Tonight was amazing. Over the past few years I've been kind of ignoring God and such, I mean I went to church, youth group etc. but I never actually got in to it...until tonight.
Someone in our youth group was healed tonight, This person has something wrong with his knees so that they get hurt really easily. He was in a wheelchair a 6 or 7 weeks ago and was on crutches tonight. We paired off at the end of Youth Group to pray for each other, I went and prayed for this kid and he was healed. He was able to walk the the length of the outside hall in out church (it's huge) with no assistance, before he couldn't go 3 ft by himself. I also felt this message pressing into my mind it was:
"This is but a dim reflection of things to come" Which is weird because I don't usually talk or think like that so I brushed it off but it kept poking at my mind until I went over and told the kid that and afterward I felt great.
Over the past month or so I've been felling like I have something special that I either A. Don't know about or B. Don't use
As of now I don't feel that anymore, I feel complete I just feel
In Him,