Author Topic: Prayer for a new Chapter  (Read 1327 times)

Offline GreatGray

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Prayer for a new Chapter
« on: March 11, 2017, 07:05:44 PM »
Hello everyone! First off, this is gonna have some awesome news after I tell a story that leads to it, its a bit more testimonial but there is a request. After that, I have recently been freed from some nasty stuff and I need help keeping that freedom. Finally, thanks to that freedom, I have decided to join the war against the devil and his works! This kind of prayer can be for our whole generation nowadays due to the rampancy of this problem.
A quick backstory about the event:
From the age of 12 to right before I turned 16 I was heavily addicted to pornography, and over the course of those years I unknowingly picked up and deeply engrained some serious demons in me. I grew up knowing demons were real, and I was taught about possession and how they work, how they can affect you, and most importantly how to get rid of them. But I never had to deal with them. Last night, I discovered they can possess Christians and that I had more than 1 in me. Now to the story.

Last night as I was praying before bed, my body started to shake when I prayed against the lust that so often rules our brothers and sisters in Christ. I had suspected a demon had been tagging along with me for the past few months when I recognized it. I never thought it was anything more than that. Come forward to that night, I was showed that it was in fact in possession of me and that it was at least 2 different demons if not more. Over an hour of prayer I learned that one was named Belzebul and the other(s) were named Lust. I cried for help, for strength, and that fear would leave me, which it did. I started a mantra of Rebuking, Casting out, breaking its' holds in the name of Jesus Christ praise be to Him! As I kept going they started seizing more control over my body. I started shaking uncontrollably, my mouth and face were forced back in a snarl grimace, they started screaming through me, because they were finally being attacked and cast out. They were physically ripping at my heart, clawing at my mind, weaving themselves throughout my spirit, making my hands drip from sweat, snot running continuosly, sending spasms throughout me, and making my feet rip at the floor. This kept mounting up for an hour as my mantra got more focused and I kept asking the Holy Spirit to invade me and burn them with His Presence. At its height I had no control over me, could barely make a sound and all of a sudden I felt them being fully bound and fly out of me. I had control over my body, and such overwhelming peace and joy overflowed in me. They were gone, and by the Power of the Name of Jesus Christ, I was free. Free at last, free at last, thank God Almighty I am free at last. The curse was broken, I finally had peaceful thoughts without sin which hasn't been the case for so many years. I just laughed, there was so much joy I felt I was laughing for the rest of the night.
Now please, thank God with me, rejoice for this victory and Jesus' power and love! Please pray for me, that I would be a warrior and faithful servant of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and for protection against the devil and anything like this he has planned, because boy is he upset! Pray for deliverance for every teenager, man, women, and child that suffers these spirits, some are our own brothers and sisters.
I thank everyone of you, for your prayers, your examples, and your devotion to fighting the good fight of faith!

Offline The Guardian

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Re: Prayer for a new Chapter
« Reply #1 on: March 28, 2017, 12:22:50 PM »
Hey man, how are things going with this? Many times when we achieve a victory, the enemy loves to hit us even harder.

This was an awesome breakthrough and I'm glad you were willing to share it.

It is stories like these that inspired me to choose Word of their Testimony as my player created card last year--a testimony is a powerful thing!
Fortress Alstad
Have you checked the REG?
Have you looked it up in ORCID?

Offline GreatGray

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Re: Prayer for a new Chapter
« Reply #2 on: March 28, 2017, 03:16:16 PM »
I have definitely been attacked a lot of times from this. I do still need prayer for this. There has been more peace and there power's have been easier to dislodge. But my guard has been let down, and change is hard to do especially in how I see people. This curse, though it has faded or crumbled, I haven't let it go and left it with Jesus. At least it often feels that way.
To sum up, better but so much more to work through. Thank you for your prayers!


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