Author Topic: Summer Work: Perhaps my hardest job yet  (Read 1223 times)

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Summer Work: Perhaps my hardest job yet
« on: May 19, 2011, 04:10:08 PM »
Hey all,

I wanted to inform you that I am both excited and nervous for working as the first research intern for the Career College Association/Association of Private Colleges and Universities this summer. I am excited because as many of you know, this is my passion, helping get students in and out of their chosen field of study so they can be contributing members of society. I am nervous because of everything that I have read about the for-profit sector, most of it is negative. In fact, it's because I am not affiliated with anyone that makes me so marketable. I start on the 13th and will be bathing this position in prayer and ask that you do the same. It will be so easy to become political one way or the other, but when that happens big talking heads win and students lose, and I cannot or will not be part of that. This is the first time I have worked in such a charged environment and covet your prayers to remain neutral to report the facts as data reveal them. In the end the truth must be told, despite the consequences.

Thank you all and pray you are all blessed as I have been!


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