I know the feeling. My last job I was told (in September) that I had until December to work for this company. Less than a week later they came by my cube and told me I had two weeks and they were shutting down my position. Caught completely off guard and my wife was in Europe, I was freaking out.
I went 6 months without work.
But God used those 6 months to teach me SO many things that I could not have learned. It completely changed my mentality with work, it changed my mindset on money and saving money, it changed a lot of things for the better. I really had to rely on Him and through that entire time He was always there to take care of my wife and I with all our needs.
I was dreading those months without work and God just turned what I saw as a disaster into something that helped re-shape my life. I am thankful for that time and now when I look back, I see it as a good reset button.
I don't know what your work holds, but God is going to be there for you the entire time. Lift your worries up to Him and let Him lead you where He wants you
Psalm 139:23-24
23 Search me, O God, and know my heart!
Try me and know my thoughts!
24 And see if there be any grievous way in me,
and lead me in the way everlasting!