Author Topic: Does the hurt ever go away?  (Read 1444 times)


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Does the hurt ever go away?
« on: August 06, 2011, 12:09:31 AM »
Yesterday, August 4th, marks 7 years since my father lost his battle with cancer. I'd like to say that it's gotten easier with time, but it really, truly hasn't. In fact, I think it's gotten worse, at least recently. My heart aches, and I miss him so much. I've lived almost 1/3 of my life without him, and days like this make me especially aware of the absence.

Truth be told, I had forgotten what the day was until my sister's usual LiveJournal post reminded me, and then I was annoyed at myself for forgetting. Annoyance soon turned to sorrow, and I spent almost the entire 6 hours between work and bed this morning (I work third shifts right now) in tears at my computer looking through pictures of him. My sister kept pretty detailed journal posts about everything surrounding that time, and as I do every year on this day (and sometimes on his birthday, too, he would have been 60 this year) I read through them to remind myself that I still knew, still remembered.

I listened to this song on repeat for a good 2 hours before finally running out of steam and collapsing into bed. It's a hopeful yet sad song that my family chose to play during a slideshow of my father's life at the funeral so many years ago. Until yesterday I hadn't listened to it since the funeral, but now I have it bookmarked and I play it once or twice every so often. Not sure if it harms or helps, but I listen to it anyway.

I don't know whether all this is healthy, or making things worse on myself. I'm not so good with emotions like this, or grief. But, um, yeah, that's my story.


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Re: Does the hurt ever go away?
« Reply #1 on: August 06, 2011, 12:50:47 AM »
Go Radio - Forever My Father (new version) with lyrics

Having spoken to this man about his father, I can tell you he feels the same. I can't offer much in the way of "does it ever go away" but hopefully this affords you some comfort. It's been 4 years since his father passed and he still plays this song at least once a week rather it be at a show or just sitting by himself on the bus.

There's also another version of this song that has his sister and younger brother singing as well. They wrote the song the night of their father's wake on the instruments spread around his casket (he was a musician as well) and recorded it that night.

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Re: Does the hurt ever go away?
« Reply #2 on: August 06, 2011, 08:37:32 AM »
I really can't relate to this in any way. I've never lost a loved one before. I can't imagine how it must feel. My only advice would be to remember what the most important thing in life is and whatever you do, don't let your grieving get in the way of it. If your father loved Christ, then you have nothing to worry about. You know where he is going and you know you'll see him again someday. Just keep living a faithful and loving life and time will pass. I will pray for you.
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Re: Does the hurt ever go away?
« Reply #3 on: August 06, 2011, 08:44:34 PM »
Yes.  Yes it does, but it may take a lot longer than this.  Don't ever forget that God can take your life and turn it upside down.  He's grabbed me by the ankles and shaken me a few times.  For struggles like this one, I'd recommend a book called The Shack (Yes, the theology isn't that sound, but it's a great read)
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