Author Topic: Few details, but still a request  (Read 2413 times)


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Few details, but still a request
« on: September 16, 2008, 09:21:28 AM »
Okay, I'm typing this from my school library. About 5 minutes ago, a girl (I don't know her, but she's a friend of another friend of mine, if you can understand that... >_<) went behind the bookshelf nearest to me, and she started crying. Well, her friends went with her to comfort her. I was sitting there trying to listen to what was going on, but I couldn't hear, and I didn't want to ask her, for fear of making it worse by bringing it up again.

Maybe that's eavesdropping, but I just couldn't ignore it. I'll do my small part, and I'll ask you to do yours. I have no idea what's hurting her, and I don't think it's any of my business to ask, but whatever it was made her just come in and immediately hide herself so no one will see her tears, so it's got to be bad. This is a very strange prayer request, but it's a request just the same. Just pray that she can cope with whatever's going on in her life.

 I thank you.


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