Author Topic: when a door closes, God opens another  (Read 1335 times)

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when a door closes, God opens another
« on: June 14, 2015, 04:23:50 AM »
i'd like to give another praise report and answered prayer for this; so far things with me and cracker barrel have not been working well with a change in management, slashing of hours, and a schedule that forbid me from going to God's house on sunday mornings which I felt was too much for me to bare spiritually for the past few months of haven't been to church and so I changed my availability only for me to receive just from 2-3 hours a week so I went job hunting and very shortly after I applied and got the job closing for Taco Bell that's also walking distance from my apartment. I had my first closing night just last night and im excited about what lies ahead for me and taco bell in the future but one thing to say in a time like this and I find it to be very appropriate for my situation to say this but here it goes: remembering the times colin has teased me about smelling like tacos and other people encouraging it and bugging me even further in the past it now doesn't bug me cause I will say this; after closing NOW I smell like tacos!! LOL!!! :rollin:
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Re: when a door closes, God opens another
« Reply #1 on: June 14, 2015, 07:39:31 AM »
LOL. I'm glad you could see the humor in that.  ;D

God certainly has a way of pointing us in the right direction. As the Bible says, "The mind of man plans his way, but the Lord directs his path." God will clear the path, but you still have to choose which way you're going to take. You made a difficult choice, but I agree with you that it was necessary to stay true to your faith.

Good luck with your new job!  ;D
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