So here's the deal: Lately I've been really depressed, because I feel loaded with work all the time, I don't have any friends at school, and most importantly I feel like I have no connection with God at all - I can never feel Him with me, and I don't feel like any of my prayers are being heard. My grades have been slipping, I'm going through some social withdrawal, and I've had a few thoughts of - I don't want to say suicide, but I've just been thinking of ways it would be nice to die soon.
So I talked with my counselor and my parents, and we've decided that reverting back to homeschooling is probably the best option for me right now, because it would give me the freedom and free time that I'm lacking. I'm anxious to see if it will work at least as well as it did for me in middle school, hopefully better. However, I still have a lot of questions about how it will work, what curriculum I need to follow, how the grading will work, etc.
I guess I just felt like I should get this out there because I need prayer and support anywhere I can find it right now.