Roy, a happy and blessed adopted brother of The Royal Rangers.

For those who are new to the game, Redemption is a Bible-based trading card game where Heroes go into battle to rescue Lost Souls. It's a game of epic earthly and spiritual warfare. Redemption celebrates its 30th anniversary as a game in 2025.

We celebrated this year the 6th Anniversary of Redemption at South Texas PowWow2024.

Please do not leave this EDGE event without AT LEAST getting some information about the game as well as a free Patriarchs booster pack. We have infolink QR codes posted around this venue including one behind the dining section wall from right beside a huge Redemption banner. We urge commanders to acquire some starter decks for your outpost. If you do we could use them to get you started in knowing how to play the game here at the conference, at your outpost, or anywhere else sometime soon.

On behalf of all commanders and outposts who have since 2018 embraced Redemption as an activity, on behalf of Commander Chad Hutson who has embraced Redemption as an official PowWow activity at Camp Williams, and on behalf of our beloved Commander Ken Porter who is the reason why Redemption was born and continues to flourish among Royal Rangers in South Texas, South Central and beyond --- I prayerfully urge all Royal Rangers to seriously consider making the game part of your regular activities and ministry, perhaps also as an amazing tool for Royal Rangers to be in symbiosis with your church youth and adult groups.

Thank you Cmdrs Jeff and Lori Stokes for inspiring me to keep on teaching the game to Royal Rangers. Finally, thank you so much to our beloved District Director Commander Jason Bone for his undying support for Redemption and for embracing the game himself.

Get that unique official Royal Rangers family gaming patch on your Royal Rangers shirt by playing Redemption!

See y'all at Room B23 which is open all day til 5pm for everyone be you attending my class this afternoon or just simply curious about the game!


Thank you all, and Godbless!"

Testimonials / Re: The Birth of Royal Rangers Redemption
« Last post by MrMiYoda on August 10, 2024, 11:25:41 PM »
This is the 6th year that Redemption has been featured at the South Texas Royal Rangers EDGE Leadership Conference. This year it was in San Antonio TX. Once about every 2 yrs Redemption is taught as one of the conference's credited class courses. Redemption had two 1hr classes each day on Friday and Saturday (09/10 Aug 2024). Pray for even more seeds as the game has been taught to more than 1500 commanders and young RRs around the country since 2018.

Preparing Redemption demos and classroom on the eve of the South Texas Royal Rangers EDGE.

The slideshow I used for my two 1hr Redemption classes at EDGE.

18 yr old Riley M is the youngest in the STXRR leadership. He is actually the founder of a Redemption fan club made of some RRs who 5 yeats ago started marching and chanting around STXRR PowWow camp as the (in)famous 'Eaten By Worms Gang'.

Riley attended my two Redemption classes as an adult commander, helped me teach the game, and has been lovingly teaching the game at his outpost and church. God bless you Cmdr Riley for embracing Redemption in your heart!

Riley (above, left) receives a special service award from Cmdr Jeff Stokes who has been the reason why Redemption has been kept as a class and subject matter at the EDGE leadership training. Jeff is and his wife Lori have been amazing supporters and promoters of Redemption.
Redemption® Market / Re: Cnakeeyes Trading Post (GoC Added) updated 4-14-22
« Last post by Cnakeeyes on August 06, 2024, 09:31:48 PM »
Updated 8/6/24 Added II
Redemption® Market / Re: RobM’s trading post
« Last post by robm on August 05, 2024, 06:10:09 PM »
Updated with promos and URs for sale
OP updated with some Nats2024 pics (IN CONSTRUCTION)

PM or DM me ur Gmail if u have Nats2024 photos to share to the album so I cud make u a collaborator. Simply drag and drop ur photo share into the album. U must be an authorized collaborator to do so. Blessings.
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