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Cactus Board Games / Scanning and cataloguing cards
« Last post by Matman on January 23, 2025, 03:13:08 PM »
What is the best univesal tcg scan and organizer app for redemption cards?

Is there one out there?

Is there an app in production for Redemption cards?

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
Redemption® Market / Re: CtheTree Trade Hub
« Last post by CtheTree on January 23, 2025, 11:53:56 AM »
I started reorganizing my entire collection and the entire collection I maintain for my play group to trade for back in November. It took me till now to finish inventorying everything due to limited free time. I now have our trade hub fully updated. Previously I used to try to have on hand two of each rotation card with 1 of each being my own personal collection and 1 of each being available for the playgroup members here to trade for. Once I finished inventorying everything I realized we are within striking distance of being able to have 2 of each rotation card on hand for the play group members to trade for. I have listed here all the cards we are looking to trade for to end up with 2 of each rotation card on hand for the playgroup members to trade for. I have listed as well everything we have on hand available for trade. Please note I have three National winners promos on hand available for trade toward the ultra rares we are looking to trade for. People almost always sell these and rarely trade them so this is a great opportunity to get some rare cards.

See the above post for the link.
Testimonials / Re: SirLOL Says ll The Return of SirLOL
« Last post by MrMiYoda on January 20, 2025, 11:07:33 AM »
Yes, that message I sent you was legitimate. The 3rd party program was probably Tapatalk for people who want to use it as a forums portal instead, for better viewing on mobile devices.  You do not need to use it. It only pops up when you initially log into the forums. Fyi, forums post titles must not include apostrophes.

Thank you for posting here. Apologies if it made you feel uneasy initially to receive a message.

Praying for your amazing destiny. Peace.
Off-Topic / SirLOL Says ll The Return of SirLOL interface
« Last post by SirLOL on January 20, 2025, 10:39:18 AM »
The forum does not work well with my cell phone. Not your problem and not your fault. I cannot edit post very well as there seems to be no scrolling up or down option with long post.

Not sure if I'm missing something, not sure if I will even get a reply not sure if I'll even have time or away to read the reply.

Life has been cruelly sadistic in some ways for the past few months. There's nothing I can do about it legally at this present time. Will say that I told my lawyer not to contact me again because of his deception. That should give you a clue of how bad it is.

Thought I should mention the posting form problem in case someone else is having it as well.

Good day
Testimonials / SirLOL Says ll The Return of SirLOL
« Last post by SirLOL on January 20, 2025, 10:26:52 AM »

I received the following text / email.

Not sure if it's technically legitimate.

Clicking on the link sent me to a third party program without any forewarning. That was deceitful. I am a man of honesty and I prefer honesty and integrity above all earthly things, that I am currently aware of. Being the old military man that I am, I am aware of a lot more, then I can ever be happy with. Joy is fleeting peace is non-existent etc. It confirms Ecclesiastes. Under much knowledge is much sorrow. And with that sorrow becomes responsibility. Because if you know to do right and don't do, it is sin. And I must do and I must say and I must act even if the whole world is against me and has absolutely no clue of to what I am speaking.

I use a speech to text program and it may have errors. I expect common sense to dictate with holy and godly discernment. Anything less is failure.

I have no idea what I may have said in the beginning as fact. However I will iterate what I do now that is on topic of gaming and Christian gaming specifically.

I have been a gamer since I got my first Nintendo. Since Nintendo was first released.
A hardcore collector gamer at that. I have more games than most game stores. Moving on.

When I was in high school they taught us how to code pong. As well as write other codes for different games.
At the time of that learning there was some decent games that people created like snake and turtle and various other pong-like games. I was working on something greater and they told me that the coding at that time was not capable of doing what I wanted to do that it must remain basic. Unfortunate. I'd be a multi-millionaire by now if I would have done it myself. I had school work to attend to. I had to be respectful and obedient of instructions to the people I lived with and to the school. That came first.

I know creating a decent game takes a lot of work, diligence,  eye for detail, prudence, foreknowledge etc. There's hardly any decent games out there anymore.

I know making a Christian game is even more difficult, almost exponentially because you have to deal with ignorant ungodly people who willfully want to do harm and call it something else.

I remember a game that I played on the Nintendo that had a repetitive song throughout. Jesus saves, despite the redundancy of that song I did enjoy the game and wish I still had it. I don't remember the name of that game.

I know there was a card game that was a Christian card game called redemption I think and I thoroughly enjoyed that as well. I liked reading the cards and I like playing the game and even my own house rules made it more biblically accurate and immersive.

The guy that made the original set of those cards sent me a box of them, like a starter box and a couple other little packets.

Upon receiving the package I reverted into like being a kid, possibly elementary kid mentality. I hugged the box like a puppy dog because my emotions were the same as such. To do anything less would be deceitful and dishonest. I did it so naturally that when I caught myself and felt myself smile that much I saw the reflection in my mind's eye and then I laughed at myself and smiled at myself again for that wholesome moment.

That is what I know.

At least about what I may have shared concerning this topic.

There is no more.

Here is the email, / text that I received:

You have just been sent a personal message by MrMiYoda on Cactus Game Design Message Boards.

IMPORTANT: Remember, this is just a notification. Please do not reply to this email.

The message they sent you was:


Noticed your testimonial thread fails to open because your tittle has an apostrophe. We would love for it to be seen and remembered in history. Could your please post a new thread hoping you still recall the details of your post?

Here is your's/:

Thanks and Godbless. Peace.

Reply to this Personal Message here:;f=inbox;pmsg=246762;quote;u=52
Redemption® Gaming on LackeyCCG / Re: Update to Lackey Plugin: 2024-09-16
« Last post by TheJaylor on January 18, 2025, 06:53:18 PM »
Grapes of Wrath promo could use a higher quality picture. Right now the SA is kinda fuzzy.
Redemption® Gaming on LackeyCCG / Re: Update to Lackey Plugin: 2024-09-16
« Last post by TheJaylor on January 17, 2025, 07:02:59 PM »
Wings of Calamity (Roots) and Temple Guard's Spear have "Warrior" instead of "Weapon" for their Class.
Redemption® Gaming on LackeyCCG / Re: Update to Lackey Plugin: 2024-09-16
« Last post by TheJaylor on January 16, 2025, 12:11:57 AM »
Pharaoh's Daughter has the wrong SA.
Redemption® Market / Foil Promised Land For Sale
« Last post by Sean on December 30, 2024, 08:42:02 AM »
I have a Foil Promised Land for sale for $300.00. First come first served.
Off-Topic / Merry Christmas!
« Last post by EmJayBee83 on December 25, 2024, 10:11:49 AM »
Quote from: Charles Dickens
...and it was always said of him, that he knew how to keep Christmas well, if any man alive possessed the knowledge. May that be truly said of us, and all of us! And so, as Tiny Tim observed, God bless Us, Every One!

Keep Christmas well, y'all.
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