Author Topic: need some prayers for myself now.  (Read 2521 times)

Offline Psomaster

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need some prayers for myself now.
« on: December 28, 2008, 07:10:44 PM »
im going through a hard time right now. i dont know what i need to do. kayla is ok now. shes moving in with her new boyfreind soon and they will be fine. she has quit playing wow completely and does not intend to come back. it was fun for us to do together. but it was leeching the life out of both of us. once she stopped playing over the christmas brake she saw that i might have been 'stalking" her which is a overstatement. i sent her messeges here and there over the brake but they added up fast since she was ever online. yeah bad idea to leave so many messeges. so now im a stalker to her and i dont wanna loose her as a freind.

now heres the thing. depending on what happens tonight i will know what to do. i got her boyfreind to make me a promise before she sent me the email explaining why she hasnt been on and wont be talking to me for a while if again. i asked him to talk to her about it. and to come talk to me about it afterwards. and that we would atleast stay freinds as hes a nice guy. but depending on how that goes and if he keeps those promises i will know what to do. if he doesnt keep the promises im gonna be down for a long time as i have nothing to do at all around the house anymore.

im stopping wow myself as i have also become addicted and want want to end the cycle. im going cold turkey on it and its hard. i have no games i havent already beaten or things to do to occupy my time so im gonna be bored out of my mind. so im putting some trust with phil now and will see what happens when he gets back tonight.

kayla already stated that if i try to contact her through other means then email(ei online phoning) she will call the police. i doubt she would but i dont wanna make things worse. im hoping phil will keep his promise and stay freinds with me and we can chat from time to time and stay freinds. thats what i want and need right now. freinds.

i have no job, no money, nothing to do. im occupying my time with games that are multiplayer, watching old tv shows online on legal sites(ie LOTS of adds during the vids :P go hulu). r99 doesnt get back from outa town for another half a week. so im bored stiff for a while.

i just realy need some prayers to get through this grueling time. anything you all can do will help. thaks everyone.

P.S. firefox messed up and erased half my post before i sent it so i retyped it and mighta left semething out ><
Pray for Kayla with me always.

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Re: need some prayers for myself now.
« Reply #1 on: December 28, 2008, 08:16:41 PM »
Praying for you man. 

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Re: need some prayers for myself now.
« Reply #2 on: December 29, 2008, 12:09:20 AM »
The more this whole situation goes on the more I'm thinking you'd be safer leaving that relationship alone.  Let her contact you.

Just curious, how old are you?  I ask because you said you didn't have anything to do so i am guessing your in school and are on winter break. 

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Re: need some prayers for myself now.
« Reply #3 on: December 29, 2008, 04:20:48 AM »
im 19. and i dont wanna leave it alone cus id rather not loose a best freind. im letting it settle right now and seeing where i stand. i will probly move on regardless of what happens. its just gonna be realy hard to.
Pray for Kayla with me always.


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Re: need some prayers for myself now.
« Reply #4 on: December 29, 2008, 10:52:46 AM »
I think... that you need to leave this alone. Maybe you should take her word that you may have been being stalkerish... sometimes we don't realize the things we do and how others perceive them.

"Best" friiendships aren't one sided either. This has hurt you and her in a lot of ways and it may be best to just walk away.


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Re: need some prayers for myself now.
« Reply #5 on: December 29, 2008, 10:58:33 AM »
I agree with marti. I will pray for you but that you do whats best for both of you.
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Re: need some prayers for myself now.
« Reply #6 on: December 29, 2008, 11:28:57 AM »
 :prayer: :prayer:
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Re: need some prayers for myself now.
« Reply #7 on: December 29, 2008, 01:31:02 PM »
i didnt add that i am leaving it alone ><. sorry. i am letting it settle and waiting for phil to come online so i can find out where i stand once it settles. i wont be doing much to see if i can stay freinds with her for a bit other then talk with phil ><
Pray for Kayla with me always.

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Re: need some prayers for myself now.
« Reply #8 on: December 29, 2008, 02:06:24 PM »
This is gonna be harsh and not what you want to hear, but need to hear. Leave it and don't come back. From all the threads you have posted regarding this "relationship", you have been the odd man out. If she wants to speak to you again, she will contact you otherwise let it go and just keep her in prayer. In my observation, this is an online fantasy relationship that has no grounding in reality and has gone way too far. I am not posting this to be mean. We can become infatuated by someone and hang on everything they say or do, much to our detriment. It does not seem to be that she wants to change or desires to speak with you at this time. Having to get information from her boyfriend about your relationship with her is an indication that there isn't much of a relationship with you. Please don't get me wrong, our God is a God of miracles, but the reality is you seem to be so infatuated and caught up with this gal that you can't see or think clearly. I'm not posting this with no knowledge of what I'm talking about. I have been through this, longdistance relational thing and was on your end. Fortunately, I came to my senses and walked away cold turkey. It was hard and there was alot of hurt on both sides, but I survived and she did also. Please listen to voices of reason and wisdom that are trying to help you. If you need to go offline and talk more, you can PM me anytime.

Godspeed and much prayer,
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Offline Psomaster

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Re: need some prayers for myself now.
« Reply #9 on: December 29, 2008, 02:23:53 PM »
i am stopping cold turkey. its just her boyfreind is my freind now also ><. so im basicly asking him a single favor to make sure she doesnt hate me cus of the stalkerish things i did. whether she does or doesnt i simply want to know and will leave it at that and me and phil can still chat and be freinds. if in the future she wants to be freinds with me i will glady be her freind. but right now im restraining myself from contacting her directly or through anyone else but phil and hoping he will come through this one time and then we can just chat and it wont have anything to do with kayla at all. i was planning on letting her go soon anyways. maybe keeping in contact but just distancing myself from her a bit so she can do whatever she wants without my input.
Pray for Kayla with me always.


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