It may be silly to pray about the future since tomorrow is not promised to us, but it has caused me stress lately, so I will ask nonetheless.
The State Legislature just passed a new bill that will cost my employer over $25 million in lost income, as well as likely eliminate referrals of students from other districts. This will decrease the number of students who attend our school significantly. We have already seen the cuts starting, and we were told on Monday that there will be no new hiring, nor replacement of those who leave. The school is hoping for just a "Zero Growth" model, such that all who are in will stay. But, as a mathematician, I just don't see the numbers working. Of my 150 students, only about 30 would be unaffected by this new law.
I am fairly confident that I could find a new teaching position here in the state if I should get laid off. However there are no guarantees in this present economy. I also gave up any possibility of tenure in the state when I left my regular teaching job to join my current school last August. The legislature passed a law last year that eliminated tenure for state workers (except lawmakers of course) who are hired (or rehired) after June of 2012.
I know that God will work things out in his own way. He always has. God may allow me to stay at my current school, which has been more challenging than I had anticipated. My wife has started earning some income for the first time in about 15 years, thanks to the success of her blog. Who knows what the future may bring. :-)