Author Topic: Prayer for Guidance  (Read 1480 times)

Offline The Schaefer

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Prayer for Guidance
« on: June 14, 2017, 02:08:40 AM »
A good friend of mine and brother in faith had a bit of a falling out lately and it's really hitting me pretty hard and am unsure of what to do or how to take things. I guess to put things simply the friend had a tendency to to argue with people over any matter which normally isn't an issue between us since I've been around him long enough but he really got to me this last time. He really doesn't like accepting opinions that a different than his own in spiritual matters and is quick to "edify" others on these matters to the point of rebuking them. Since he claims that the Holy Spirit is convicting him to "edify" others on these matters he is unwilling to relent and causes strife with his friends, family, and with his church leaders. In the latest discussion he brought up he rebuked every translation of the bible but the KJV including the original manuscripts as false doctrine since they all have errors. I went on to assert that all translations have some errors potentially but that they are still useful for teaching and spreading the word of God which caused him to assert that I was spreading false doctrine. He went on to say that since he knew the Holy Spirit was convicting him on this he knew his interpretations and opinions were right and because of that he was compelled to rebuke others spreading this false doctrine.

Simply put I care about this friend and I fear he going down a very dangerous path. He already causes divisions in his relationships and it seems now he is convicted to do cause even greater rifts. I want to be a godly and good friend to him but I'm unsure on how to approach this. I'm afraid for the path my friend is on, I'm unsure how to treat his dangerous viewpoint, and all I know is to pray.

I ask that whoever can pray for me to be the best friend I can to him despite these rifts, pray that these rifts that he is creating can be mended, and pray that he find a way to live in peace and unity with others in a Christlike manner. Pray that I be patient and understanding with him and to be true to the Lord through it all.

Sorry for the Rant.

Offline jesse

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Re: Prayer for Guidance
« Reply #1 on: June 14, 2017, 07:59:03 AM »
That is awesome that you are striving to show unconditional love to your friend. I agree that it sounds like he is on a dangerous path and I will pray now for this situation.
Love is the flame of God, Who is love and an all-consuming fire!- Song. 8:6-7, 1 Jn. 4:8, Deut. 4:24


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