This is the first time I have asked for prayer on a forum, but I think I could use the entire online redemption community to back this up in prayer.
I have a friend who I have a lot of respect and love for (friendship love) but he has an anger problem (that I think is rooted in pride and bitterness) and I want to see him set free of that. I know he want to be free of it, but he (at this moment) isn't willing to do what it will take to be free from it so I am asking that you pray for him to become willing and for the strength to overcome, by the power of Jesus.
I would also ask that you would give me and everyone else in his life the patience, wisdom and courage to help him.
He is a Christian and I believe Jesus has been and is working in him already.
Thank you to everyone who is willing to put time and effort into prayer because I know I can't do this alone.